Festival of Social Science 2018

Application form Deadline: 25 May 2018

The University of Edinburghis a Festival partner. We will run a minimum of 5 events which will be selected by a panel from the College of Humanities and Social Scienceat the beginning of June. Applicants should apply using this form, NOT directly to the ESRC.

Please contact the Knowledge Exchange Office if you are thinking of applying. We can offer advice and support at any point in the application process.

Please refer to the accompanying ‘Information for Applicants’ document when completing your application.

1. Personal information
Name of applicant / Job title
School / Subject area/Centre/Institute
Email / Telephone
Cost centre / New job code required? (Y/N)
If no, please provide job code (must start with G)
Finance Administrator / Finance Administrator’s email
2. Details of proposed event
Working title
Maximum 7 words/100 characters. This may be edited for promotional use.
Underpinning research
Maximum 150 words.
What do you hope to achieve by running your event?
What do you hope the audience will gain from your event? Maximum 100 words.This may be edited for promotional use.
Event description
Maximum 150 words. This may be edited for promotional use.
Partner organisation(s)
Are you working with a partner organisation? Please provide details here.
Who is/are your intended audience(s) for your event?
Public(s). Please specify: ______
Professionals. Please specify: ______
Young people: Please specify: ______
Why is the topic relevant to your intended audience?
What is your intended audience size?
How will you ensure your intended audience attend?
What makes your event exciting/interesting for your audience? Maximum 100 words. This may be edited for promotional use.
What venue do you have in mind?
What format will your event take?
For example: participatory theatre, storytelling workshop, hands-on activity, facilitated workshop, roundtable, comedy, cabaret, public debate, exhibition.
Are you working with an external organisation (e.g. theatre company) to deliver your event?
Please provide details here.
Do you require funding to run your event?
If you have funding from other sources (e.g. research grants) you should still fill in the application in order to be included in the programme.
Funding requested to run the event:
Up to £1000 is available per event.
Eligible costs:Venue hire, stationery and print, marketing, consumables needed for the event, travel and subsistence for speakers, refreshments.
ESRC will only pay food for whole day events and not consider alcohol. This may be funded from the University part of the funding, but must be justified specifically.
Please itemise your costs. We may come back to discuss the costs to ensure we get maximum value for money.
Item and justification (please expand table if needed) / £

Please return to the Knowledge Exchange Office:Dr Shonagh McEwan, Knowledge Exchange and Communications Adviser, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.Email: Telephone: 0131 651 4211