Incident Commander (for EDS)
Name:Assigned To EDS Area:
The Person You Report To: Public Health Rep. at the EOC
Name: Phone:
Reporting To You Are: PIO, Health and Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, Planning Chief, Logistics Chief, Operations Chief, Finance & Administration Chief
Purpose: To organize and direct all operations of EDS
Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of EDS Plan, all stations of an EDS, organizational skills and management experience. Familiar with Risk Communication Protocol and local media resources, ICS 100-400, NIMS 700 or equivalent.
Equipment: Communication equipment-2 way radio, cell phone, contact numbers, laptop, computer with printer and access to fax machine, roster of public Health Staff, Vest/ID badge.
Upon Arrival:
at Workforce Staging Area.
Review Job Action Sheet and organizational chart.
Sign-out equipment and resource packet, if necessary.
Receive vaccination/prophylaxis, if not already treated.
Receive and put on identification (vest, id badge, etc.).
Sign necessary forms, if applicable (confidentiality forms, etc.).
Familiarize self with clinic layout and needs.
Conduct briefing for those reporting to you.
Routine Duties:
Activate elements of the Incident Command System.
Obtain Incident Briefing Form (adapted ICS Form 201) from the public health representative at the EOC.
Conduct initial briefing/planning meeting with Command Staff and Section Chiefs and Facilities Unit Leader.
Establish immediate priorities especially the safety of responders, other emergency workers, bystanders, and people involved in the incident.
Complete an EDS Incident Action Plan to include:
- EDS Incident Briefing Form (adapted ICS Form 201)
- Assignment List (adapted ICS Form 203)
- EDS objectives
- Command staff goals and objectives
- Map(s) of facility and EDS operation
- EDS communication plan (ICS Form 205) from Communications Supervisor
- Transportation plan from EOC
- Security plan from EOC
- Incident Safety Analysis (ICS 215a) from the Health and Safety Officer
Determine appropriate times for ongoing briefings/planning meetings with Command Staff and Section Chiefs.
Confirm with Logistics Chief at least 1.5 hours prior to start time that Facilities Unit has set up all equipment and supplies on site and facility is ready to open.
Confirm with Planning Chief at least 1 hour prior to EDS start time that staffing is adequate.
Approve staff schedule and assignments as developed by Planning Chief, including hours of operation.
Review with the Staff & Volunteer Resource Supervisor the job tasks of all staff.
Approve the use of incident-specific training for EDS staff.
Obtain overall media policy and strategies for VIP visits (i.e. government representatives) from PIO.
Work closely with security to monitor any media breaches.
Assist local government representatives in briefing officials and media, as appropriate.
Review safety considerations with Health and Safety Officer.
Review with Liaison Officer the security plans of assisting agencies.
Communicate with EOC at regular intervals.
Periodically check work progress of Command Staff and Section Chiefs’ goals and objectives.
Assist all Command Staff and Section Chiefs when needed.
Manage any incidents or problems while the EDS is operational.
Approve requests for incoming or outgoing resources (between EDSs or from EOC).
Contact the Receipt, Store and Stage (RSS) Warehouse through the EOC for reconciliation regarding any discrepancies (excess/deficiency or wrong medications/supplies) between the order and delivery of items from SNS, EOC or other sources.
Monitor colleagues and clients for signs of fatigue or distress.
Prior to Shift Change:
Ensure that a designated individual is left in charge while briefing the replacement EDS Incident Commander.
Hold shift briefings for entire staff at beginning and end of shift.
With replacement EDS Incident Commander, conduct Command briefing/planning meeting.
- Assess current EDS situation.
- Update the EDS Incident Action Plan.
- Consider and implement Unified Command if necessary.
- Modify goals and objectives of Command Staff and Section Chiefs.
Send all reports, documents, etc. to the necessary Section Chiefs or EOC.
At EDS Closing:
Coordinate between the EOC and Planning Chief to develop the Demobilization Plan (adapted ICS Form 221).
Schedule and hold demobilization planning meeting with Command Staff and Section Chiefs.
Release resources and supplies and workforce as appropriate.
Arrange to have equipment & supplies returned.
Send all reports, documents, etc. to the necessary Section Chiefs or EOC.
Restore facility to pre-EDS conditions.
Secure facility and return keys to facility representative.
Participate in de-brief
When relieved, hand-in all documents, including Job Action Sheet with feedback, to the person you report to.
Participate in scheduled debriefing at shift change or close of EDS.
Return to Workforce Staging Area.
Return identification (vest, id badge, etc.).
Pick up exit materials, as appropriate.
Promptly leave the EDS site.
Refer all media inquiries to PIO.
Health and Safety Officer
Name:Assigned To EDS Area:
The Person You Report To: EDS Manager or Incident Commander
Name: Phone:
Reporting To You Are: Health and Safety Assistants (if assigned)
Purpose: To ensure the health and safety of EDS workforce and clients.
Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of OSHA, infection control, PPE, ICS and EDS Plan. Ability to walk long distances; familiarity with clinic setting preferred.
Upon Arrival:
at Workforce Staging Area.
Provide credentials if this has not been previously done.
Review Job Action Sheet and organizational chart.
Sign-out equipment and resource packet, if necessary.
Receive vaccination/prophylaxis, if not already treated.
Receive and put on identification (vest, id badge, etc.).
Sign necessary forms, if applicable (confidentiality forms, etc.).
Review educational materials on medications, becoming familiar with appropriate administration techniques, contraindications, potential drug interactions, vaccine/medication side effects, and disease symptoms.
Attend briefing.
Conduct briefing to assistants or staff reporting to you, if applicable.
Report to your assigned EDS area for observation before beginning duties as needed.
Routine Duties:
Conduct a general inspection of the facility prior to it becoming operational with the Logistics Chief and the facility representative.
Ensure physical layout, especially of dispensing area, is designed to minimize risks to staff and volunteers.
Complete an Incident Safety Analysis (ICS 215A) for each shift.
Develop a safety action plan to include:
- Incident Safety Analysis (ICS 215 A).
- Potentially hazardous situations in the EDS.
- Hazards, risks and potentially unsafe situations and how they will be monitored.
Familiarize self with clinic layout and personnel.
Ensure sharps collection is set up appropriately.
Ensure that all assisting agencies are included in the safety action plan by working with the Liaison Officer.
Ensure adequate rest is provided to all EDS staff by monitoring the sign-in and assignments at the Workforce Staging Area.
Direct EDS staff needing rest, food, medical or mental attention to Workforce Services.
Exercise emergency authority to stop and prevent any unsafe acts.
- Correct any hazards immediately if possible, or notify the Section Chief responsible for the area.
- Maintain a log of all areas observed, hazards identified, and corrective action taken.
- Discuss with EDS Manager and document any action on Unit Log (ICS Form 214).
- Conduct follow-up inspections on a periodic basis for compliance to all health and safety standards.
Initiate accident investigations within the EDS.
- Ensure that accident investigation reports are completed and provided to EDS Incident Commander.
- Ensure a copy is given to the local health agency for follow up purposes (i.e. worker compensation).
- Work with Medical Leader as needed.
- An investigation should not interfere with the primary duties of the Health and Safety Officer.
Prepare safety messages (verbal, written, signage, etc.) for the EDS.
Monitor personal protective equipment usage.
Monitor weather forecasts for any change in weather conditions during the EDS that was not predicted and could cause high-risk conditions.
Conduct periodic briefings to keep assisting agencies informed of safety action plans.
Provide routine progress and/or status report to EDS Incident Commander.
Monitor colleagues and clients for signs of fatigue or distress. Notify the person you report to, or relieve subordinates, as appropriate.
Coordinate information with lead PIO.
Perform other duties as assigned and approved by the person you report to.
When relieved, hand-in all documents, including Job Action Sheet with feedback, to the person you report to.
Participate in scheduled debriefing at shift change or close of EDS.
Return to Workforce Staging Area.
Return identification (vest, id badge, etc.).
Pick up exit materials, as appropriate.
Promptly leave the EDS site.
Refer all media inquiries to PIO.
At Shift Change:
Brief replacement
At EDS Closing:
At closing, maintain observation for hazards during teardown and re-packing of the assigned area.
Public Information Officer
Name:You Report To: EDS Manager OR Incident Commander (Circle One)
Name: Phone:
Reporting To You Are: Public Information/Communication Liaison(s)
Purpose: Coordinate information to inform the public of the disease, clinic(s) situations, clinic(s) times, and other incident information and coordinate assisting agencies reporting to the clinic.
Qualifications: Crisis communication skills and PIO expertise. ICS Training (ICS 100-400), NIMS 700 or equivalent. Familiarity with Risk Communication Protocol and local media resources
Equipment: Two-way radio, cell phone, contact numbers, laptop, computer with printer and access to fax machine, roster of Public Health Staff, Vest/ID badge.
Upon Arrival:
Gather needed materials:
- Radio or other communication devices.
- Media packet (FAQs).
- Contact information of local officials and other local, regional and state PIOs.
- Schedule and location of mass clinic(s) in operation.
- Information about the disease and the treatment being provided.
- Public Health Emergency Plan including: Risk Communication Plan, EDS Plan and contact info.
- Computer, phone, extra battery charger for phone
- Maps and other reference documents
Review Job Action Sheet and organizational chart.
Receive vaccination/prophylaxis, if not already treated.
Receive and put on identification (vest, id badge, etc.).
Sign necessary forms, if applicable (confidentiality forms, etc.).
Identify restrictions from Incident Commander in contents of news release information (e.g. fatality statistics)
Establish area for media briefings and press conferences.
Attend briefing.
Conduct briefing for those reporting to you.
- Give each subordinate a copy of his/her Job Aid.
Routine Duties:
Establish media release procedure with Incident Commander, including briefing schedule.
Establish coordination of information and dissemination of information with EDSs , EOC and other regional partners/city agencies.
Coordinate/Delineate roles and responsibilities with Public Information & Communication Liaison(s) at each EDS.
Coordinate assisting agencies’ Public Information needs:
- Greet assisting agency representatives when they arrive.
Prepare initial information summary to include:
- Level of public/media interest in incident/clinic(s).
- Incident information and activities already underway.
- Primary point of contact for media and public.
Ensure that media considerations are a part of the overall EDS plan.
Inform each clinic site of overall media policy upon initial activation.
- No comment; refer media to a specific contact.
- Explanatory statement; no media admittance.
- Media visits NOT permitted without PIO/Security escort.
- Media permitted to attend briefing station only.
Receive information/updates on situation from Liaison Office, Incident Commander and PIO/JIC
Develop media statement(s) as appropriate.
Determine who will participate in media interviews and briefings. Brief these individuals on messaging and coordinate interview schedules as needed.
Coordinate media activities:
- Escort media representative(s) to site if approved by site coordinator
- Serve as point of contact for media
- Make media contacts as necessary.
- Provide media statements and answer questions as necessary.
- Arrange guided tours for media at EDS(s) as necessary.
Develop strategies for informing or involving VIPs (i.e. government representatives).
Ensure updates are made to other local, regional and state PIOs, the EOC or the JIC.
Answer appropriate media calls.
Ensure that reporters receive media packets.
Ensure that all equipment for news conferences is available (i.e. microphones, EDSiums, etc.).
Document all media contacts on Unit Log (ICS Form 214).
Publicize and optimize attendance at each EDS.
- Announce method to organize the population to attend specific EDS sites based upon EOC determination (i.e. risk categories, SSN, phone #, zip code, first come-first serve, etc.).
- Advise whom the EDS is intended for and for whom it is not intended.
- Advise public on what to bring with them for identification purposes.
- Advise how to access sites via public/private transportation, if available.
- Notify the public of services available to functional needs/vulnerable populations, including but not limited to transportation for physically handicapped or elderly persons, if available.
- Advise public of hours of clinic operations.
- Advise public that vaccination/prophylaxis is free of charge.
- Advise public that undocumented residents will not be at risk of deportation if present at EDS.
- Advise that interpreters will be available.
Monitor media outlets to check accuracy of information being reported.
- Contact media outlets to correct errors of fact and control rumors about the incident.
Provide information to local information and referral services, including 2-1-1.
Setup/prepare for switchboard/call-center/hotline for non-media calls.
Activate website with status of updates, fact sheets etc. (see instruction on how to update website)
At Shift Change:
Recommend follow-up press briefings and releases as needed.
Brief replacement
When relieved, hand-in all documents, including Job Action Sheet with feedback, to the EDS Manager.
Account for all communications equipment issued to staff
Participate in scheduled debriefing at shift change or close of EDS.
Return identification (vest, id badge, etc.)
Return forms and materials as needed.
Pick up exit materials, as appropriate.
Liaison Officer
Name:The Person You Report To: EDS Manager
Name: Phone:
Reporting To You Are: Agency representatives from assisting agencies
Purpose: To coordinate assisting agencies reporting to the EDS.
Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of ICS, EDS Plans and EOC functions. Familiar with Risk Communication Protocol and local media resources.
Equipment: Communications equipment- 2 way radio, cell phone, contact numbers, laptop, computer with printer and access to fax machine, roster of Public Health Staff, Vest/ID badge.
Upon Arrival:
Gather needed materials:
- Radio or other communication devices
- Public Health Emergency Plan
- EDS Plan
- Mutual aid request forms
- 24/7 Plans and contact information
- Briefing format
- All other appropriate forms
at Workforce Staging Area.
Review Job Action Sheet and Organizational Chart.
Receive vaccination/prophylaxis, if not already treated.
Receive and put on identification (vest, id badge, etc.).
Sign necessary forms, if applicable (confidentiality forms, etc.).
Attend briefing.
Conduct briefing to assisting agencies as necessary.
Report to your assigned EDS area for observation before beginning duties as needed.
Routine Duties:
Assist in establishing and coordinating interagency contacts.
Provide a coordinated two-way communication link with key program areas and other entities involved in the response and recovery operation (e.g., elected officials, community leaders, VIPs, and other governmental and NGO support agencies).
- Identify an area where assisting agencies should report.
- Greet assisting agency representatives when they arrive.
- Brief assisting agencies on the needed information for them to do their job functions properly.
- Arrange for communication network between EDS and assisting agency representative.
- Keep log of assisting agencies on site.
- Keep agencies supporting the incident aware of the incident’s status.
Monitor incident operations to identify current or potential inter-organizational problems.
Participate in planning meetings and provide current resource status, including limitations and adaptability of assisting agency resources.
Provide routine progress and/or status reports to EDS Manager or EOC.
Maintain a Unit Log (ICS 214)
Monitor colleagues and clients for signs of fatigue or distress. Notify the person you report to, or relieve subordinates, as appropriate.
Perform other duties as assigned by the person you report to.
At Shift Change:
Brief replacement
When relieved, hand-in all documents, including Job Action Sheet & feedback, to the person you report to.
Participate in scheduled debriefing at shift change or close of EDS.
Ensure that all required agency forms, reports, and documents are completed.
Return to Workforce Staging Area.
Return identification (vest, id badge, etc.).
Pick up exit materials, as appropriate.
Promptly leave the EDS site.
Refer all media inquiries to PIO.
Operations Chief
Name:Assigned To EDS Area:
The Person You Report To: EDS Manager
Name: Phone:
Reporting To You Are: Medical Services Director, Non-Medical Services Director, Functional Needs Services Director, Pharmaceutical Services Supervisor
Purpose: To oversee all operational functions of the EDS.
Qualifications: Licensed clinician, nurse or other appropriately trained and recognized health official, thorough knowledge of ICS, EDS Plan and management experience. Ability to provide clear concise direction. Ability to stand for long periods of time.
Upon Arrival: