New England Regional Conformation Show

& Breed Survey, AD

Schutzhund Club of Buffalo

SV Judge & Koermeister Franz Kampenhuber

October 24 - 25, 2015

Amherst Boarding Kennel 4650 Millersport Hwy East Amherst, NY 14051 USA

Phone (716) 860-2578 e-mail:

Mail Entry Form to Kenneth Payne - 339 Bird Ave Buffalo, NY 14213, USA

Entries should be received no later then Oct 18, 2015 . Late entries will be subject to a $15 fee

Name of Dog: / Age: A / DOB : / SEX:
Tattoo # / Reg # / Scorebook #
Registry (USCA/SV/AKC/Other: / Affiliation (USCA/SV/Other:
Working Title: / Breed Survey: Yes No / For Year: / KKL #
Name of Sire: / Reg # / Working Title:
Name of Dam: / Reg # / Working Title:
Breeder: / Handler Info:
Owner/Co-owner: / Phone/Email:

Conformation Classes - Please indicate Class & Sex - Please indicate here ( ) if LH (Long Coat)

4 – 6 Mos / Male: / Female: / $40 / 18 – 24 Mos / Male: / Female: / $50
6 - 9 Mos / Male: / Female: / $40 / 24 Mos + UNT / Male: / Female: / $50
9 – 12 Mos / Male: / Female: / $40 / Veteran / Male: / Female: / $50
12 – 18 Mos / Male: / Female: / $50 / Working Class / Male: / Female: / $60
AD ( indicate here) / Male: / Female: / $50

Breed Survey

Please include copies of all paperwork , a clear copy of scorebook and complete all information below:

New Survey / SV $135 / USCA $95 / M - F / Re Survey / SV $135 / USCA $95 / M - F
AD: / Yes No / SV Elbows normal / Yes No / SV Hips / Normal / Fast Normal / NZ
OFA / Elbows Y - N / OFA # / Excellent / Good / Fair

Please make Checks payable to the SCHUTZHUND CLUB OF BUFFALO


Originals or notarized copies of all required documents must be brought to show (*see below)

It is required that every dog at this event will at all times be in the care and control of the dog’s handler. It is further understood

that the undersigned agrees to be fully responsible for the actions of his/her dog(s) while on the show grounds, and I agree to hold

Schutzhund Club of Buffalo and Amherst boarding Kennels and United Schutzhund Clubs of America, its members and all

property owners, officers and employees HARMLESS for loss and injury allegedly caused directly or indirectly to any person or

property by the act of my dog while on the site. I hereby assume all responsibility for such claims. I further relinquish all claims

and agree to hold the above named parties HARMLESS for loss or injury, including death and property, that may have been caused

directly or indirectly by the actions of any participants or their dogs to myself or my dog during participation in this event

Signature of Owner: / Date:
Signature of Handler: / Date:


Puppy, Youth, Young Dog and Adult Classes:

Dogs 12 months and older must present proof of FCI or WUSV recognized registration.

Dogs born in the United States must present an AKC registration.

  • Proof of dog’s registration paper or notarized copy.
  • Proof of dog’s original pedigree or notarized copy.
  • Proof of current rabies vaccination.

Working Classes:

  • Proof of dog’s registration paper or notarized copy.
  • Proof of dog’s original pedigree or notarized copy.
  • Proof of breed survey document when breed surveyed by SV or USCA Koermeister.
  • Proof of hip certification when hips are certified. (“a”stamp or OFA).
  • Proof of USCA recognized scorebook with at least SchH1 or HGH under an USCA recognized judge.
  • Proof of current rabies vaccination.

Breed Survey/Resurvey:

  • Proof of dog’s registration paper or notarized copy.
  • Proof of dog’s original pedigree or notarized copy.
  • Proof of breed survey document when breed surveyed by SV or USCA Koermeister.
  • Proof of hip/elbows certification when hips are certified. (“a”stamp or OFA).
  • Proof of USCA recognized scorebook with at least SchH1 or HGH under an USCA recognized judge.
  • Proof of current rabies vaccination.

USCA Breed Surveys - OFA elbows accepted - working tiles obtained by SV judges, USCA or FCI judges. (USCA surveys are in English and handled by the USCA office.

SV Breed Surveys - SV elbows required - working titles obtained by SV recognized judges.

  • For US residents (If a dog is not registered with the USCA Breed Book Office, an extra fee ($35) is applicable.)


  • Proof of USCA recognized scorebook
  • Proof of current rabies vaccination

Canadian Entries

Entry Fees may be made by bank check in US funds.