FERPA/eCommons Release

Name of Student: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Student NetID: ______

Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), I hereby authorize Cornell University to release the following educational records and information (identify title of the paper):



The records identified above will be made available to the public through the Cornell institutional repository (currently eCommons). While I understand that it is preferred that I deposit the educational work identified above, there are times when it may be simpler for Cornell University staff to do it on my behalf. I hereby authorize the deposit of the educational records identified above on my behalf.

I am requesting the release of records so that my work can be used as an example of the work conducted and to further the research of others. I hereby authorize the Cornell University Library to take any necessary actions to accomplish this purpose.

I represent that I am the creator of this paper and that the paper is original and that I either own all rights of copyright or have the right to deposit the copy in a digital archive such as eCommons. I represent that with regard to any non-original material included in the paper I have secured written permission of the copyright owner(s) for this use or believe this use to be allowed by law. I further represent that I have included all appropriate credits and attributions.

I understand that (1) I have the right not to consent to the release of my education records, and that (2) this authorization shall extend to Cornell University and its grantees, lessees, or licensees in perpetuity unless revoked by me, in writing and delivered to the Cornell University Library. Any such revocation shall not affect disclosures previously made by Cornell University or its licensees prior to the receipt of any such written revocation.


Student Signature Date

As faculty mentor to this thesis, I authorize its inclusion in the eCommons Honors Thesis repository. I warrant that all requirements of the University’s “Inventions and Related Property Rights” policy, Policy 1.5, have been respected.


Faculty Mentor Name Signature Date
