Minutes of the Meeting of the

General Purposes Committee

Of Immingham Town Council

10th April 2017


Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

Cllr CastleCllr DohertyCllr Duke


Cllr Swinburn (sub),Cllr Barton (sub),Cllr Cullum (Chair)Cllr Fox

CllrMrs K Swinburn (Sub),Cllr Burton,Cllr Houghton (sub)

Six members of the public were present.

Elaine Norton spoke wholly in support of the Sports & Leisure Strategy Document and said that One Voice would be available to help deliver any consultation.

Johnny Walker from Immingham Town Football Club said that it was an excellent idea and would help deliver a great sporting facility for the whole town. He also promised to communicate the project to all as it progressed.

Marc Davies of Pilgrims Junior Football stated that the document would be of great help to deliver phase 3 at Roval, finally pulling together all their hopes for the site.

Officer: D Jackson Clerk

Declarations of interest: To note any declarations of interest made by members in respect of items on this agenda.

Cllrs. Cullum, Fox, Swinburn, Mrs K Swinburn & Burton all declared personal interests in item 119 as members of the museum.

Cllrs Fox a& Barton declared personal interests in item 119 as members of ITFC also.

119/16: Sports & Leisure Strategy Document and Funding Bid:

Committee considered a contribution to support a funding application to develop up a strategy document for sport & leisure within the Town. This document would be critical to groups looking to fund projects relating to sport & leisure in Immingham. In particular it would be useful for the Museum 2020 Project and possibly for other sports groups.

A funding bid for £8,000 would be submitted to Awards for All, with Council contributing £2,000. Members unanimously expressed their support for this initiative.

Recommended: that Council supports the awards for All Bid and agrees to contribute £2,000 from reserves subject to a successful bid.

120/16: Cemetery Drainage: To consider the installation of herringbone drains at the top end of the new side of the cemetery. The Clerk had been asked by a resident to consider installation of some drainage to help keep the plots at the top end of the cemetery drier. A quote of £900 had been received.

Members felt that whilst there was no guarantee of success of the drains working, at that price it was decided that it was worth a try. The drain would be trenched with pipe and ballast.

Recommended: that the Clerk instructs the contractor to proceed.

121/16: New Library: To consider granting permission to Lincs Inspire to install automatic doors to the Library / Museum entrance.

Members were broadly in agreement that Lincs Inspire could fit automatic doors to the new library entrance and that Council would pick up the maintenance costs. They asked that the Clerk received and approved designs / drawings before installation though.

Recommended: that the permission is granted.

122/16: Health & Safety Inspections: Committee received an update on the Annual Health & Safety Inspections carried out by staff. There were no areas of concern but some future works were highlighted as being necessary.

The Clerk outlined which assets had been inspected and what works had been identified as requiring actions.

Members considered prices to repair pot holes at Homestead Park and Roval Drive and approved the price of £675 at each site.

Recommended: that the Clerk instructs the contractor to make the necessary repairs at each site.

Meeting Ended 6.35pm