Saddleback College
ESL Department Meeting Blast
April 2018
1. April 20 (this Friday!!) from 12-3 in the quad: Our Spring ESL Event. There will be free food, games, and information about jobs, career counseling and more! Students canbring their friends and family, and it would be great if teachers can attend too! I'm attaching a flyer for more info.Pleasetellyourstudentsaboutitifyouhaven'talready!!! If you have MW classes, maybe you can send an email blast through Canvas or Blackboard! I'm also attaching the Spring 2018 Newsletter put out by our counselors. If you would like hard copies to give to your classes, please let me know.
2. May 1 (next Tuesday!) 4:00-5:00 HS 145: Liberal Arts Outstanding Student Recognition Ceremony. Please come congratulate the ESL students who havebeennominated for this award, especially if you nominated students. It really means a lot to them. Thank you Todd Windischand Roman Delgado for helping spread the word and select the winner.
3. Wednesday, May 16: Faculty Contractual Day -Classes are NOT in session
4. Final Exams - Be sure to check your days and time for finals week May 17-23. Here's the link - scroll down to the second page for spring:
- From May 17-23, your class will only meet on your scheduled final-exam day; for example, if your final is May 22, your class won't meet May 17.
- Off-campus classes at AESL sites, the last day will be May 21 for Monday-only classes, and May 23 for MW classes.
- Some teachers choose to have finalexams on the last day of instruction and have a party and review the final exam on the scheduled final-exam day, but either way, classes are expected to meet during finals week.
- (Ideally, this info should be in your syllabus.)
5. Remember to submit your Positive Attendance hours online via MySite.
6. SAVE THE DATE: Ourfirst ESL Department meeting for Fall 2018 will be August 16, 3:00-5:00. Professional Development Week is August 13-17, and there will be a lot of interesting and useful workshops, so please plan to join us if you can.
7. April 27: Due date for submitting proposals for projects funded by the Basic Skills Initiative (though they may accept other proposals at a later date if funds are still available.)Thankyouto NedaSahranavard,ourESLBSI representative. Possible projects may include:
- creating instructional videos that all (or most) ESL faculty could use in classes (maybe explaining the differences between CR and NC classes, "Welcome to Saddleback" with information about on-campus resources,etc.)
- creating curriculum for support courses due to requirements of AB705 requiring ESL students to complete transfer-level courses within 3 years (talk to me if you're interested in this).
- other projects that would benefit our ESL students and/or faculty.
Here are more details about submitting proposals (from email from Carrie Goulding Monday, April 16):
The Basic Skills Committee is accepting project proposals for the 2018-2019 academic year. The theme for this year is AB 705: the committee strongly encourages project proposals with evidence-based practices and principles to supportAB 705implementation at the college.AB 705emphasizes use of high school transcript data for placement, maximizing the completion of transfer-level math and English requirements within a single year, and contextualizing basic skills support across the disciplines. The attached BSI Funding Request form provides additional guidelines for qualifying projects.
Link to Proposal Info Folder
Please note the following key dates:
·4/27/18:Due date for submitting proposals
·5/3/18: BSI Committee Core Group will review/rank proposals
·5/10/18: Awardees will receive notification and information for next steps
We strongly encourage collaboration across disciplines for this process, as well as discussions with department chairs and deans for feedback and guidance.
Please review and complete the attached proposal form. Submissions aredue Friday, 4/27/18, in electronic format emailed .
Thank you so much for everything you do! We are so blessed to have such amazing ESL faculty!
Enjoy the rest of thesemester!