FEMA/American Red Cross National Mass Care Strategy Meeting
December 3, 2010
Attendees: Mark Askey, Ben Curran, Donna Brooks, Julie Blanciak, Al Vliet, Gregg O’Ryon, Larry Decker, Anne Palmer, April Wood, Trevor Riggen, Dennis Dura, Juliet Choi
Recap from FEMA MOA Implementation Meeting –
Notes from NVOAD meeting to be sent to group electronically; request to post in a neutral location; suggestion of posting to NVOAD website for access by all
Determine Scope of National MC Strategy – Strategy vs. Framework
Ø Inefficiencies need to be ironed out; over the years there has been unsuccessful movement towards a single system
Ø Create forum for ongoing communication/collaboration for organizations that work in mass care
Ø Determine what we want to get to/what mass care is/start where we want to end and work backwards/what the public should expect as far as mass care standards
Ø Create an understanding of the capacity/capabilities beyond the local level/national resources
Ø Mass care systems that are in place aren’t articulated anywhere
Ø Develop cross cutting, common fundamental principles & standard shared language
Ø Shared implementation of mass care
Ø Provide basis for states and locals to apply for funding
Ø How do we set a joint target? Shared vision of mass care…common understanding
Ø Target Audience – local and state emergency management & service providers
Ø Compile comparable work to share with group:
o Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Strategy 2010 and 2020
o National Disaster Housing Task Force Strategy
o National Feeding Template model (available on NVOAD website)
o Sphere Project
Ø Plan an exercise to determine what value is added during an actual operation – basis for national capacity building – a way to work together to refine our mission
Ø Provide structure for lesson’s learned
Capturing protocol, procedures and processes previously used or attempted
Timeframe for implementation – delivery date of one year
Need internal and external communication strategy/updates–
· Internal ARC and FEMA audience
· NVOAD member organizations
· “Other” NGO’s, FBO’s and CBO’s
· BENZ, Business Roundtable, key private sector partners, chamber of commerce, FEMA Private Sector Office
· Key committee staff
· Advocacy groups
· MOA working groups
Structure of Steering Committee* -
Designated members (establish if alternates are allowed)
Ideally no more than 10 members – 1 representative from each organization
- FEMA (to represent all federal agencies
- American Red Cross
- Southern Baptists
- State EMA
- Local./County EMA
- Salvation Army
- Private Sector
- Faith Based Office
- Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
- “Crisis Commons”/Technology
- Academic Community
- Regional
*Ensure diversity in composition of committee
Strategy Objectives
Ø Known methodology for local/county EMA
Ø Framework for standards of care, common language, common technology, and resource typing
Ø Integration of others
Ø Catastrophic planning
Next Steps:
Ø Hold Charter Meeting to hash out responsibilities – 3 tier lead (ARC, FEMA and NVOAD)
o What do we want to accomplish
o Articulates how this works today/what we know/identify gaps in current practices
Ø 4 working groups w/cross cutting areas/themes:
Bulk distribution
Family reunification
Ø Next meeting – Thursday,12/16/2010 9:00am to 12:30pm
o 9-11:00 Include NVOAD for MC Strategy
o 11-12:30 Implementation of MOA