FELTROSA 2010 Feltmaker’s meeting
7 - 13 May 2010
Prato - Textile Museum -
Yearly meeting promoted by Coordinamento Tessitori in collaboration in 2010 with International Feltmakers Association
Feltrosa is becoming international and Prato, one of the major textile centres in Europe will host the event.
Exhibition: The Climate si Changing!,juried exhibition of felt-art
Thursday, May 6
• 14.30 to 18 tour of the Florentine textile collections in Florence. Led by Eva Basile
Friday, May 7
• 10.00 -16.30 Arrival, registration and accommodation at guesthouse
• 14 A walking tourto discover the Prato textile district, in collaboration with ASVAIP, the heritage study association of Prato.
• 18.30 Official opening of the exhibition The Climate Changing - reception
Saturday, May 8
• breakfast
• 09.00 - 10.30 Annual General Meetingof International Feltmakers Association followed by coffee
• 11.00 -18.30 workshops, with lunch break
• 20.30a gala dinner at the villa in Mulinaccio Vaiano (PO)
Sunday, May 9
• breakfast
• 09.00presentation of work and commentary of laboratories
•from 10.00 Public felt demonstrations, market, exhibition
• 13.30 Lunch buffet and official close of the meeting
• 18.00 at the Textile Museum presentations of contemporary textile artists:
Janice Arnold: The Palace Yurt: From ancient Mongolia to New York City Museum Mile
Agostina Zwilling (other ones to be defined)
Monday 10 - Thrusday, May 12
• 09.00 -17.00 each day Post-conference workshops
Coordinamento Tessitori - Cp. 543 Fi Centro 50123 Firenze, Italy
tel/fax: 055.224 941 mobile: 338.67 69 055
e.mail: <>
Application form: read carefully, fill in and return to
Coordinamento Tessitori, cp 543 Fi Centro, 50123 Firenze, Italy fax +39.055-224941
There are only 80 places available. Applications will be accepted on receipt of this form and the receipt of the full payment of participation fees.
ZIP code, city
Choose one of the workshops, indicating a first and a second choice
We will try to meet your choices, but if one or more seminars is full at the time of your enrolment another workshop will be allocated.You will be notified.
1st choiche 2nd choiche
Designingcreative accessories
led by Barbara Giradi – Italian, English
A new skin: Raw wool into clothing
led by Heidi Greb – German, English, French, Italian
led by Judit Pocs - English, German
Create points, bumps, folds and pockets with accuracy!
Led by Annette Quentin-Stoll – English, German
Constructed hats with willow fibres
led by Danila Schön–Italian, Spanish, English translation
Blocking Felt Hats
led by Jeanette Sendler – English
Fine Felt with Attitude
led by Sheila Smith – English
L'eau c'est la vie / water is life
led by Agostina Zwilling –Italian, English, French
I will reach Prato by car I will reach Prato by public transportation
Dietary needs please specify
Post conference workshops:
A new skin: Raw wool into clothing. Make a vest or a bolero
led by Heidi Greb - German, English, French, Italian
2 day workshop
Handbags, shoulderbags and backpacks with special design
ledby Judit Pocss - English, German
2 day workshop
Elastic Structures
ledby Annette Quentin-Stoll - English, German
3 day workshop
Collars, Cuffs, and Mantles
led by Jeanette Sendler - English
3 day workshop
Felt on the Edge
led by Sheila Smith - English
2 day workshop
Indossa le tue idee/Wear your ideas/Portez vos idées
led by Agostina Zwilling- Italian, French, English
3 day workshop
Conference Fee includes:
Dinner on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.
The seminars on Saturday, excluding materials *, the program of meetings and visits to exhibitions.
* the cost approximately 20 euros to be refunded directly to teachers
Textile Tour in Florence - 6 May at 14.30 to 18 / 25,00 €Feltrosa 2010 (incl. accommodation) / 200,00 €
Feltrosa 2010 (excluding accommodation) / 185,00 €
Members of Coordinamento Tessitori (incl. accommodation) / 190,00 €
Members of Coordinamento Tessitori (excl. accommodation) / 175,00 €
Gala Dinner including beverages and wine / 25,00 €
Post conference 2 day workshops / 200,00 €
Post conference 3 day workshops / 280,00 €
Accommodation during pre- and post-conference program per day / 20,00 €
No workshop attendance day delegate / 35,00 €
Members of Coordinamento Tessitori, joined by the year 2010, enjoy a small reduction, to those who have never entered the association will be offered membership to the current year, (it dose not include the tessereAmano bullettin)
Payable through money order account No. 41186479
Coordinamento Tessitori, cp 543 Fi Centro 50123 Florence
International payment in Euro
(IBAN): IT88 Y 07601 02800 000041186479
BIC: BPPIITRRXXX all transfer cost need to be covered by the applicat (if not a balance will be asked during the conference)
The fees are to be paid in advance, any cancellations if notified by March 31, 2010 will be refunded less € 35.00 for administrative fees. Cancellation received between 1 and April 20 will be refunded by 50% of the fee. After that date there will be no refund howeverthe member may designate a substitute.
Enclosed receipt of payment. I accept the organisation conditions: