The Nominating Committee will begin recruiting candidates for the following positions on the 2010-2011ballot for the MHIMA Board of Directors and Audit Committee. Terms of office begin in July 2010:




Delegate Director (2)

Audit Committee (2)

Deadline for submission of names: January 31, 2010

Qualifications of Nominees:

All candidates must be active AHIMA/MHIMA members and hold an AHIMA-approved credential.

President-Elect candidates shall have been a MHIMA Board member or Regional President within the last five years, or an MHIMA Committee Chair within the last three years.

Delegate Directors shall have been an MHIMA Committee Chair, shall have held another elected office, or been a Regional officer within the last five years.

Description of Offices:

General:Each officer is expected to attend the 5-6 board meetings held during the year and to carry out activities/assignments between meetings. Board meetings held in late June, September, and November all last for approximately 5 hours. The winter conference call meeting and the meeting held the evening prior to the MHIMA annual meeting are generally 3 hour meetings. Per the Bylaws, the powers and duties of the MHIMA Board are to: provide for representation of the membership of MHIMA on all matters internal and external, establish and modify the policies and procedures of MHIMA, develop and oversee the implementation of MHIMA’s strategic plan, approve the annual operating budget, establish, oversee, and act on the recommendations of all committees and specialty groups, serve as custodian over all funds and property of MHIMA, render a full report on the financial status and activities of MHIMA to the membership at the annual meeting, and to oversee the coordination of the MHIMA Central Office.


  • Serves a three-year term.
  • As President-Elect, assist the President and carry out other duties as requested.
  • Prepare to assume the responsibility of the office as President the following year.
  • Attend AHIMA sponsored Team Talks/Leadership Conference during terms as President-Elect and President (2 days in mid-July and choice of several dates in March).
  • Attend the House of Delegates meeting at the AHIMA national convention during terms as President-Elect and President (late Sept or early October).
  • As President, become familiar with the procedures for Component State Associations established by AHIMA.
  • Select committee chairs.
  • Preside at all business meetings of MHIMA and at Board of Directors’ meetings.
  • Review, plan, organize, and direct the activities of MHIMA.
  • Communicate activities with the Board and the membership at large.
  • As Past President (third year of term), serve as resource to the President and the Board and as the Nominating Committee Chairperson.


  • As Treasurer, act as custodian of the official records pertaining to income and disbursements of the Association’s funds.
  • Oversee and monitor the income and expense practices and procedures to assure conformance with MHIMA policy and procedure.
  • Present the annual financial report to the membership.
  • Chair the Finance Committee.
  • Assist the Board in selecting an accounting firm.


  • The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the membership, as well as complete official correspondence for MHIMA.
  • The Secretary shall maintain a record of attendance of all Officers and Delegate Directors at all Board meetings and shall notify the President when a member of the Board of Directors has absences resulting in attendance at less than 75% of the Board of Directors’ meetings.

Delegate Director:

  • Serves a two-year term.
  • Assume duties as assigned by the President, including involvement in either the Bylaw or Scholarship Committee, or in preparing summaries of issues to communicate to the regional membership.
  • Is assigned as a liaison for two or three regions and attends regional meetings to present AHIMA/MHIMA updates.
  • Must be committed to attending AHIMA Team Talks (July and March) in preparation for representation at the AHIMA House of Delegates held in October.

Audit Committee:

  • Receives the financial records from the Executive Director at the conclusion of each fiscal year.
  • Assures the completion of annual audit procedures in conformance with MHIMA Bylaws and policy and procedure.
  • Reports the results of the annual audit procedures to the MHIMA Board of Directors at the conclusion of the audit.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you have ideas for nominations for any or all of the above noted offices (or if you are interested!), please contact Diane Larson at r complete the Candidate Profile form attached.

MHIMA Candidate Profile for Board Member and Audit Committee Nominees2010-2011

Please complete and return, with an electronic photo, to Diane Larson, by January 31, 2010.


Name and Credentials:

Mailing Address:

Email Address:

Telephone Number:

Current Professional Position:

Past Professional Positions Held:


Professional Activities:





Philosophy Statement (Why you are interested in serving in this capacity.):