Steps for Allstate Agents for Capturing Emails from Impact

Exporting Emails

  1. Open Agency Gateway.
  2. Go to Impact.
  3. In the Search Menu, make sure the Contact Type is listed as Customer and change Results Count to 200.
  4. In the last name field, type in “A*”.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Export to Excel.
  6. A dialog box will appear, click save. Verify you SAL#.
  7. An Excel sheet will open. Copy all the content and paste into a new Excel sheet.
  8. Go back in Impact and click next page.
  9. Repeat from step 4 to step 8 each.
  10. Once you have captured all the A’s, do the same for all the letters of the alphabet.

*Very Important*: Separating the Spreadsheets

You MUST separate the emails into separate spreadsheets of Customers, Prospects to import into our system. We will not upload Former Customers or any contacts without an email address unless you specially request to do so. You do not have to upload all three. Some agents choose to only upload Customers and Prospects and keep the Former Customers for their Winback campaigns. Also some agents choose to upload only the ones with emails and keep a separate list to call and update their email addresses.

  1. Once you have captured the emails, in your excel spreadsheet click Sort & Filter.
  2. Scroll down to and click Custom Sort
  3. Under Column click the drop down box and select Type
  4. Highlight and delete all of the Former Customers from your list
  5. Then Custom Sort your list by Email Address
  6. Highlight and delete all of the contacts without an email address
  7. Delete the Columns: Type, Gender, Marital Status, Phonetic Name, Birth Day, Birth Month, and Birth Year (These fields will not be used in our system.)

*Very Important*: Proper Casing Contacts

  1. Click the Formulas Tab at the top of the spreadsheet. Click Text to scroll down and click Proper
  2. Highlight the far left column of contacts and click OK
  3. Click on the cell that appears to the right of the contacts. It will have a square in the lower right corner of the cell. When you hover your mouse over the box, your mouse will turn to a plus sign. Click and drag the plus sign to the end of the contacts.
  4. On the last cell that was pulled down click and drag it to the right till you see all of your information on the right side as it is on the left side. (You will now notice the right side is now proper cased.)
  5. Open a twonew spreadsheets. Cut & Paste your Customers into the first new spreadsheet and do the same with the Prospects into your second new spreadsheet.
  6. Save the first spreadsheet as Customers and the secondspreadsheet as Prospects
