1.  Church members in Good Standing may schedule celebration events and may host meetings that contribute to the welfare of the community. All scheduling must be done with the Church Office on a first come first serve basis. Church calendar of events is maintained by the Church Office. When an event is scheduled, a Facilities Use Form must be read, signed, dated and left with the Church Office.

2.  All garbage cans are to be emptied and placed in the outside bins and new garbage bags are to be placed in the cans.

3.  No white chairs or tables are to be removed from the church premises.

4.  No church table linens or dishes are to be removed from the church premises.

5.  No food is to be left in the refrigerator or kitchen.

6.  Alcoholic beverages and drugs are not permitted on church property at any time.

7.  Set heat/air at proper temperature (posted beside thermostat) before turning off lights and locking all doors.

8.  Leave floors, countertops, tables and chairs clean and set up in the same order as when entering.

9.  All scheduled events must comply with insurance standards.

10.  In the event of a “Funeral and Dinner” the need to re-schedule any other event may become necessary.

11. If you drop things off in preparation for your event – the items need to be marked with

name & date. If not marked, it will be assumed the items have been donated to the


I will be using Fellowship Hall for: ______

(Birthdays, Family Events, Reunions, Baby or Wedding Shower, etc.)

Activities deemed not acceptable for Fellowship Hall Usage are: dance classes/recitals, tumbling, martial arts classes, secular band practice, secular music, and parties / activities / demonstrations designed to generate income for purposes other than charitable donations to non-profit organizations. *Exceptions can be approved by the Deacon Board.


Please Sign

______Date Requested ______

Telephone number

If you have received a loaner key from the church office, please return it as soon as possible as there are other events taking place that will need to use the key.

Thank you

Key Loaned on ______Key Returned ______