Commission Members Present: Executive Commissioner Dailey, Senators Schiffler and Schotters, Vice Chair Evans and Chief Justice Warsocki. Late Joiners: Senators Gilderhus, Behymer and Curran in that order.


Call to Order

7:31 P.M. Meeting was called to order. Commissioner Dailey asked me to ‘text him’? These unprovoked nonchalant advances are becoming an all too frequent occurrence.


  • All the signups are on my desk, so please sign up
  • Next meeting will be January 22-23 in Valley City State University
  • There could potentially be a SLAC bill on the table
  • Fee increase was passed at the last meeting
  • Commissioner Dailey, “May be a meeting next month to get ducks in a row.”

7:35 P.M. Senators Gilderhus and Behymer decided to join the commission meeting. They did not knock or use any other polite means of entry, just simply walked in acting like they own the place.

7:36 P.M. Senator Curran followed Senators Gilderhus and Behymer in arriving tardy to the meeting. There is a murmur about the commission as everyone tries to figure out who invited him.

7:38 P.M. Senator Curran now decides to make himself useful and go get the charger for the laptop currently being used to take minutes.

Communication and Outreach

  • Commissioner Dailey has been reaching out to the people on his list
  • Staff Senate may send a representative along to these meetings as well

Higher Ed Day

  • New invites have been finished, should be printed by next week.
  • They aren’t ugly like the old ones.
  • Initial invite will be sent via email, and the paper invite will be sent out as a formality/reminder
  • Commissioner Dailey opened up the discussion to talk about Higher Ed day from last year.

7:41 P.M. Senator Curran arrives with the charger. This is the only time in recent memory that I have been happy to see him, but Chief Warsocki is stopping him from leaving by blocking his path with his chair. The man who runs our judicial system is barricading students in basement rooms of the Union…

  • The commission discussed the order of events on Higher Ed Day
  • A discussion on whether to have the panel or meal first followed.

7:44 P.M. The discussion regarding whether to have the panel or meal first nearly resulted in fisticuffs between Chief Warsocki and Senators Gilderhus and Behymer. The commission is on edge, with the exception of Senator Schiffler who seems to be unaware of the brewing tensions as she stares at her phone.

  • Staff Senate seems to be under the impression that NDSU is not supported by Fargo’s legislators as much as it could be.

7:49 P.M. Senators Curran and Gilderhus abruptly leave the commission meeting. Not sure where they are going, but we wish them all the best out in the cold dark world.

Current Events

  • A somber discussion about current events took place.

7:52 P.M. Chief Warsocki repeatedly referred to supposed “tin hats” and then rambled about a conspiracy theory and then told the commission to put on their tin hats again.

We discovered that Senator Behymer is half Canadian. Eh?

7:54 P.M. Meeting adjourned to the crickets of no ongoing discussion.