
Orange CountyPublic Works announces Federal Stimulus Funded Transportation Projects

Construction to Begin Next Week

Orlando, Florida (April 5, 2010) – The United States federal government awarded Orange County Government with construction fundingthrough the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 for transportation improvements. The 9 projects are funded through recovery monies and include roadway resurfacing, bridge maintenance and interchange construction projects.

Specific information including photos, funding details, project schedule and design completion for each project can be found on the Orange County Government Recovery Web site.

Road Resurfacing Transportation Projects

1. Dean Road, from State Road 50 (Colonial Drive) to University Boulevard:

Project Start Date: April 5, 2010

Anticipated Completion: September 2010

Grant Amount: $1,186,807

Details: Resurfacing 2.5 inches of asphalt from all existing travel lanes from North of State Road 50 (Colonial Drive) to the south side of University Boulevard.

Project Length: Approximately 1.864 miles long.

2. Kaley Road

Project Start Date: Early April 2010

Anticipated Completion: September 2010

Grant Amount: $396,048

Details: Resurfacing all existing travel lanes from East of Division Street to the west side of Pine Bluff Avenue (Mill 2.5-inches of asphalt in section west of Orange Avenue, and mill 1-inch of asphalt in section east of Orange Avenue).

Project Length: Approximately 1.310 miles long.

3. General Rees Avenue

Project Start Date: April 12, 2010

Anticipated Completion: November 2010

Grant Amount: $975,019

Details: Reconstruction the roadway limits from Corrine Drive to Glenridge Way. Includes installation of a storm water drainage collection and conveyance system (pipes, curbs, inlets), narrower travel lanes, bicycle lanes, a new concrete sidewalk on the west side of the road, replacement of road base material and the use of a “green” asphalt removal and replacement process call ed Full Depth Reclamation.

Project Length: Approximately 3,912 feet (0.741 miles) long.

4. LakeUnderhill Road

Project Start Date: April 12, 2010

Anticipated Completion: December 2010

Grant Amount: $2,334,323

Details:Milling and resurfacing all existing travel lanes from east of Conway Road to west of Rouse Road (Mill 2-inches of asphalt from Conway Road to Gaston Foster, and mill 2.5-inches of asphalt in the remainder of the project.

Project Length: Approximately 5.316 miles long.

Streetscape Project

1. Silver Star Road

Project Start Date: Mid-April 2010

Anticipated Completion: November 2010

Grant Amount: $366,132

Details: S.R. 438/Silver Star Road from Pine Hills Road to Willow Bend Boulevard. Funding will be utilized for school specialty markings, landscape, hardscape, installation and replacement of American with Disability Act (ADA) Compliance

Bridge Improvement Projects

1. CampoWayBridge

Project Start Date: Early April 2010

Anticipated Completion: December 2010

Grant Amount: $378,044

Details: Replace the existing bridge over the Little Wekiva River (LW-9 Canal) with four (4) – 10’ x 8’ concrete box culverts. The net length of this project is 247 feet and includes two 12-foot travel lanes, concrete sidewalks, driveways, guardrails, and pedestrian handrails. Federal job formula indicates 12 jobs will be created by this project.

2. ThorpeRoadBridge

Project Start Date: Mid April 2010

Anticipated Completion: December 2010

Grant Amount: $449,000

Details: Removal of the existing bridge culvert, consisting of two 12-foot travel lanes, the construction of two new 10’ x 6’ concrete box culverts to replace the existing bridge located between Bachman Road and Sidney Hayes Road.

3. HarrellRoadBridge

Project Start Date: Mid April 2010

Anticipated Completion: November 2010

Grant Amount: $642,520

Details: Roadway widening at the existing bridge over Little Econlockhatchee River and adding a prefabricated pedestrian bridge (169.3 LF) to be constructed adjacent to the existing bridge. Project is located between S.R. 50 and Trevarthon Road.

Project Length: 741 linear feet and includes the construction of storm water piping and associated structures, Type F curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks with ADA ramps and driveway Aprons. The Federal Job Creation Formula indicates 24 jobs will be created by this project.

4. TaylorCreekRoadBridge

Project Start Date: Late April 2010

Anticipated Completion: January 2011

Grant Amount: $2,750,000

Details: Replacement of the existing Taylor Creek Road wooden bridge with a three-span structure utilizing precast, pre-stressed concrete beams with a cast-in-place deck. The substructure will consist of precast concrete pilings. The improvement will also include guardrail, retaining walls, drainage structures, concrete traffic railing barrier, driveways, sod and construction of a single 12 foot travel lane in each direction.

Project Length: 1,050. The Federal Job Creation Formula indicates 77 jobs will be created with this project.
