Full name: Julia Edith Constantino Reyes.
Federal registry of tax payers: CORJ701103-VD2.
Professional identification document: 2025019.
Date of birth: November 3, 1970.
Place of birth: Mexico, D.F.
Home address:Sur 69 #138-201,
Col. Prado,
Mexico, D.F.
C. P. 09480
Home phone number: 55 32 33 06.
Mobile phone: 044 55 10 27 75 10
Email address:
Graduate studies: Masters in Comparative Literature. Faculty of Philosophy
and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico. (1995-1997)
M.A. thesis: Rewritings of Historical Elements: Obasan and Los recuerdos del
porvenir. Honors. Supervisor: Professor Pedro Serrano.
(September, 2001)
Undergraduate studies: B.A. in Modern Language and Literatures (English),
specialized in translation and criticism. Faculty of
Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National
University of Mexico. (1989-1992)
B.A. thesis: The Narration of the Body: An Approach to the Work of Toni
Morrison. Honors. Supervisors: Professors Nattie Golubov and
Charlotte Broad. (June, 1994)
Senior High: Escuela Nacional Preparatoria, campus 6 "Antonio Caso". (1986-
Junior High: Escuela Secundaria Federal "Benemerito de las Americas", code ES-354-17. (1982-1985)
Elementary: Escuela Primaria Federal "Francisco Goitia", code 21-365. (1976-
Escuela Primaria Federal "Flor de Maria Reyes Viuda de Molina", code 1521794. (1979-1982)
Other studies and examinations:
The Struggle for the Oppressed Past. Course on Walter Benjamin's work, given by Prof. Irving Wohlfarth. Institute of Philological Research, Autonomous National University of Mexico, February 18-21, 2002.
Canada and Mexico: the Power of Literature and Creativity. Lecture series, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, November 22 and 23, 2001.
The Low Countries at the Crossroads of European Civilization: Socio-Cultural and Political History. Course given by Professor Johan Verberckmoes. Faculty of Letters, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, September 2000-January 2001.
Flemish Art and European Culture. Course given by Professor Bert Cardon. Faculty of Letters, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, September 2000-January 2001.
Strategies of Representation After Auschwitz. Course given by Professor Ricardo Forster. Institute of Philological Research, Autonomous National University of Mexico, June 7 and 9, 2000.
Virginia Woolf's Works and Diaries. Seminar directed by Professor Gillian Beer. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, April 10-12, 2000.
TOEFL. December 1997. Grade: 667.
ITP TOEFL, November 1997. Grade: 660.
The Agreement of the People: A Rhetorical Approach to the Seventeenth-Century English Revolution and the Argumentation of Modern Justice. Seminar directed by Professor Paul Kenny. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, November 28-December 9, 1995.
Chicano and Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism. Seminar given by Professor Norma Alarcon. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, June-July, 1993.
Lacan and l'ecriture feminine: Femininity and Writing. Seminar directed by Professor Mirta Bicecci. Interdisciplinary Seminar of Women’s Writing, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, May-June, 1992.
Narrative Theory. Samuel Ramos Lectures given by Professor Luz Aurora Pimentel. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1992.
Congress The Modern Literatures Today and How They Are Taught in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, January 1992.
20th Century American Drama in the Movies. Movie series, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, June 4 to August 27, 1991.
A Home, An Idea. Seminar on Virginia Woolf directed by Professor Colin White. Centre of Permanent Education, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1990.
The Story of English. Series of videos, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, August 31 to September 21, 1990.
Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge, June 1990. Grade: B.
First Certificate in English, University of Cambridge, December 1988. Grade: A.
Permanent specialized research seminars:
Project Research on Post-Colonial Literatures in English, within the Programme of Support to Technological Research and Innovation Projects [Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica]. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 2000-
Interdisciplinary Group of Post-Colonial Studies. Faculty of Letters, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2000-
Interdisciplinary Seminar of Women’s Writing. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1992-1998.
Permanent Seminar of Comparative Literature. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1992-1995.
Awards and honors:
Scholarship within the project Research on Postcolonial Literatures in English within the Programme of Support to Technological Research and Innovation Projects [Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica]. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 2000-
International scholar grant for research on Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Studies. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. September 2000-March 2001.
Government of Canada Awards: Humanities Research Award, September 1998-August 1999.
DGAPA scholarship for B.A. thesis, Autonomous National University of Mexico, April 1993-March 1994.
DGAPA scholarship through the project Interdisciplinary Seminar of Women’s Writing, Autonomous National University of Mexico, July 1992-July 1993.
Gabino Barreda Medal (summa cum laude), Autonomous National University of Mexico, class of 1989-1992.
High Academic Standing Distinction, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1989-1992.
High Academic Standing Distinction, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1992.
High Academic Standing Distinction, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1991.
Temporary ordinary course teacher level A, Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico.
-Literary History II-2 (Victorian Literature). 2002-2-
-Literary History II-1 (Romantic Literature). 2002-1-
-Guided Reading I. 2002-1-
-Guided Reading II. 2001-2-
-English VI. 2002-2.
-English V, 2000-1.
-Literary History III-2 (18th Century), 97-2 to 99-2.
-Translation IV, 97-2 up to the present.
-Literary History III-1 (Restoration, 17th Century), 97-1 to 2000-1.
-Translation III, 97-1 up to the present.
-Reading Workshop II, 96-2 to 99-2.
-Translation II, 96-2 up to the present.
-Reading Workshop I, 96-1to 99-1.
-Translation I, 96-1 up to the present.
-Propaedeutic English Course, 95-1 y 95-2.
Temporary teacher for the undergraduate department, Intercontinental University.
-Reading Comprehension in English Course, 1994-1.
Private English lessons.
Ana Laura Villa Blanco. Un estudio del movimiento en la novela The Bluest Eye de Toni Morrison. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 2001. (Supervisor)
Beatriz Martínez Saavedra. Estrategia narrativa en A Man of the People de Chinua Achebe. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 2000.
Angelica Barreto Avila. The Conventions of History and Romance in Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1998.
Amaranta Cornejo Hernandez. From Words to Facts… Weaving: Alice Walker's “Coming Apart”. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1998. (Supervisor)
Aurora Ivonne Medina Orduña. Andrew Marvell’s "To His Coy Mistress" Marks the Peak in the Development of carpe diem in 17th Century English Literature. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1998. (Supervisor)
Rodrigo Mier Gonzalez Cadaval. Fiction and Word as Power Expressions in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1998.
Rosalba Molina Martinez. Unifying Elements in Joyce Carol Oates’ Crossing the Border. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1998.
Beatriz Ramirez Villa. Roots and Alienation in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1998. (Supervisor)
Hector Manuel Vazquez Gonzalez. Sin as Release Power in James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1998.
Martha Celia Luce Gutierrez. Senses and Voices inSeamus Heaney’s Station Island. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1996.
Juan Enrique Faudoa Rosillo. Bernard Shaw's Saint. Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, 1996.
Assistant to Professor Luz Aurora Pimentel, editor of Poligrafías: revista de literatura comparada. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico. May 2001-
Freelance translator. 1988-
Translator and editor of films and T.V. programs at Intertrack, S.A. de C.V. (Subtitling and dubbing). April 1994-August 1998.
Assistant of temporary teacher level B, Graduate School, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico.
-Assistant to Professor Pedro Serrano, Head of the Graduate Department of Literatures, March-August 1994.
Catalogue writer for Fondo de Cultura Economica. July-August, 1993.
Interpreter and translator for CONEMEX. 1989-1991.
"Limits of Feminist Representation: Elfriede Jelinek's Language of Violence" by Beatrice Haussen. Translated with Mónica Mansour for Debate feminista, Mexico, forthcoming.
"Phantom Towers: Feminist Reflections on the Battle between Global Capitalism and Fundamental Terrorism" by Rosalind P. Petchesky. Translated as "Las torres fantasma: reflexiones feministas sobre la batalla entre el capitalismo global y el terrorismo fundamentalista" for Debate feminista, Mexico, forthcoming.
Please Understand Me II by David Keirsey. Translated as Por favor, compréndeme. Tusquets, Mexico, 2001.
The Best Game by Hebby Roman. Kensington Books, New York, 2000.
"'The Blank Page' and the Issues of Female Creativity" by Susan Gubar. Translated as "'La pagina en blanco' y los problemas de la creatividad femenina", Otramente: lectura y escritura feministas. PUEG/Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM/F.C.E., México, 1999, pp. 175-203. (Lengua y estudios literarios)
"Sobre roles sexuales" by Helen Z. Lopata and Barrie Thorne in Marysa Navarro and Catherine R. Stimpson (Eds.), Sexualidad, género y roles sexuales, F.C.E., Mexico, 1999, pp. 103-108. Translated with Nattie Golubov.
"Haciendo género" by Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman in Marysa Navarro and Catherine R. Stimpson (Eds.), Sexualidad, género y roles sexuales, F.C.E., Mexico, 1999, pp. 109-144. Translated with Laura Aponte.
Anthology of feminist essays edited by Marysa Navarro, University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire.
Phenomenological Hermeneutics and the Study of Literature by Mario Valdes. Translated with Prof. Nair Anaya, Rodopi, Amsterdam,.
"The End of General Gordon" in Lytton Strachey’s EminentVictorians. Book translated with Professors Claudia Lucotti and Angel Miquel. Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico, 1995. (Our Classics Collection, 69)
"On Not Being a Victim: Sex, Rape, and the Problem with Following Rules" by Mary Gaitskill. Translated with Nattie Golubov and published as "No ser una victima: sexo, la violacion y el problema de obedecer las normas" in Debate feminista, year 5, vol. 10, Mexico, September, 1994.
"The Joy of Presbyterian Sex" by Camille Paglia. Translated with Nattie Golubov as "El gozo del sexo presbiteriano" for Debate feminista, Mexico.
"Displacement and the Discourse of Woman" by Gayatri Chakravorti Spivak. Translated with Nattie Golubov and published as "El desplazamiento y el discurso de la mujer" in Debate feminista, year 5, vol. 9, Mexico, March 1994.
Extracts from William Golding’s "Belief and Creativity". Translated with Professor Claire Joysmith and published as "Creencia y creatividad" in El gallo ilustrado, supplement of El dia, Nº 1585, Mexico, November 8, 1992, and in Sabado, supplement of Unomasuno, Nº 823, Mexico, July 10, 1993.
William Golding’s "A Moving Target". Translated with Professor Claire Joysmith and published as "Un blanco movil" in Revista de la Universidad. Nº 489, Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico, October 1991.
Extracts from John Webster’s The White Devil for the Cultural Diffusion Departament at he Autonomous Metropolitan University Xochimilco.
"Narrative Paradoxes in Toni Morrison's Beloved ", Anuario de Letras Modernas, vol. 9, 1999-2000, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, forthcoming.
"The Search for Space in Doris Lessing’s 'To Room Nineteen' ", A Meeting with Doris Lessing, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico, 2001. (Colección Cuadernos de Jornadas 10)
"The Gilda Stories: The Vampire from the Margins", Anuario de Letras Modernas, vol. 8, 1997-1998, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico, 1999.
"Simultaneity of Identities: Yeats’ Masks", Anuario de Letras Modernas, vol. 7, 1995-1996, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico, 1997.
"Sir P.I. and the Hard-Boiled Knight", Anuario de Letras Modernas, vol. 6, 1993-1994, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico, 1996.
"It Was Not A Story To Pass On: Toni Morrison’s Visit", Boletin de Filosofia y Letras, number 4, Autonomous National University of Mexico, Mexico, March-April 1995.
"The Disremembered and Unaccounted For Now Reclaimed: Toni Morrison’s Beloved ", El acordeon, number 12, National Pedagogic University, Mexico, July-October 1994.
"The Construction of Historical Identity in Joy Kogawa's Obasan", Postcolonial Encounter, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, September 5, 2001.
"Popular Culture in Latin America ", Course on Latin American Culture, Faculty of Letters, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, January 24, 2001.
“The Gilda Stories: The Vampire from the Margins”, Blood Is Life: The 100th Aniversary of Count Dracula, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, October 22, 1997.
“Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Transgression and Fall”, Two Marys And One Frankenstein: 200 Years Since Mary Wollstonecraft’s Death and Mary Shelley’s Birth, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, September 12, 1997.
"Jeanette Winterson: The Passion", Course Voices of 20th Century English Literature, Educacion Continua 1996, Centre of Permanent Education, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, November 18, 1996.
"Whose Hi/story Is This?: Some Notes on Elena Poniatowska’s Luz y luna, las lunitas ", Presentation of Elena Poniatowska’s Luz y luna, las lunitas, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, June 5, 1995.
"To Be Young, Helpless and Black: Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye", Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, November 18, 1993.
"'To Room Nineteen' with Doris Lessing", Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, October 6 and 7, 1993.
"The Search for Space in Doris Lessing’s 'To Room Nineteen' ", Encounter with Doris Lessing, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, October 5, 1993.
“Alice Walker and the Tradition of African American Women Writers ", Centro de Educacion Continua, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, August 9, 1993.
"Sir P.I. and the Hard-Boiled Knight: A Brief Introduction to Reception Theory ", Modern Literatures Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, March 1993.
"Simultaneity of Identities: Yeats’ Masks", Literatura de la modernidad, SUAFyL, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico, February 13, 1993.
Collaboration in the application of the exploratory entrance examination to freshpersons, 1999-2002 generation. August 8, 1998. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Autonomous National University of Mexico.
Organization of the movie series 20th Century American Drama in the Movies, which took place from June 4 to August 27, 1991 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Autonomous National University of Mexico.
Gender and postcolonial studies, narratology, translation theory, 20th Century narrative in English, literary relationships in the Americas, African-American literature.