Potomac Fall High School’s

National Honor Society

Membership Rules and Guidelines

In order to maintain your membership in NHS you must do all of the following:

  1. Earn 10 service hours through NHS activities for each academic year. Two (2) hours per semester must be from CORE tutoring/HW Club. You may not double dip with other honor societies. See Ms. Bridges with questions about service.
  1. Pay your $25 dues by the December meeting. There will be ONE penalty hour assessedfor each month that dues are late. (Seniors, this includes your stoles.) If you have a financial hardship or are concerned about payment, please contact Ms. Bridges. No member will be penalized solely because they are unable to pay their dues.
  1. Maintain a GPA at or above 3.5. This will be verified at the semester. Any member not maintaining a 3.5 will be placed on academic probation. We will meet to discuss an action plan. Failure to bring up your GPA to the required 3.5 will result in dismissal.
  1. Promptly attend all monthly meetings. Meetings begin at 8:30 a.m.

You will receive ONE tardy warning. Anything after 5 minutes lateis counted as an absence.

You are allowedONE excused absence per year (family emergency, funeral, sick, athletic commitment). There are further consequences for missing more than one meeting and not following the proper absentee procedures (see #5 below).

  1. If you are absent, you must complete a "Monthly Meeting Form".

They are located on the website and on the NHS bulletin board in the English/Science stairwell.

The form is due by 4:15 p.m. the Friday following each monthly meetingdirectly to Ms. Bridges. Failure to complete this form may result in dismissal from the PFHS Chapter of the National Honor Society.

Students may only miss a meeting for a legitimate interest: sickness, doctor's appointment, family emergency, or athletics/fine arts (pre-existing school commitment).

  1. Meetings are held the2ndWednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the auditorium unless otherwise announced. Mark your calendars in advance. The NHS home page lists the remaining meeting dates for the year.
  1. You MUST join the Remind. This is not optional! That will be our primary form of communication. Text @pfnhs to 81010 if you have not already.

Any member who violates the PFHS NHS By-laws, NHS Constitution,PFHS honor code, or commits a disciplinary infraction (either on or off school grounds) will be brought before the Faculty Council and could face dismissal.

NHS Agenda: November Meeting

  1. Tutoring:
  2. Weneedtutors for EVERY CORE block. Every member MUST sign up by THIS Saturday, Nov. 11 by 11:59 p.m. If you do not, there will be a penalty hour assessed for each day that you don’t sign up. Signups begin on Monday, Nov. 13th and last through the end of the quarter.
  3. Go here to sign up for THREE dates before the end of the 2nd quarter.
  1. NEW REQUIREMENT: for this program to be successful, you will be required to complete a minimum of TWO HOURS of CORE Tutoring each semester. If you do not have a CORE, you need to go to HW Club.
  2. CHECK YOUR EMAIL! You will get a notification from Signup to remind you of the specific day and time you signed up for. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY TO MAKE SURE THIS HAPPENS!
  3. There will be a designated tutoring table set up in the cafeteria during all CORE blocks and one set up in the auditorium. It is your responsibility as the NHS tutor to get to your designated location with the NHS tutoring bin.
  5. Cafeteria: Closest round table to the exit to the senior patio.
  6. Auditorium: Table and chairs.
  7. In the NHS CORE TUTORING Bin, fill out the log with student’s name and subject tutoring.
  1. Dues:
  2. $25. Make checks payable to PFHS. These are due by the December meeting without penalty. If you have issues, see me.
  3. Seniors: This includes your graduation stoles.
  4. NHS Induction Ceremony:
  5. TOMORROW NIGHT! Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 7 p.m.
  6. Stay after school if you are doing set up. Meet in library by 4:10.

Be here by 6 if you are doing hospitality. Meet in library.

Be here by 8:15 if you are doing clean up. Meet in library.

  1. ALL MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND. If you have not signed up, you need to see me before you leave today!!!
  1. Reminder of Volunteer Requirements:
  2. Need at least five hours per semester.
  3. 10 total hours are due by 4:15 on Friday, June 1, 2018.
  4. At least TWO (2) hoursmust come fromCORE tutoring per semester.
  5. By the end of the year, volunteer hours must come from at least three different activities.
  6. Your five hours for Sem. 1 are due by Friday, January 12 by 4:15 p.m. to Ms. Bridges’ mailbox in the Main Office. Mark your calendars!
  7. Check PFHS NHS website for the most up to date volunteer opportunities.
  8. Have volunteer ideas?
  9. Group service project is coming!
  10. Please email me with ideas, events, etc.
  11. Communication/Remind
  12. Remind: Text @PFNHS to 81010
  14. NHS Bulletin Board is in the stairwell at the end of the English and Science hallways