
AIS-AIMSG Sub-Group Coordination
with IFPP/IWG/1-SoD
/ AIS-AIMSG Sub-Group Coordination with IFPP/IWG/1-SoD








Phoenix, AZ, USA, 20 to 22 January 2014



1.1The First Coordination Meeting between the Aeronautical Information Services-Aeronautical Information Management Study Group (AIS-AIMSG), Sub-Group Coordination with the Instrument Flight Procedure Panel (IFPP), Integration Working Group (IWG- IFPP WG2), was held at The Sun City West Foundation Office, Road Runner Room, 14465 RH Johnson Blvd., Sun City West (Phoenix), AZ 85375, USA, 20 to 22 January 2014.

1.2The meeting was hosted by John Kasten, ARINC Member of the IFPP and Rapporteur of the IWG. John acted as the chairman of the meeting.

1.3The joint meeting was organised within the regular IWG Winter Meeting 2014 and based on prior coordination at the AIS-AIMSG/8, Montreal, Canada, 4 to 8 November 2013, the ICAO Secretariat, and IFPP Chairman and Secretary. The engagement of the AIS-AIMSG Sub-Group on Coordination with IFPP/IWG is based on AIS-AIMSG Action agreed 8/9[1].

1.4The AIS-AIMSG Sub-Group on IFPP/IWG Coordination was represented by Stephane Dubet and Peter Rudolph in that meeting. This SoD was written by Peter Rudolph, the Rapporteur of the AIS-AIMSG Sub-Group on Coordination with IFPP/IWG.

1.5This SoD will be made available on both the ICAO AIS-AIMSG and IFPP/IWG Secure Website.

1.6The names and addresses of the participants are listed in Appendix A.

1.7The meeting agreed on the working hours and the working/editing character of the meeting and considered the following agenda items related to the joint meeting:

1Opening of the meeting

2Adoption of working arrangements

3Presentation of the AIS-AIMSG about the approach to amend Chapter 4, 5, and 6 of Annex 15 and introducing the new PANS-AIM in support of the move from AIS to AIM and the move from the AIS Product Approach to the AIM Data Centric Approach

4Discussion, (initial) definition and documentation of the Instrument Flight Procedure Data (Set) – IFPD - based on PANS-OPS (Doc 8168) Volume I & II for inclusion into PANS-AIM Chapter 4 and related attachments

5Discussions about Next Steps

1.8After closing the join meeting the IWG continued with its own agenda which is outside the scope of this SoD.

2.Agenda Item 1 & 2: Opening and working arrangements

2.1These Agenda Items are self-explanatory.


3.1The meeting was presented with the documentation according to Action agreed 8/9 of AIS-AIMSG/8 in form of a presentation in MS Powerpoint, AIS-AIMSG/7-SN/11 (including Attachment), AIS-AIMSG/8-SN/14 (including Attachments), AIS-AIMSG/8-SN/15 (including Attachment), and work in progress papers about wording of Chapter 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Annex 15 and PANS-AIM.

3.2The list of documentation is summarised in Appendix B.

3.3It was highlighted that amongst other Thematic Data Sets, which the AIS-AIMSG will define to be included in Chapter 5 of Annex 15 and PANS-AIM, and based on the Data Super Set in Chapter 4 of Annex 15 and PANS-AIM, the Instrument Flight Procedure Data (IFPD) Set shall be developed and maintained by the IFPP/IWG, in close cooperation with AIS-AIMSG (or eventual subsequent Study Groups such as the Information Management Panel (IM Panel)).

3.4The notion was expressed that future coordination for the maintenance of the IFPD Set is essential.

3.5The meeting discussed the presented papers and appreciated as well as supported the idea that the IFPP/IWG shall define the IFPD Set.

3.6Particular discussion took place about AIS-AIMSG/7-SN/11 Attachment, AIS-AIMSG/8-SN/15 Attachment and a work in progress paper from AIS-AIMSG/8. The three different options contained different approaches in form of tables how to collect and document aeronautical features and attributes and related metadata and data quality requirements.

3.7After careful and intense discussion and comparing the three solutions, the meeting was in favour of the table form presented in the Attachment to AIS-AIMSG/7-SN/11.

3.8This table form was used for the discussion and documentation work carried out under Agenda Item 4.


4.1Initially the meeting went into PANS-OPS Volume II, Part I, Section 2, Chapter 1.11 by evaluating the “Promulgation Requirements”. A top down approach was undertaken to gather features and attributes from the criteria for procedure design in order to make sure that any feature and attribute from PANS-OPS has a representation in the IFPD Set.

4.2After further discussions and consideration of other material, like Annex 4, the meeting decided to take a generic approach based on the form presented in the Attachment to AIS-AIMSG/7-SN/11.

4.3 The meeting discussed all features and attributes as well as data quality requirements which shall form part of the IFPD Set. Each attribute was individually discussed, referred back to PANS-OPS and other documents. It was noted that the IWG membership present felt strongly that Data Quality Requirements[2] (DQR) be included in any deliverable for “Thematic Data Sets”. This caused a further activity to document those feature attributes in a separate working table as basis for clarification..

4.4The (initial) (true) IFPD Set developed by the joint meeting is presented in Appendix C.

4.5Appendix D, however, presents in a working table those feature attributes which where identified as procedure designer initiated (column “Unique” in Appendix C with entry = Yes). DQR are then entered by referencing to the four Annex sources[3]in which feature attribute related DQR are already published.

4.6The intension is to move the results in the working table (Appendix D) in the true IFPD Set (Appendix C).

4.7Post meeting notes

4.7.1During the joint meeting a member of the group was contemplating a suggestion to the IFPP Plenary that a complete re-write of Volume II of 8168 was required to make it reflect the fact that Annex 15 and the new PANS-AIM had the IFPD listing as a “data requirements for publication” document. During the meeting this was not further discussed and put into the “waiting room”. However, a post meeting review of Doc 8168 was done to ensure nothing was missed for the (initial) IFPD, this showed that a respective suggestion to the IFPP Plenary might be advisable. The primary reason is that the current wording in Doc 8126 is – in a lot of cases – ambiguous, i.e. does not always state a “requirement”. Reviewing for words like “promulgate” and “publish” shows a number of those appearing. Also words like “publication, annotate, provide, state, include, indicate, specify, contain, mention, identify, add, append, and others” relate to data requirements.

4.7.2The IWG thinks now about creating an “Information Paper” to cover this part of coordination work – the part about standardized statements and terminology for data requirements in Doc 8168, to the next IFPP Plenary Meeting in Dubai in March 2014.

5.Agenda Item 5:NEXT STEPS

5.1Further close cooperation between AIS-AIMSG and IFPP/IWG.

5.2Present, cross-check, and discuss Appendix C and D of this SoD on AIS-AIMSG Ad-Hoc Group Meeting/10, planned in parallel in Washington, DC, USA, and Brussels, Belgium, 4 to 6 February 2014. This shall ensure that the AIS-AIMSG Thematic Set approach is consistent with the IFPP/IWG IFPD Set approach.

5.3Report back findings, comments and suggestions by the AIS-AIMSG Sub-Group Coordination with IFPP/IWG to IFPP/IWG , before IFPP Plenary Working Group meeting 12-3, planned in Dubai, UAE, 30 March to 3 April 2014.

5.4Discuss in AIS-AIMSG Ad-Hoc Group and Sub-Group Coordination with IFPP/IWGhow do we feel about the proper reflection of “data requirements for publication” in Doc 8168. Do we continue as is, meaning there was be a level of duplication between the various documents? Or do we in fact at some point in the future simply point to Annex 15 and PANS-AIM for those requirements in Doc 8126. Report back to IFPP/IWG before IFPP Plenary Working Group meeting 12-3, planned in Dubai, UAE, 30 March to 3 April 2014, if time allows and felt appropriate to discuss this now or after AIS-AIMSG/9, planned in Tokyo, Japan, 14 to 18 April 2014.

5.5Present initial IFPD Set in Appendix C and D (or already back combined in one table, cf. para 4.64.6) by IWG to the IFPP Plenary Working Group meeting 12-3, planned in Dubai, UAE, 30 March to 3 April 2014.

5.6Present this SoD for discussion to the next fully Study Group Meeting AIS-AIMSG/9, planned in Tokyo, Japan, 14 to 18 April 2014.

5.7The IWG Rapporteur will take charge to bring a Job Card forward for IFPP/IWG in the notion as provided in AIS-AIMSG/8-SN/14, Attachment B. This is important to build a formal foundation of the coordination work.

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Nominated by / Name / Group / EMail
Australia / Tony Williams / IFPP Member /
France / Mr. Stephane Dubet / AIS-AIMSG Member
IFPP Adviser /
Germany / Sorin Onitiu / IFPP Adviser /
Nordic States / Tom Anderson / IFPP Member /
Morten Bengtson / IFPP Adviser /
Jens Gjerlev / IFPP Adviser /
USA / Mike Webb / IFPP Member /
Barry Billmann / IFPP Adviser /
John Moore / IFPP Adviser /
Brad Rush / IFPP Advisor /
ARINC / John Kasten / IFPP Member /
Diana Swansen / IFPP Advisor /
ICCAIA / David Zeitouni / IFPP Member /
CANSO / Peter Rudolph / IFPP Member
Adviser AIS-AIMSG /

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Presented by / Title / Agenda Item
Peter Rudolph / AIS-AIMSG/7-SN/11 incl. Attachment / 3
AIS-AIMSG/8-SN/14, incl. Attachment A & B / 3
AIS-AIMSG/8-SN/15, incl. Attachment A / 3
AIS-AIMSG Ad-Hoc Group on AIM Development Work in Progress DataCatalogue v0-01.xlsx / 3
AIS-AIMSG Ad-Hoc Group on AIM Development Work in Progress Annex 15 Amdt 38 – New Chapter 4 – Working Version / 3
AIS-AIMSG Ad-Hoc Group on AIM Development Work in Progress ANS-AIM – Chapter 4 Draft / 3
140120 ICAO IFPP IWG Winter Meeting 140220-24 PHX v0.2.ppt / 3

This documentation is also available on the secure ICAO site of IFPP and AIS-AIMSG.

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Appendix C is provided as separate A3 landscape sized Adobe PDF file (4 pages) and as original file in MS Excel (xls).

Explanation on columns

The column “Unique”was introduced to identify and document whether a feature attribute content of the dataset is a result of the procedure design process or it comes from another data source in support of the procedure design process. The following entries are used to state what the source of the content of an attribute is:

  • Yes = data, that is the result of the procedure design process
  • No = data, used by the procedure designer from other thematic data sets (today considered to be AIP data)
  • Both = data, may be the result of the procedure design process or used from other thematic data sets (today considered to be AIP data)

The column “Other Data Sources Used” was introduced to be able to state which data are generally used today from non-AIP Data. This data are candidates for further Thematic Data Sets (e.g. Terrain Data Set, Cultural Data Set). The following entries are used to state whether and/or which data sources are used:

  • Yes = data, that are sourced from non-AIP sources
  • Generation Tool = data, that is a result of a calculation
  • Terrain = data, that is coming from a Terrain Data Set

The DQR columns “Accuracy, Resolution, Integrity”where introduced to be able to add DQR for those attributes which contain data that can be measured. All measurable data have some level of integrity requirements; however, integrity requirements shall only be stated if they are associated with accuracy and/or resolution.The following entries are used to state whether and/or which data sources are used:

  • Green = to be confirmed
  • Yellow = do not remember, need to refer back to IWG

Note: The DQR columns will be filled based on Appendix D in the further process.

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Appendix D is provided as separate A3 landscape sized Adobe PDF file (4 pages) and as original file format in MS Excel (xls).

Note: It is intended to move the DQR back into the table in Appendix C.

Remark on units: A mix of “units” (metric or imperial) is used. This will have to be cleared up and harmonised.

Colours used:

yellow / green / A Line all the way across the table is a header line, not an attribute line.
parenthesis / [ … ] / For the AnnexesD Columns, it was tried to not enter data if there was no exact match, but because the wording in the 8168 and the Annexes is not identical, there are some places where data was entered. In those cases, the parenthetical explains what Annex attribute was used. These portions will have to be considered as“work in progress” to clarify the terms.
light yellow / brown / In the Annex D Columns, if the header colour is in the attribute box, then no data was taken from the Annex for that item.
light blue / light green
light green / In Column “Sub-Attributes - C” means “parking lot”. This was not resolved because of time limitations. It needs to be discussed.

- END -

[1]Cf. AIS-AIMSG/8 Report Chapter 7.9

[2]Accuracy, Resolution, Integrity

[3]Annex 4, 11, 14, and 15