Federal Communications Commission DA 01-5
Before the
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Matter of )
Modification of the License for Business Radio)
Service Station KNQ284, Fremont, California)
Adopted: January 2, 2001Released: January 3, 2001
By the Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau:
- Introduction. In this Order, we modify the license for Business Radio Service Station KNQ284, Fremont, California, licensed to Champion Communications Services, Inc. (“Champion”). Specifically, we reduce the authorized loading for Station KNQ284 from ninety to seventy-three mobile units at its Big Rock site. As explained below, we take this action in order to permit the reinstatement of a license on the same frequency pair to another entity, Sagara Farms, Inc. (“Sagara Farms”).
- Background. On January 21, 1993, Sagara Farms received authorization to operate Special Industrial Radio Service Station WAC900, Esparto, California, with up to seventeen mobile units on frequency pair 489.4875/492.4875 MHz. On February 9, 1998, we granted an application (FCC File No. 9712D098769) for consent to the assignment of the license for Station WAC900 from Sagara Farms to Champion. The application was purportedly signed on behalf of Sagara Farms by an individual named “Dale Sagara.” Subsequently, Champion acquired the right to operate the other seventy-three mobiles available on this frequency giving it exclusive use of the channel.[1]
- An investigation by the Commission’s Enforcement Bureau reveals, however, that while Dale Sagara has a familial relationship with the principals of Sagara Farms, he was, at the time the application was filed, neither a principal of Sagara Farms nor authorized to sign the assignment application on behalf of Sagara Farms. Consequently, on July 20, 2000, we concluded that we should modify Champion’s license for Station Station KNQ284 from ninety to seventy-three mobile units at its Big Rock site, and reinstate Sagara Farms’s license for Station WAC900.[2] In accordance with Section 1.87(a) of the Commission’s Rules,[3] we notified Champion of the proposed action and its opportunity to interpose a protest.
- Discussion. Although Champion maintains that it acted at all times in a good faith belief that Dale Sagara had the authority to sign the assignment application on behalf of Sagara Farms, Champion concedes that the application was defective when filed and improperly granted. Indeed, Champion has represented that it would be in the public interest to modify its license as necessary to reinstate the Sagara Farms license.[4] We nonetheless note that Champion did not file a response or protest in response to our notification of the proposed modification. Based on the record in this proceeding, we find that Champion has consented to the proposed modification.[5] We therefore modify Champion’s license for Station KNQ284 by reducing its authorized loading at its Big Rock site from ninety mobile units to seventy-three.[6]
- ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED pursuant to Sections 4(i) and 316(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 154(i), 316(a), and Section 1.87 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.87, that the license for Station KNQ284 IS MODIFIED, effective thirty days from the release of this Order, to reduce the authorized loading for the Big Rock site from ninety to seventy-three mobile units.
- It is FURTHER ORDERED THAT this Order shall be sent by certified mail, return reciept requested, to Champion Communications Services, Inc., 1610 Woodstead Court, Suite 330, The Woodlands, TX 77380 and to Sagara Farms, Inc., P.O. Box 425, Esparto, CA 95627.
- This action is taken under delegated authority pursuant to Sections 0.131 and 0.331 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.131, 0.331.
D’wana R. Terry
Chief, Public Safety and Private Wireless Division
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
[1]See 47 C.F.R. § 90.313.
[2] Champion Communications Services, Inc., Order, DA 00-1603 (WTB PSPWD rel. July 20, 2000).
[3] 47 C.F.R. § 1.87(a).
[4] Letter from David Terman, President, Champion Communications Services, Inc. to William Knowles-Kellett, FCC, dated May 1, 2000.
[5]See 47 C.F.R. § 1.87(g)(1).
[6] Champion also operates Station KNQ284 from another site that is 65.38 miles from the Sagara Farms transmitter site. Based on the information now before us, we believe that Champion’s continued operation of this site is permissible because it is unlikely to cause harmful interference to Sagara Farms.