Thinglink Instructions

  1. Open google chrome (use safari if chrome doesn’t work) and type into address bar
  2. Login using the email address and password I provided for you. (strip of paper you taped to your notebook)
  3. In the top right corner click on “ME” then

  1. Click on Channels
  1. Click on image

  1. 1st you will work on the designatedthinglink.
  2. You will follow the links and complete the tasks.


You have two choices if you want to create your own thinglink go to step 8

If you want to edit an already made thinglink(Venn Diagram) go to step 12

  1. Click on the “create” button on the top right hand corner of the page.

  1. Next you will choose the web link option
  1. Open a new tab. You will search for pictures that will represent the topic as a background picture. Make sure your picture is relevant to the topic that is being covered.
  1. Once you have the image you will click on the web address and you will copy the address and paste it into the URL bar. This will serve as the background to your thinglink.

Go to step 13 to add links to your thinglink

  1. Scroll over image and click on the “Remix” button on the right side of the image. (This allows you to copy the image I created without changing it and add the answers to the questions)

  1. To add an icon, just click anywhere on the image and drag wherever you wish to place it. Then type the answer to the question or type in the important information into the text section of the box. Be sure to click save tag after adding each icon.

  1. Once you click on the page an icon will appear and a window will open on the left. Follow instructions A, B, C to add links to your image. You need at least 4 links but no more than 8.
  1. The 1st arrow is where the link will be set. You can change the placement of the icon by dragging the icon. The icon can be changed by clicking on the similar icon in the left window. You need at least 4 links but no more than 8.
  2. Arrow number 2 is where you will paste the link to the page that has the information, a picture, or a video that discusses the topic.
  3. Arrow number 3 is where you will type a short description of the link you have added and the relevance to the topic.
  1. Once you are done answering all the questions or adding all the information you will save image by clicking the green button on the bottom right hand corner.
  1. Click “Add to channel” at the bottom right hand side of the image to share it with the class.
  1. Once you have added to the channel you are finished. You can look at other thinglinks on the channel.