February 21st Traveling Baseball Agenda
1)Call to order:
a)Paul Ramberg, Paula Schoeberl, Desiree Wendell, Audra Karnes and Jolene Thorsen. Julie Anderson and Michelle VanEerden were absent.
2)Approved February 21st Agenda
3)Approved January 17th Meeting Minutes
4)Jolene Thorsen is interested in joining the board.
a)Board voted yes.
5) Player/Coach Development Session
a) Brian from GLA confirmed that he secured the National Sports Center in Blaine for Sunday, 2/28 from 2pm-5pm. Brian is to send details regarding location with facility.
6) Pilz Training vs. Development Session
a) John has offered to switch the date and time for his Sunday session to Saturday, 2/27 from 2-4pm instead of Sunday. Des is to email parents about new date/time.
7) Families with prior commitments for 2/28
a)Paul is to contact Joan Audette about availability at schools for gym time for a make-up session for those who cannot attend the 2/28 session. Potentially Thursday, 3/3.
8) Coaches Selection
a) Board approved the following:
10U: No applications received
11U: James Robillard as Head Coach, Ray Croal as Assistant Coach
12U: Kim Schoeberl
13U: James Axberg
14U: Not fielding this year due to insufficient registrations
b) Paul to contact Jay Helin about coaching 10U.
9) Registrations Thus far
a) 10 @ 10U, 11 @ 11U (not including 1 incomplete registration), 12 @ 12U & 12 @13U
10) Play-Up Request
a) Not granted at this time due to registration numbers at this time.
11) Johnson family request to register Isaac at 13U since no 14U team
a) Isaac’s birthday suffices him to play at 13 level.
12) MYAS – 11UAA
a) Paul received confirmation from MYAS that they approved our 11UAAA to move down to AA.
b) Paul to revamp Tournament Registration form to reflect change.
13) Tournament Booklet/Calendar
a) Paul to re-evaluate letter to local business. Would like to implement this year.
14) Umpire and Field Director
a) Board voted yes to having Paul to contact Eric Linder regarding interest in doing this again for this season at a cost.
15) Athletic Director Meeting Update
a) Paul attended the most recent AD meeting and reported updates from meeting.
16) Team Meetings
a) Looking to hold team meetings on March 6th with a similar schedule from last year.