Addendum II No. xx

to the

Memorandum of Understanding

for the RD51 Collaboration

Participation of the


Considering that:

The RD51 Collaboration is covered by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) setting out the responsibilities of the different participating Institutes and Funding Agencies[1].

The institute has been accepted as Member of the Collaboration at the meeting of the Collaboration Board on dd.mm.yyyy.

It is agreed as follows:

1. Introduction

1.1 A group of Institutes from CERN Member and non-Member States, and CERN, have agreed to collaborate to form the RD-51 Collaboration. This Collaboration has proposed to Funding Agencies and CERN a research and development programme for micro-pattern gas detectors (MPGD). These Institutes have secured the support of their Funding Agencies to enable them to participate in the RD-51 Collaboration.

1.2 The programme of work is described in the proposal CERN-LHCC-2008-011 (LHCC-P-001) of 28 July 2008, was approved by the CERN Research Board on 05 December 2008, and extended on 28.08.2013 by the CERN Research Board till the end of 2018.

1.3 The purpose of this addendum is to lay down the terms of collaboration of the institute in the RD-51 Collaboration in conformity with the MoU signed by the representatives of the Funding Agencies as listed in Annex 2 of the MoU.

2. Terms of Collaboration

2.1 The institute will be involved in the R&D and application of the MPGD technology.

2.2 The institute is financially supported by (MoU, Annex2):

Funding agency

3. Financial Provisions

3.1 The contributions of the institute are as follows:

- the annual contribution to the RD51 common fund (Annex 6 of the RD-51 MoU) of CHF 3000

4. Signatures

4.1 By signing this addendum, the Institute Name accepts all the terms of the MoU. The RD-51 Collaboration is represented by its Spokespersons and CERN as host lab by the CERN Director of Research and Scientific Computing.

4.2 The institute is represented by the Director of the Institute and team leader (fill in appropriate function).

Done in Geneva Done in Geneva


For the RD-51 Collaboration For CERN


(L. Ropelewski) (S. Bertolucci)

Spokesperson Director of Research and

Scientific Computing




Done in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


For institute


Name and Function Name and Function

dd.mm.yyyy Page XXX

[1]Memorandum of Understanding for the RD-51 Collaboration, (RD51 MoU, 29 April 2009).