
Features – What Kahala CrossFit does – Crossfit/Revive

Advantages – AC, Focus on form #wegotform – no acute injuries

Benefits – Measured results – Wodify, Fatloss, strength



  1. Weight loss/ lose fat
  2. Vid testimonies
  1. Performance training/ Sports enhancement. – (Quinn testimony)
  2. HighSchool Sports
  3. KIDS
  4. Corporate training.
  5. Increase healthier enviro
  6. Decrease health care costs – DCSS
  1. Mud Runs/Spartan:
  2. Better Endurance
  3. Movement
  4. Get over the wall
  5. Association


  1. Group Crossfit class
  2. 1 on 1 training
  3. KaiWOD

New Potential Services

  1. Open Gym outside curriculum - $40 a month extra
  2. CrossFit Kids
  3. Nutrition Specific Service ( find software)
  4. Partner
  5. train a coach
  1. Sports Specific:
  2. Swimming
  3. Lacrosse
  4. Football
  5. Martial Arts
  1. Crossfit Specifics
  2. Gymnastics/ partner

LOW HANGING FRUIT New Potential Services RANKS

  1. Open Gym outside curriculum - $40 a month extra1
  2. CrossFit Kids – 3
  3. Nutrition Specific Service ( find software)2
  4. Partner , train a coach
  5. Sports Specific:
  6. Swimming2
  7. Lacrosse2
  8. Football1
  9. BOXFIT – JOEY - 2
  10. Crossfit Specifics1
  11. Gymnastics/ partner
  12. YOGA Sculpt

Which services will service our current members?Pick Top 3.

Top 5, in priority.

  1. CrossFit Kids – people ready to sign up.
  2. Swimming – already do it
  3. Nutrition – wodify
  4. BoxFit – people struck huge interest
  5. Yoga Sculpt


Complete Opportunities Chart.

Write your story:What brought you to CrossFit? Why did you want to coach? Why did you want to open a gym? (We’ll use this in marketing materials, to train your staff, and in other ways later.)

-I saw a way to train people in a group environment

-Saw an opportunity with CROSSFIT

-Love helping people – Been coaching for 2 yrswithout pay and still love it.

-Would like to change careers.

-Answer the Four Big Questionsin a .doc file:

What’s CrossFit?(Pretend we just met in a line at the coffee shop. I notice your t-shirt, and ask for your elevator pitch. Hint: include novelty, total-body workout, etc.)

“ Its our way we train, using functional movements and old disciplines from Olympic weight training to gymnastics. Our goal is to educate, motivate and provide a safe environment for a member to achieve their highest fitness potential, no matter where they are in life.”

Why CrossFit?(Why should I stop my Globogym membership, or choose your gym over Pilates?) – You always have a coach and we work on functional movements that help you walk when you are 80 yrs old, or prepare you when you shop at Costco.

Who does CrossFit?(Do I need to get in shape before starting? Hint: use social proof; tell stories of people “just like me” at your gym.)

“53% of our members are women, over half of them are moms and a % of them never even walked in the gym. We can scale it from a 7 yr old to a 70yr old. Our members are an Ohana, so each person uplifts each other and encourages during the WODS. Work out of the day. “

Where should I do CrossFit?(Why your gym? List at least ten strategic advantages, including both delivery of service–enthusiastic coaching, new equipment–and facility advantages–lots of parking, clean showers, convenient location.)

  1. We focus on form, not high intensity. The WODS will give you your intensity you need. – We have 0 acute injuries in 2 yrs.
  2. We have AC
  3. Teach Swimming – KAI WOD
  4. Exclusive to Kahala
  5. Parking in the Mall and in our lot
  6. We have a family environment that welcomes all
  7. Kids Room
  8. Soon to be Kids Crossfit
  9. Soon to be specialized classes, like boxing, lacrosse, etc
  10. We build our coaches internally.
  11. We care.
  12. Have a REVIVE Program that has been proven.
  13. Head coach, gained 20 lbs in muscle with no injury and took himself off of medications that hes been on since a toddler.
  14. We use WODIFY, a software to track your results
  15. Rep SFH & Projenex, & used to Reebok