Clothing I Mrs. Susan Marquez

Course Description: Clothing I is a one semester course which introduces the student to clothing construction. Students develop an awareness of fabrics and learn various techniques including fabric preparation, pattern interpretation, sewing machine operation, basic sewing construction skills and hand sewing skills. Three major projects are completed during the semester: a tote bag, pajama pants, and a craft. Minor projects include a supply bag & a recycled t-shirt project. With the exception of the craft project, students will be responsible for the purchase of their own personal fabrics and notions for all major projects.

Grade Distribution:

Tests & Quizzes 15%

Work Habits 20%

Minor Projects 25%

Major Projects 25%

Class Notebook & Semester Exam 15%

Course Outline / Syllabus: All students will receive a course syllabus which will outline the schedule of class work & activities, project due dates and test & quiz dates.

Throughout the course, students will complete a variety of activities, work sheets and samples for various skills.

Portfolios: Each student will be responsible for bringing in a 3-ring binder

(min 1”) with 8 dividers, for the creation of a class portfolioThe portfolio will include allactivities, work sheets and samples, and will be due for assessment at the end of the first grading period and at the end of the semester.

Samples and class work will be graded as “minor projects”. Some will be included as a
quiz or test score.

Major projects:

Major Project Grading: Each project will be graded according to a project rubric. The rubric for each project will be distributed at the beginning of the project activity so that the student will be aware of the criteria that they will be graded on. All projects will have interval due dates, as well as a final due date.Projects that are not completed by the assigned due date will result in a loss of points on the final grade for that particular project. All sewing must be completed in class. Projects may not be worked on at home.
When students have been absent or for any reason need additional time to complete work, there will be “lab” time available after school for students to use the sewing room on Thursdays from 3-4:30 PM, or at lunch or after school by prior arrangement.

Supplies: All necessary supplies – except for major project fabric and notions (thread & elastic) – will be provided as part of the student paid fee slip for the course. The Clothing fee will be assessed on the student’s tuition statement.

*Students will be held financially responsible for any lost or damaged supplies or any deliberatedamage to the sewing machines.

*Classroom supplies are to be returned to the assigned area before the student leaves class each day.

*Student supplies should be labeled with student name and kept in the student’s assigned tote box.

**The Clothing Class Feeincludes: Book rental, pajama pant pattern, basic sewing kit (seam ripper, pins, pin cushion, scissors, measuring tape & hand sewing needles), and

$7 credit towards the purchase of their craft project.

General Expectations:

  • Get your box and be in your seat by the 2nd bell.
  • Have all of your supplies ready and in class on time.
  • Be responsible for cleaning up your area, every day, at the end of class.
  • Show respect for your classmates and the supplies that belong to your classmates.
  • Show respect for the equipment and supplies that are in the sewing room. Immediately return all supplies to the cart or appropriate area as soon as you are done with them.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for help.
  • Be productive & have a positive attitude.
  • TRY! ….…..and have fun!