FEAST Co-op Student Council Structure 2017-2018
The FEAST Student Council consists of …
- FEAST Student Council Officer Board:
- President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations and Parliamentarian.
- FEAST Student Council Team Members
President Responsibilities
- Leads all meetings. Communicates with SC Officers for planning.
- Prepares the meeting agenda. Confirmsinformation with Vice President and advisors.
- Works closely with Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Public Relations and Parliamentarian Officers.
- Also ensures they meet their deadlines.
- Gives assistance, guidance, and praise to the Student Council Team members.
- Acts as a facilitator during discussion meetings.
- Maintains frequent contact with advisors and administration.
- Informs advisor about all Student Council events, community service projects, fundraising and FEAST improvement ideas.
- Participates in allstudent council sponsored activities/events
- Send a group message every Monday …Thanks students for their participation during previous week, announces future meeting or activity; includes comments of items discussed during the previous meeting or event.
- Takes a hands on approach to leadership
- Communicates and works closely with the President
- Assumes President’s duties in absence of the president.
- Assists the President in preparing meeting agendas. Confirms all information with President and advisors.
- Gives assistance, guidance, and praise to the Student Council Team members
- Maintains frequent contact with advisors and administration.
- Participates in allstudent council sponsored activities/events
- Keeps records of student volunteer hours, monthly.
Secretary Responsibilities:
- Works closely with President, Vice President, Treasurer, Public Relations, Parliamentarian
- Keeps an account of minutes at every meetingand e-mails information, every Monday, to the Student Council Officer Board and advisors.
- Keeps an accurate account of attendance at every meeting and helps maintain student council files.
- Responsible for “Thank You’ cards
- Participates in allstudent council sponsored activities/events
Treasurer Responsibilities:
- OverseesStudent Council expenses and revenues. Keeps receipts and copies for Treasurer, FEAST Accounting Office and Treasurer’s Advisor.
- Prepares monthly treasurer report. Sends report to the SC President, Treasurer’s Advisor, and Lead Advisor for review/approval. Information must be accurately revised with FEAST Accounting Office.
- Makes deposit at the FEAST bookstore immediately after the fundraising event. Keeps receipts.
- Maintains an accurate and detailed financial record.
- Gives monetary advice to the council
- Works with advisor in preparing budget. Keeps Officers informedof the budget.
- Authorizes payments and deposits. Always double checks budget and account balancealong with an advisor.
- Participates in allstudent council sponsored activities/events
Public Relations Responsibilities:
- Works closely with President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian.
- Keep FEAST Co-op students informed of all Student Council events, fundraisers, and service projects.
- Obtains approval from Co-op Directorfor flyers and advertisement of Student Council events
- Writes and/or edits Student Council articles for the FEAST MANNA. A two paragraph article with photos must be turned in to Co-op Directorby the 1stof each month for approval.
Example: If article is due October 1 it will be published in November Manna. The article will consist of a paragraph of SC events in November and a paragraph of SC plans for December.
- Participates in allstudent council sponsored activities/events
- Takes and collects photos at all Student Council events.
Parliamentarian Responsibilities:
- Attentively listens to ensure orderly meetings
- Be on time for all meetings
- When an idea or suggestion is considered make sure group follows steps to make a motion
- Assist President when motions are carried out, discussed, debated, or amended
- Listen for correct opening and closing of meeting
- Train other students in Student council on parliamentary procedures
- Participates in all student council sponsored activities/events
- Work closely with President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Public Relations officers
- Refer to Parliamentary Procedures booklet when needed
“If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it leadership, let him govern diligently; If it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.” Romans 12: 7-10
Last reviewed July 2017