Student Checklist for Completion of FCS Master’s Degree


Graduate students should consult this worksheet to assure that procedures are followed and deadlines met.

Graduate students must maintain continuous enrollment in both fall and spring semesters to maintain graduate status. This can be done through 1) registering for a class; 2) taking an educational leave; 3) registering for GS700 when finished with 4 units of 692 or 698. Student must be registered in the semester in which they graduate.

Advancement to Candidacy

After FCS 696 but prior to enrolling in FCS 697, students must be ADVANCED TO CANDIDACY.“Advancement to candidacy” means that a student is ready to start research leading towards a thesis or directed project. Students must be enrolled in the University during the semester that they advance. In order to be advanced to candidacy, a student must meet the requirements below.

Requirements for advancement to candidacy are:

Completion of nine (9) graduate level units including FCS 696.

A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.

Completion of the Program of Study form with advisor.

Submission of the Program of Study form to FCS Graduate Coordinator for approval, signature, and forwarding to the Dean’s Office.

General Guidelines for Graduate Thesis/Directed Project

Students will develop a research proposal under the guidance of the thesis/directed project chair and committee members while enrolled in FCS 697 (Directed Research). This proposal will include the first three chapters of the thesis/DP (introduction, review of literature, and methodology). After the proposal has been reviewed and approved by all three committee members, the student will receive a grade in FCS 697 and be eligible to enroll in FCS 692 (Directed Project) or 698 (Thesis).

Studentswill consult with and adhere to the following when creating all drafts for the proposal and final document:

The current Publication Manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation guidelines for references.

The CSULB format for document (see thesis reviewer’s website at

Students will consult with all committee members for their preferred method of submission (hard copy in mailbox, e-mailed files, other).

Students will allow faculty a two week turnaround time for all draft readings.

Requirements for FCS 697 Directed Research

Review the Process for Enrolling in FCS 697*.

Complete the Petition to Enroll in FCS 697* and submit to Graduate Coordinator.

Work with thesis/directed project chair on completing proposal (Chapters 1–3).

Obtain approval for proposal from all committee members by collecting committee signatures on Signature Page Template for Thesis/Directed Project Proposal*.

Turn in signed signature page to FCS Graduate Coordinator.

*Forms are available on the FCS website at

Grading for FCS 697: Directed Research

If FCS 697 is not completed with a letter grade in the semester in which the student is registered, the student will receive an “RP” (Report in Progress) and continue to work to complete FCS 697. A letter grade will be assigned once the student has obtained approval of the proposal by all committee members and has submitted the signature page to the FCS Graduate Coordinator. A letter grade must be assigned for FCS 697 before the student can register for FCS 692 or 698. After one year, unfinished RP grades in FCS 697 convert to a W, and the student is required to retake the class.

Institutional Review Board Approval

After the student’s FCS 697 proposal has been approved by all committee members, the student will consult with the IRB website at to prepare IRB submission packets, if applicable. Students should plan for a 6–8 week turnaround.

Turn submission packet into IRB.

Obtain approval from IRB.

A copy of the IRB letter of approval should be included in the appendices of the thesis/directed project, if applicable.

Requirements for FCS 692 (Directed Project) or FCS 698 (Thesis)

The student will work with the thesis/directed project chair to conduct research and complete chapters four and five (results and discussion). The student is encouraged to meet with the thesis reviewer (by appointment) to have the thesis reviewed for formatting – prior to turning it in to the FCS Graduate Coordinator.

Review the Process for Enrolling in FCS 692 or 698*.

Submit draft to thesis/directed project chair. After thesis/directed project chair has approved a draft, committee members will review and make comments.

Obtain approval signatures from all committee members.

Submit final draft to FCS Graduate Coordinator one month prior to the Thesis Office submission deadline with two copies of the Candidate Information Sheet and two copies of the abstract. Check the department for deadline details.

Obtain an approval memo from the FCS Graduate Coordinator to be submitted with thesis to the Thesis Office. Thesis must be submitted to thesis reviewer in a thesis box. Complete all information in the online Author Login registration pages before submitting the manuscript.

Check the thesis office website at: or call (562)985-4013 to check the submission deadlines for each semester. THE SUBMISSION DEADLINES VARY EACH SEMESTER.

Pick up thesis reviewer comments and make changes.

Submit thesis/directed project copy to the FCS department chair for approval and signatures.

Email final thesis/directed project to FCS Graduate Assistant.

Apply for copyright if desired at the Campus Copy Center (562)985-5050.

Grading for FCS 692 or FCS 698

If FCS 692 or 698 is not completed with a letter grade in the semester in which the student is registered, the student will receive an “RP” (Report in Progress) and continue to work to complete FCS 692 or 698. RP grades in FCS 692 or 698 are changed to a letter grade after the thesis project is cleared by the thesis review office.

File for Graduation

If you want to graduate in SPRING or SUMMER, file your request to graduate between May 1 and October 15. If you want to graduate in FALL or WINTER, file your request to graduate between December 1 and March 1. Late fees apply for missed deadlines. Students must be enrolled in the semester they plan to graduate. Students can enroll in GS 700 if needed.

Important References

University Website:

FCS Graduate Studies Website:

CSULB Graduate Handbook:

IRB Web-site:

Oral Presentations

Students are required to complete an oral presentation of their thesis/directed project to the Graduate Committee, faculty, and an audience of their peers. The presentation seminars are held the last two Mondays of the fall and spring semester between 11am-1pm. They are held in Room 108/110 of the Family and Consumer Sciences building. Students will be contacted by the department Graduate Assistant to coordinate the time and date.

Students will present the purpose, methods, findings, conclusions, and practical importance of their research. It is the student’s responsibility to request any special equipment (audiovisual, etc.) in a timely manner. Further, students must “set up” the equipment prior to 11:00am. Students should test their equipment and presentation files prior to their presentations.

Students will have 30 minutes to present their thesis/project. The first 15-20 minutes will consist of the presentation. The last 10-15 minutes will consist of a question and answer session with the audience. THE STUDENT’S PRESENTATION WILL BE TIMED.

Oral presentations completed
