SBA Meeting Minutes


3L: Goldfinger, Becky, Alex, Liz, Kevin

2L: Olivia, Dan Speranza, Alyssa, Ben, Murph

1L: Martha, AJ, Valen, Julia, Love Deep, Valen

At Large: Dan Siegel, Angela

E-Board: Gabby, James, Cylas, Max

Absent: Matott

Dan Sp: motion to open the meeting. Motion seconded

James: I want to address the BLSA solidarity letter, it doesn’t have to do with SBA, but it does mention SBA. And I told them that that was not an SBA letter simply to clarify.

Becky: So you know they shared it on the Facebook with it listed as our letter.

James: For those of you who don’t know, we had a student community meeting, and, essentially, we discussed things that we can undertake as a group in the future. We will address this later, but just to put you on notice and we discussed the general sentiments on campus. No for committee reports.

Gabby: For ethics, we have a meeting next Monday the 27th from 11-12 and we want to get students more involved in the disciplinary process. For alumni affairs, we are going to partner with the criminal law society for our event and that is on March 22, there will be a lot of attorneys and food.

Cylas: Finance committee we are working on the budget!

James: Career services committee we have will get rolling and talk about what we are going to do this semester.

Dan Sp.: Bylaws are coming along and we are going to submit and have a meeting to discuss bylaws. One will be adding a position and it may not be an elected position, but more on that later. Also, the treasurer position will may be a 2-year position how that will be received but Dean Queenan likes the idea as it adds continuity.

Martha: Website committee has the contact us tab live and it works. And I think there is just some budget documents to upload and maybe look back to 2012.

Goldfinger: I had a question, if they go to the tab and communicate do they actually email us?

Martha: Yes.

James: Also the masthead is misaligned and needs to be fixed.

Liz: Philanthropy is going to be pretty quiet

Goldginger: Can I make a suggestion—Katie was talking about doing a paintball tournament and maybe try and make it a charity event.

James: Class reports? 1Ls

Martha: We have had only one meeting but nothing new to report.

Gabby: What about a bar event?

Murph: The med school has approached us to do a bar crawl and that is something that we are exploring.

AJ: I’ve been trying to also do this but we need to solidify dates.

Gabby: What about later April.

Becky: That may be too close to finals.

Murph: I have also been approached bars to try and figures something out.

James: Maybe you two can talk and work something out.

Ben: For the 2Ls the barrister’s ball planning is going well and will be meeting with the state room. We will sell tickets similar to how the welcome back party and send out the list prior to the event. However, we will do only half of the following week in selling tickets for the event. NYSBA wants to do partial sponsorship. I would like to try and get everyone’s opinion on food and the DJ’s booked and he was referred to me by an alumnus.

AJ: For Barrister’s, do you want the name of guests when taking the tickets?

Ben: Yea we can do that, and I will get the sign-up sheets out soon.

James: So last year we didn’t sell out but we essentially went off of when people stopped buying them.

GF: For the 3Ls I will send an email soon about the well party, other than that not much for the 3Ls.

Becky: Have we figured on a class gift?

Goldfinger: How do we do a friend of the class?

James: We could possibly send a survey monkey and set that up to see what everyone thinks?

Becky: Do you know how much the class fund has?

Cylas: Not off the top of my head.

James: Any new business?

AJ: With the solidarity event. It was voiced by the presidentof environmental law society he expressed an interest in doing the budget in the summer, or at least starting it.

Cylas: We have been discussing that but it is tough because we get our actual figures late.

James: Anything else?

Dan motion to adjourn. Motion seconded.