Fast Start for Microsoft Azure - SQL Server IaaS Workshop

Lesson 3 SQL Server with data files in Azure

Demo Manual

Instructor Edition (Book Title Hidden Style)

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<Demo title> 7


Demo 1: SQL Server with files in Azure Blob storage 6

Exercise 1: Create on-premises SQL Server database with files in Azure Blob storage 6

Demo 1: SQL Server with files in Azure Blob storage


This demo provides guidance on how to have On-Premises SQL Server with files in Azure Blob storage.


After completing this demo, you will be able to:

·  Have an on-premises SQL Server with files in Azure Blob storage.


As you learnt in the lesson, there are various advantages for storing files in Azure Blob storage. In this demo we will look at the steps needed to create a on-premises SQL Server database with data and log files in Azure Blob storage.

Exercise 1: Create on-premises SQL Server database with files in Azure Blob storage

1.  Create a container for your database with “Private” security access level, use lower case letters with Azure storage names, including blobs:

2.  The next step is to create a policy and a Shared Access Signature (SAS) to protect and secure the container. There are several ways to create the policy and the SAS, using C# code or using REST APIs. We will use a GUI for doing this operation using a tool called “Azure Storage Explorer” (found here: Once you download and open the tool, insert the name and master secret key of your storage account. Now select the container you want to place your database in, then click on the “Security” button:

On the “Shared Access Signatures” tab create a new policy with Read, Write, Delete and List rights and click on “Generate Signature” button. Copy and paste the signature URI string in a secure location for later reuse and exit the tool. Please note that the URI has been modified to xxxx to not display the actual URI for security reasons. The URI generated in your tool will be much longer.

3.  Create a credential in your on-premises SQL Server that can access the blob storage. The credential stores the URI path of the storage container and the shared access signature key values. For each storage container used by a data or log file, you must create a SQL Server Credential whose name matches the container path, else SQL Server and Azure will not match the security information. For this demo, path of the container I created is so that’s the credential name used and secret is the key which exists after the “?” in the signature URI shown in screenshot above. (The key is marked as xxx to avoid showing the actual key.) Notice Identity is always equal to ‘Shared Access Signature’.



SECRET = 'sv=2014-02-14&srxxxx'

Credential can be created using a GUI as well:

4.  Now a database can be created with files placed in the container in blob storage as follows:



( NAME = testdb_dat,



( NAME = testdb_log,


Using these steps we created a SQL Server database on-premises with files residing in Azure Blob storage.

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