Texas State Athletic Trainers’ Association

Requirements for Application to NATA iLead Student Leadership Program

TSATA is now accepting applications for the NATA iLead Student Leadership Program, to be held in Dallas on February 27-28th. TSATA will sponsor* two collegeathletic training students from Texas to attend this program.

Applicants must:

  1. Be currently participating as an undergraduate athletic training student at a post-secondary educational institution in the state of Texas.
  2. Demonstrate performance, with distinction, as a student in an athletic training program for at least three semesters.
  3. Have distinguished himself/herself academically with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
  4. Please submit an official or unofficial college transcript to include grades for the semester immediately preceding this application.
  5. Submit the TSATA Application for iLead Student Leadership Program Sponsorship form
  6. Submit a cover letter to include the following:
  7. Your reason for applying as well as what you hope to gain from this experience
  8. Your current contact information to include: current address, e-mail address, phone number
  9. finalists will be interviewed by phone
  10. Submit a resume including
  11. List of community services and approximate hours served.
  12. List of all campus and outside memberships and activities - please specify any leadership roles you may have been assigned.
  13. Submit letters of recommendation from the following:
  14. One personal or non-athletic training source (e.g. faculty member, employer, advisor, etc.)
  15. One from a supervising LAT/ATC

Deadline for application isDecember 12, 2014.

Please mail, fax, or e-mail (as a PDF) all required documents in one packet to:

Brian Farr

TSATA Secretary-Treasurer

2109 San Jacinto Blvd

Stop D3700

Austin, TX 78712

Fax # 512-232-5334

*Terms and Conditions: The sponsorship includes, the TSATA:

  1. Paying for or reimbursing the registration fee to iLead
  2. Paying for or reimbursing the cost of one-night’s hotel stay at the host hotel or a nearby alternative.
  3. If the students are of the same sex, they will be expected to share a room with one another.
  4. Students will be responsible for all incidentals.
  5. Reimbursing the student for up to $300 in expenses for travel and meals directly related to the conference.
  6. Students will be required to submit receipts of expenses to the TSATA Secretary-Treasurer following the workshop in order to receive the reimbursement.
  7. A check will be issued to the student within 4-6 weeks of the receipt of all receipts for expenses.
  8. Meal expenses are limited to $45 per day.
  9. Students will not be reimbursed for alcoholic drinks.
  10. Students choosing to drive to the workshop will be required to submit gas receipts that are directly related to the trip to and from the conference.
  11. If students choose another mode of transportation (e.g. bus, airplane, etc.), they are to submit receipts for the costs of that transportation directly related to the trip to and from the workshop.

Please note, depending on your food and travel expenses, you may be out of pocket for some costs. The expenses and reimbursement are limited to the amounts and guidelines listed above.

Students that are selected are expected to attend all sessions related to the iLead Program.

Students are expected to provide a brief report of their experience at the iLead Program to the TSATA Board of Directors at their July Board meeting or via an e-mail or letter.

Texas State Athletic Trainers’ Association

Application for iLead Student Leadership Program Sponsorship

February 27-18, 2015


Current Address:

E-mail address:Phone number:

Best day(s) and time(s) to be reached at that number:

Name of College / University attending:

Cumulative GPA:

Are you currently an undergraduate student in the college/university’s Yes No

athletic training program?

Have you been in the athletic training program for at least 3 semesters: Yes No

Are you a member of the NATA?YesNoMember #

Are you a member of the SWATA?YesNo

Are you a member of the TSATA?YesNo

Supervisor’s name, e-mail, and phone number:

I have read, and agree to, the terms and conditions* of the sponsorship. Yes No

