Rapid Intervention Team
Standard Operating Guideline
PURPOSE: This procedure will provide for the effective deployment of Rapid Intervention Teams for the Department, and define the roles and responsibilities for members operating as a Rapid Intervention Team.
- Deployment
- First due Fire Companies shall establish a “Two in/Two out” per Procedure 1102.0 prior to commencing operations in an IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) atmosphere.
- Additional trained RIT members will be tone alerted at the receipt of a structure fire to respond to the scene. At least four trained members will be needed to provide a functional RIT.
- RIT roles and responsibilities
- The officer or senior member of the RIT shall be responsible for the following.
- Establish face to face contact with Incident Command for information concerning status of incident.
- Tracking location of all interior crews.
- Gain approximate time that crews went on air.
- Developing a search and rescue plan.
- Assignments for remainder of the RIT.
- Complete RIT checklist. (attached)
- Remaining members of the RIT may be responsible for the following fire ground functions. RIT members must always be immediately available for Firefighter rescue.
- Water supply.
- Horizontal ventilation.
- Raising ladders for secondary means of egress, and communicate locations to Command.
- Forcing alternate entry points.
- Staging tools for RIT.
- The RIT officer or senior member must develop and communicate a search plan to Command.
- Consider trapped members points of entry. Also alternate points of entry.
- Attempt to learn trapped members last known location.
- Plan for hose line stretches.
- Assign tasks/tools to RIT members
- Report to Command.
- The RIT officer or senior member must develop and communicate a rescue plan to Command.
- Anticipate need for additional resources for a possible relay rescue.
- Consider alternate points of entry and egress.
- Consider rescue environment (heat, obstructions, collapse, visibility).
- Monitor RIT air supply.
- Consider the need for specialized equipment.
- Communicate status reports to Command.
- RIT functions.
- Monitor fire ground radio traffic.
- Set up RIT tool drop.
- Recon the exterior of the building.
- Raise ladders to roof and windows for secondary means of egress.
- Forcible entry.
- Illuminate entries and exits.
- Coordinate horizontal ventilation with attack crews.
- Secure utilities.
- Rescue trapped or disoriented Firefighters.
- Personnel tracking.
- Assist in stabilizing rapidly changing conditions.
- RIT mobilization and entry.
- The RIT shall be activated by Command or an Incident Safety Officer.
- Execute the search plan.
- Locate trapped Firefighter.
- Assess Firefighter and environment.
- Transfill Firefighters air supply or establish viable emergency air supply.
- Package Firefighter for removal.
- Provide regular status reports to Command.
- Recommendations for command during RIT activation.
- Dispatch another station.
- Mutual aid
- Secure an ALS transport unit (not committed to the incident).
- Establish a RIT “Group”
- Consider needs for secondary RIT.