August 29, Monday: Start of classes for all years.

August 31, Wednesday: Last day to register on Minerva without penalty for new students only. Fee payment deadline. Interest charges start September 1.

Sept 2. Friday: Follows a Monday schedule, as per McGill calendar instructions.

Sept. 5, Monday: Labour Day. Classes cancelled. Students will not be allowed to attend courses for which they are not registered by this date.

Sept. 20, Tuesday: Drop/Add deadline for all students. A fine is applied to any add/drop from Sept. 21 on. Last day to apply for equivalencies for Fall courses. In case of doubt, consult your academic adviser before this date.

Last day to add or drop courses for the Fall term or to withdraw from the FMT program according to MESRS rules (see item above).

Oct. 3, Monday

To Year 1: Fall Stage. Regular classes for Years 2 and 3 (see next item).

Oct. 8, Saturday

Oct. 4, Tuesday

To Year 3 Field Trip to Western Ontario. Regular classes on Monday and Friday.

Oct. 6, Thursday

Oct. 10, Monday: Thanksgiving. Classes cancelled.

Nov. 10, Thursday: Remembrance Day ceremonies from 10h30 to 11h30.

Nov. 4, Friday Royal Agricultural Winter Fair: No exams should be scheduled.

To Students must make their own arrangements with their instructors prior to

Nov. 13, Sunday the start of the Fair if they expect to miss classes and/or labs.

Nov. 18, Friday (tentative): QFA Annual Meeting. Regular classes cancelled from 10:30 to 12:30.

Dec. 13, Tuesday: Last day of lectures for the fall term.

Dec. 14, Wednesday

To Fall term exam period.

Dec. 21, Wednesday

Dec. 14, Wednesday: Ministerial Examination of College English from 8:30 to 12:30.

April 14, 2016 Version



Jan. 4, Wednesday: Start of classes for the Winter Term.

Jan. 5, Thursday: Fee payment deadline for the winter 2017 semester

Jan. 9, Monday: Students will not be allowed to attend courses for which they did not register before this date.

Jan. 17, Tuesday: Regular classes cancelled from 10:30 for the Salon de l’agriculture.

Jan 17, Tuesday: Course change (drop/add) deadline. A fine is applied to any add/drop from Jan. 18 to Feb. 10.

Feb. 4, Saturday: Judging Competition.

Feb. 9, Thursday: Founder’s Day; regular classes cancelled from 10h00 to 13h00. All students are required to attend proceedings.

Feb. 17, Friday: Last day to withdraw from the FMT program. Last day to apply for equivalencies for Winter courses. In case of doubt, consult your academic adviser before this date.

February 27, Monday

To Winter Stage for Years 1 and 2. Ent. Man. 3 week for Year 3.

March 4, Saturday

March 1, Wednesday: Deadline to apply for graduation.

April 14, Friday

To Easter break. No classes.

April 17, Monday

April 21, Friday: Last day of classes.

April 22, Saturday

To Exam period.

April 28, Friday

May 17, Wednesday: Ministerial Examination of College English from 8:30 to 12:30.

TBA: Convocation for graduating students.

August 9, Wednesday: Ministerial Examination of College English from 8:30 to 12:30.

Reminder: August 28, Monday: The 2017 Fall semester begins for all students.

April 14, 2016 Version