• Business Description (detailed concept and methods of operation; what are you trying to start, acquire or other wise operate at a farm/ business; numbers, size, products)
• Organization of Business and what type of business structure you will operate under.
● Mission & Vision Statements
● Bussiness Goals (note both short & long term things you want to do to make this work)
• Regional Trends (what about this location and type of business will allow its success?)
• Major Changes and Improvements (Thing that need to take place for success of the new venture)
• Resource Inventory: (What do you have and what can lease or hire done?)
Land & other natural resources
Buildings, Machinery and Equipment, Labor force
Agreements & contracts for inputs and outputs (manure & feed for livestock enterprises)
• Marketing Plan (Notes purchase and sales arrangements in place, cost of production & projected ability to reach the targeted market or niche.)
• Production Plan (How much of what will you produce or services that will be provided.)
• Planned Machinery and Buildings Investment (What do you have or how will you be able to produce or deliver the products. Example: planter for planting corn)
• Long-Term Financial Summary (2 or 3 yr. history and a projection of the next 3 to 5 year that includes how the cash flow needs during the start up will be covered.)
• Personal/Household Finances (provide a clear bench mark of your starting point to launching this business venture.)
• Business Transition and Member Exit plan (Provide a picture of how a member or partner in the business will be able to exit the business without disruption of the ongoing activities.)
• Acknowledgments (Who, how and what others contributed to the building of the plan.)

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