Assistant Professor of Finance
Department of Accounting, Finance and Information Systems
College of Business, North Dakota State University, Dept. 2410
P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Tel: 701 231 5704. E-Mail:
North Dakota State University
- Assistant Professor of Finance (tenure-track), August 2009 – present
- Courses taught: FIN 410-610 Investment Analysis and Management, FIN 440-640 International Finance, FIN 320 Principles of Finance
The University of Memphis
- PhD student - Instructor, 2006-2009
Ph.D. in Finance,The University of Memphis,August 2009
MBA in Finance, Ball State University,July 2005
BBA,Istanbul University, July 2003
Refereed Journal Publications
- “Earnings Management and Analyst Following: A Simultaneous Equations Analysis,” with Hong, Y. and Zhang, W. 2013, Financial Management, forthcoming.
- “Bank Credits and Non-Oil Economic Growth: Evidence from Azerbaijan,”with Hasanov, F., 2013,International Review of Economics and Finance, 2013, Vol. 27, 597-610.
- “Tax Avoidance, Tax Management and Corporate Social Responsibility,”with Klamm B., Journal of Corporate Finance, 2012,Vol. 18, 804–827.
- “Government as the Firm’s Third Stakeholder: Impact on Capital Structure, Discount Rates and Valuation,”with Spahr, R. W. and Jain, P.K., The Engineering Economist, 2012, Vol. 57, 157-177.
- “Tax Policy and Macro-Finance in a Competitive Global Economy whereGovernment is Considered as Firms’ Third Financial Stakeholder,”with Spahr R. W., Jain P. K., and Parikh B. R., Global Business and Economics Review, 2012, Vol. 14, 30-66.
- “Review of Stock Exchanges in CIS Countries: Future Perspectives,”Transition Studies Review, 2010, Vol. 17, No. 1, 63-79.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Huseynov Fariz, 2009, The Root Cause and Global Impact of the Financial Crisis: Fiscal Policy Long-Term Solution, Proceedings of the International Practical Scientific Conference: The Functioning of the Banking System during the Financial Crisis, Balashov, Russia, October 31- November 1, (with Spahr, R. W. and P. Jain).
Refereed Research Presentations
“Short Selling and Earnings Management”
- American Accounting Association, Anaheim, CA, August 2013
- Financial Management Association, Chicago, IL, October 2013
“Earnings Management and Analyst Following: A Simultaneous Equations Analysis”
- American Accounting Association, Anaheim, CA, August 2013
“Effective Tax Rates, Tax Management Fees and Corporate Social Responsibility” (co-author presented)
- Midwest American Accounting Association, Indianapolis, October 2011
“The Determinants of Bank Interest Margins When Deposit Insurance is Tied to Interest Rates: Evidence from Azerbaijan”
- SouthWestern Finance Association, Houston, March 2011
- Financial Management Association, New York City, October 2010
- Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy PhD Workshop, Baku, Azerbaijan, Dec. 2009
“Government as the Firm’s Third Financial Stakeholder: Impact on Tax Structure, Discount Rates and Valuation”
- Midwest Finance Association, Las Vegas, February 2010
“Review of Stock Exchanges in CIS Countries: Future Perspectives”
- Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy PhD Workshop, Baku, Azerbaijan, December 2008
“The Income Tax Structure’s Impact on Growth, Valuation and Global Investments: A Three Stakeholder Perspective”
- Financial Management Association, Dallas, October 2008
“SME markets around the world: What did we learn?”
- Baku Stock Exchange, Baku, Azerbaijan, June 2008
“The Global Competitiveness Challenge and Tax Structure from a Firm’s Financial Stakeholder Perspective”
- Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, March 2008
“Future of Capital Markets in Azerbaijan”,
- 2nd Annual Azerbaijani-American Scholarly Forum, San Francisco, CA, December 2007
Awards and Grants
- Eisele Teaching Fellow, 2013-2016, College of Business, North Dakota State University
- Competitive Research Grant: FCBE Summer 2007, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis, under the guidance of Dr. P. K. Jain for "The Global Competitiveness Challenge and Tax Structure from a Firm's Financial Stakeholder Perspective", $2000
Refereed Non-Academic Articles
- Battling Information Asymmetry in the Azerbaijan Economy, ADA Biweekly, 2009, Vol. 2, No. 12, 6-8.
- How Do Banks Determine Their Spreads: Academic Evidence, Banks and Business, 2009, No: 06 (31).
- Be Careful When Applying to Mortgages, 2009, Ekspert, 63, 3.
- Concentration in Azerbaijan Banking Sector, 2008, Ekspert, 49, 1, 2008, (with Khanoglan Huseynov)
Refereed Book Articles
- What do we lack in corporate governance?, in Renewing Azerbaijani Economy in New World, 2006, publisher QASIM, 165-169
- Valuation of State-owned Business, in Renewing Azerbaijani Economy in New World, 2006, publisher QASIM, 169-173
- Stock exchange development: Suggestions, in Toward Globalization, 2006, publisher QASIM, 229-235
- Academic Service/Committee memberships (selected):
- University Faculty Senate, Department Curriculum Committee
- Academic Adviser to the Student Managed Investment Fund, College of Business, North Dakota State University
- Academic journal reviews: The Financial Review (2013), Journal of Banking and Finance (2012), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (2008)
- Session Chair or Discussant –FMA 2012, SWFA 2011, FMA 2010, MFA 2010, FMA 2009, MFA 2008, FMA 2007