Fargo Angels Hockey Board of Directors Meeting August 17th, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
5:58 PM
- Call to Order: The Board of Directors for the Fargo Angels convened at 6:00 PM at Dakota Medical Foundation.
- Opening Prayer: Derek Sunderland led our Angel Prayer
- Roll Call: Board Members Present: Derek Sunderland, Jerry Gores, Tonya Anderson, Donn Bryant, Nicole Hofer
- Late: Bruce Wieland,
Absent: Mark Olsonawski, Dave Peterson, Mike Gallagher
Guests: Jon Foness and Randy Sorby
- Secretary Report: Jerry Gores motioned to approve the July Meeting Notes, and Donn Bryant seconded them, and the meeting notes were approved.
- Treasurers Report: Jerry Gores gave an update and all bills have been paid.
- Committee Reports:
- Concessions-working on credit card swipe and PayPal account
- Fundraising-We need to send a reminder to organization to pick up raffle tickets and sign up for registration.
- Tournament-We have about 5 confirmed with 2 interested and no Canadian teams yet.
- Coaching committee: We have about 12-15 coaches in mind for this season. We have a great group this year.
- Golf Tournament: we made about$7-8000 on the golf tournament, great results and fun day.
- Level Liaison Reports (Donn, Tonya, Dave)
- Scheduling (Jon Fosness) “Tournament selections” All tournaments are selected and with Bantam will be decided this week.
- Old Business:
- Refund Policy (vote)
- Duty Delegation , We will talk about this next meeting
- Sunmart Arena (updates, fixes needed, etc.) Short term vision
- Strategic Planning Committee “Long term vision” We have some ideas in place to help with the roof and other areas of fixing up the arena.
- Angels Website and email retention for future (New, change etc.) We didn’t talk about this at all.
- Signage (advertising) in arena, do we have someone that will manage this for us?
- School Athletic Director (Shanley, OG, & Park)We are going to talk about inviting the ADs to our next meetings to gain their agreement.
- Championship Banners, most are in favor of a year and team, no names or pictures
- New Business:
- Registration Open – “PayPal opportunities”
- Bantam numbers, We talked a ton about Bantams and how we will end up this year. We are qualified for the state to already play in a B1 league.
- Ice Breaker Planning (Date, Location, committee, plans, etc.) Oct 7th, DMF office
- Back to school nights, We have all schools but Park Christian covered. Mike Hartle is working with Derek on the pamphlets
- Angels clothing options & socks (coordinator)Nicole is working with FCC as an option
- QuickBooks software & Angel’s computer, Jerry is going to work on getting a computer for the Angels to have and pass down to each treasurer.
- 100 – hole golf fundraiser…Derek is going to try to get another golf tournament
- Safesport 2014-2015 – Locker room policies, we will double check to see if this is every year or every two years.
- Angels State Representative, September 13th Donn Bryant is going to attend the state meeting and be our coordinator.
- Fundraising/concession “paid positons” monies paid (vote next meeting)We will talk about this at the next meeting. Should we do a flat fee at 1200 and you can do whatever you need to do to get the money to us.
- Angels Registrar & Board contact – score sheet submissions etc. Brad Sunderland is going to be our contact.
- Open Discussion & additional items
- Donn Bryant motioned to adjourn the meeting and Bruce Wieland seconded the motion and we adjourned the meeting at 9:00