Fargo Angels Hockey Board of Directors Meeting August 17th, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014

5:58 PM

  1. Call to Order: The Board of Directors for the Fargo Angels convened at 6:00 PM at Dakota Medical Foundation.
  2. Opening Prayer: Derek Sunderland led our Angel Prayer
  3. Roll Call: Board Members Present: Derek Sunderland, Jerry Gores, Tonya Anderson, Donn Bryant, Nicole Hofer
  4. Late: Bruce Wieland,

Absent: Mark Olsonawski, Dave Peterson, Mike Gallagher

Guests: Jon Foness and Randy Sorby

  1. Secretary Report: Jerry Gores motioned to approve the July Meeting Notes, and Donn Bryant seconded them, and the meeting notes were approved.
  2. Treasurers Report: Jerry Gores gave an update and all bills have been paid.
  3. Committee Reports:
  4. Concessions-working on credit card swipe and PayPal account
  5. Fundraising-We need to send a reminder to organization to pick up raffle tickets and sign up for registration.
  6. Tournament-We have about 5 confirmed with 2 interested and no Canadian teams yet.
  7. Coaching committee: We have about 12-15 coaches in mind for this season. We have a great group this year.
  8. Golf Tournament: we made about$7-8000 on the golf tournament, great results and fun day.
  9. Level Liaison Reports (Donn, Tonya, Dave)
  10. Scheduling (Jon Fosness) “Tournament selections” All tournaments are selected and with Bantam will be decided this week.
  1. Old Business:
  2. Refund Policy (vote)
  3. Duty Delegation , We will talk about this next meeting
  4. Sunmart Arena (updates, fixes needed, etc.) Short term vision
  5. Strategic Planning Committee “Long term vision” We have some ideas in place to help with the roof and other areas of fixing up the arena.
  6. Angels Website and email retention for future (New, change etc.) We didn’t talk about this at all.
  7. Signage (advertising) in arena, do we have someone that will manage this for us?
  8. School Athletic Director (Shanley, OG, & Park)We are going to talk about inviting the ADs to our next meetings to gain their agreement.
  9. Championship Banners, most are in favor of a year and team, no names or pictures
  1. New Business:
  2. Registration Open – “PayPal opportunities”
  3. Bantam numbers, We talked a ton about Bantams and how we will end up this year. We are qualified for the state to already play in a B1 league.
  4. Ice Breaker Planning (Date, Location, committee, plans, etc.) Oct 7th, DMF office
  5. Back to school nights, We have all schools but Park Christian covered. Mike Hartle is working with Derek on the pamphlets
  6. Angels clothing options & socks (coordinator)Nicole is working with FCC as an option
  7. QuickBooks software & Angel’s computer, Jerry is going to work on getting a computer for the Angels to have and pass down to each treasurer.
  8. 100 – hole golf fundraiser…Derek is going to try to get another golf tournament
  9. Safesport 2014-2015 – Locker room policies, we will double check to see if this is every year or every two years.
  10. Angels State Representative, September 13th Donn Bryant is going to attend the state meeting and be our coordinator.
  11. Fundraising/concession “paid positons” monies paid (vote next meeting)We will talk about this at the next meeting. Should we do a flat fee at 1200 and you can do whatever you need to do to get the money to us.
  12. Angels Registrar & Board contact – score sheet submissions etc. Brad Sunderland is going to be our contact.
  1. Open Discussion & additional items
  2. Donn Bryant motioned to adjourn the meeting and Bruce Wieland seconded the motion and we adjourned the meeting at 9:00