FAQs for the Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 Connector related to NDOT projects.

1. Conditions may have changed as a result of the long durationassociated with this environmentaldocument. Are there other projectswhich may influence the Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 ConnectorProject?

Yes.There are other concurrent projects being worked on by NDOT and other agencies.

NDOT’s projects include:

- Reno/Sparks Freeway Traffic Study

- I-80 Corridor Study

- Reno Spaghetti Bowl EIS

- Spaghetti Bowl Express Design-Build Project (SBX)

- U.S. 395 North Valleys Improvements

Other agency projects include:

- The Southeast Connector

- Sparks Boulevard Widening

- West Sun Valley Arterial

2. How does the Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 Connector influence the other projects described?

Reno/Sparks Freeway Traffic Study: This study analyzed the traffic projections for the year 2040 on U.S. 395, I-80, and I-580 outside of the McCarran Boulevard loop. The project traffic projections include the anticipated traffic from the Pyramid Connector.

I-80 Corridor Study: The I-80 Corridor Study reviews all regional planning documents, studies, and projects to determine how they will impact I-80 from the Spaghetti Bowl to S.R. 439. The corridor study’s goal is to reduce congestion in this stretch of I-80. One of the studies it accounts for is the Pyramid Connector.

Reno Spaghetti Bowl EIS: The Reno Spaghetti Bowl project is evaluating several alternatives as part of an environmental study for the I-80 / I-580 spaghetti bowl. The Reno Spaghetti Bowl EIS project is evaluating additional widening to U.S. 395 beyond the scope of the U.S. 395 North Valleys Improvements (see below). The Pyramid Connector traffic has been included as part of the environmental and traffic analysis.

Spaghetti Bowl Express (SBX): SBX is afast-tracked phase of the larger Reno Spaghetti Bowl project that is aimed at making improvements to the eastboundI-80 to southbound I-580 Spaghetti Bowl ramp and area. Because it is a part of the larger Reno Spaghetti Bowl project, future traffic generated from the Pyramid Connector has been included. SBX will not impact the Pyramid Connector because of the limited scope of the proposed improvements.

U.S.395 North Valleys Improvements: This project includes adding a third lane in the southbound direction and addsnorthbound and southbound auxiliary lanes between interchange ramps on select sections of U.S. 395 in the North Valleys. This project also includes reconstruction of the Parr Boulevard interchange to be compatible with the Pyramid Connector improvements at U.S. 395. The Pyramid Connector study assumed the widening of U.S. 395 and other improvements made by NDOT prior to the construction of the connector. The U.S. 395 North Valleys project is one such project that provides this widening.

3. What is the timing of the Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 Connector?

Please refer to the phasing plan in the FEIS for a detailed summary of the project phasing.

4. Will a delay of any project listed previously impact the timing of the Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 Connector? How are these project prioritized?

Generally, no. The Pyramid Connectorwould function separately from all of the other projects. The project has been broken up into a series of phases. Upon completion of the environmental review, initial phases will move into preliminary engineering, and eventually construction. During the engineering of each phase, design coordination will occur between the Pyramid Connector and the other projects identified along U.S.395.

Each project is advancing based on its own schedule, and each schedule could be affected by availability of funding, project risks, and traffic need. Each project, including the Pyramid Connector, aims to improve the regional connectivity and mobility in the region and is considered a priority based on RTC’s long-range planning process.

5. Does development at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center affect the need of the Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 Connector?

Generally, no—the project would be needed regardless of this development. In addition, NDOT’s I-80 Corridor study is evaluating all projects to determine what regional impacts might result.

7. How might the opening of the Southeast Connector affect the Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 Connector?

The Southeast Connector, a.k.a. Veterans Parkway, was included as part of the traffic modeling for the Pyramid Connector, so the effect on the Pyramid Connector is anticipated to be minimal. One of the purposes of the Pyramid Connector project is to improve east/west regional connectivity, while Veterans Parkway improves north/south connectivity.

8. If some of these projects listed above are not constructed within the next 3-5 years, will U.S. 395 function?

Overall yes, but traffic delays during peak periods will continue to increase.

9. Does a delay in the Pyramid Highway / U.S. 395 Connector increase crashes along the Pyramid Corridor and along U.S. 395?

It is difficult to predict if traffic crashes might increase as a result of a delays to the project. There are a number of factors that cause traffic crashes including impaired driving, distracted driving, and speed. The Pyramid Connector improves the access control of the roadway and reduces the number of left-turn movements and cross traffic conflicts. Also, if a traffic crash does occur along Pyramid Highway, the Pyramid Connector allows for an alternative route to avoid the crash.

10. What happens to the Pyramid Highway / McCarran Boulevard intersection if the Pyramid Highway / US 395 Connector is not built for another 10-15 years?

Without the Pyramid Connector and other improvements proposed along Pyramid Highway as part of this Pyramid Connector project, traffic at the Pyramid Highway / McCarran Boulevard intersection will continue to increase. Eventually, the increase in traffic will reduce the effectiveness of the intersection and increase the amount of delay to the traveling public.

11. Does the Pyramid Highway / US 395 Connector accommodateHigh Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, and automatous vehicles?

Generally, yes. While not explicitly included as part of the design, the Pyramid Connector alternatives allow for the future implementation of these types of features.