This Expression of Interest (EoI) calls for the provision of ICTskills and services to eThekwini Municipality for a thirty six (36) month period commencing from the 1stmonth following issue of the letter of acceptance.
The objective of this request for Expressions of Interest is to acquire industry partners in ICT related services and skills in order to complement eThekwini Municipality’s services to its client departments on an “as, and when required” basis. Candidates are encouraged to respond for those skills or services they have expertise in.
A list of preferred tenderers will be appointed per service category.
See Annexure A. A list of the municipality’s standards are supplied in Annexure B. The list is not exhaustive. Furthermore the list does not include methodologies or tools for project management or business analysis.
EThekwini Municipality will engage the preferred tenderers for a specific service or skill with detailed requirements through a Request for Services/Skillprocess based on the detailed requirements. EThekwini Municipality will then select the best response for the service or skill.
Should it be necessary for aninterested party to obtain clarity on any matter arising from or referred to in this document, please refer your queries, in writing, to the contact person(s) listed below. EThekwini Municipality reserves the right to place responses to such queries on its website.
Bob Gangadaran / Tel / (031) 322 9507Fax / (031) 304 1829
E-mail /
3.1The objective of this exercise is to compile a list of approved services providers of services and skills to support the Council’s services on an “as, when and where required” basis. These services and skills are specified in detail under Annexure A.
3.2In addition to the supply of the required ICT and related services and resources, the successful tenderers shall be required to take full responsibility for ICTservices and resources including, but not limited to, management, guarantee of quality of services and will have the responsibility and contractual controlfor resources supplied.
3.3Respondents may select what services and skills they want to supply.
3.4A list of preferred suppliers will be appointed per service category.
3.5 EThekwini Municipality will engage the preferred suppliers for a specific service or skill through a Request for Service/Skill process which will include adetailed requirementsspecification for the service or skill. EThekwini Municipality will then select the best response for the service or skill in a specified category.
During this phase, SLA’s and detailed deliverables will be specified.
For the purpose of simplifying the evaluation process, the response document must address all aspects of the requirements as detailed in this document. In addition, the response document must contain at least the following headings:
- Service Category – Specify the service category you would like to be considered for. Please use service category names as per Annexure A.
- Skills –Provide a brief description of the type of skills you have available for this service category. For each skill, indicate the level of experience and capability.
- Reference Sites –Provide reference sites and contact details where your organisation has provided the proposed service/skill.
Any other relevant supporting information that may assist the municipality’s decision-making process should be included in the response document.
5.1 Local Development and Increased Use of Local Resources
5.1.1Respondents must have physical presence in KZN, for the duration of the contract. From a commercial and legal point of view, tenderers are required to supply proof of presence in KZN.
5.1.2Tenderers will also be expected to utilize local resources in the execution of their contracts, rather than import them from other regions. Proof of this will be required when preferred tenderers respond to the Request for Skill/Services.
5.2Appointed Preferred Suppliers
5.2.1The result of the adjudication will be a list of appointed preferred suppliers in KZN from which the Council can select suppliers in accordance with its acquisition policy and preferences.
5.2.2Council reserves the right to limit the amount of suppliers on the preferred suppliers list.
5.3Single Party Responsibility
5.3.1Each tender will have a single party taking responsibility for all aspects of tendering, contract negotiation and subsequent contractual delivery for the duration of the contract, i.e. a prime contractor.
5.4Updates of the Requirements
5.4.1Updates may be required to the skills and services defined in this Request for Tender. This may be the result of a change in Business Requirements from the Client. Such updates can be done on a yearly basis, wherein the information will be requested.
5.4.2 Compliance to policy, regulations and legislation will be strictly adhered to in terms of the skills and services updates.
5.5 Service Levels
It may be necessary to impose SLA’s in the case of the services rendered by a certain skill. The negotiations relating to such SLA will be the function of the client and the tenderer, before entering into a contract for that specific skill.
5.6Business Tools
The Tenderer will be responsible to supply Business Tools to each Skill and/or Service contracted for. Business Tools include at least a Mobile Phone and Mobile PC (Laptop) with up to date software.
5.7Curricula Vitae, Reference Checking and Interviews
When a ‘Request for Service/Skill’ is issued, a Curricula Vitae for all proposed Skills personnel must accompany the proposal documents. Council reserves the right to do reference checking on Skills and Services, and to conduct interviews with the proposed resources if it so chooses.
5.8Contract Rates
When a ‘Request for Service/Skill’ is issued, the tenderer will be expected to specify the contract rates that will be contractually applicable for the proposed skill.
6.1Formal Contract
Theresponse to the Request for Services/Skills, all the appended documentation and the proposal in response thereto read together, forms the basis for a formal contract to be negotiated and finalised between eThekwini Municipality and the enterprise (s) to whom eThekwini Municipality finally awards the tender in whole or in part.
Being included in the preferred supplier list shall not constitute a formal contract of any nature for any purpose between eThekwini Municipality and any tenderer.
6.2Tenderers must fully complete the Tender Form and all the Schedules which accompany this specification, thereby providing the requested information. Failure to submit a fully completed tender form and all the schedules shall result in the tender being disqualified.
6.3The tender shall be evaluated in accordance with the municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy and Targeted Procurement Policy.
6.4The appointment of the individuals/skills to provide services to eThekwini Municipality will be in 2 parts:
Part 1:The evaluation of the proposals for inclusion in the list of preferred suppliers will be based on the following evaluation criteria and points:
- Suitability of Skills Offered
- Preferential points
Total / 100 points
Part 2: The evaluation of the proposals during the Request for Services/Skills process will be based on the following evaluation criteria and points:
1. Suitability of the specific Skills Offered and price / 90- Preferential points
Total / 100 points
Where projects, services and skills required exceed R500 000 in value; and
1. Suitability of the specific Skills Offered and price / 80- Preferential points
Total / 100 points
Where projects, services and skills required do not exceed R500 000 in value.
6.5Tenderers are advised that the proposed billing information, will not be requiredduring the period of compiling the preferred supplier list. The actual contract rates will be taken into consideration when the Request for Service/Skill is issued.
6.6Tenderers who use sub-contractors
The tender will however be awarded to the tenderer as a primary contractor who will be responsible for the management of the awarded Tender. No separate contract will be entered into between Council and any such sub-contractors. Copies of the signed agreements between the relevant parties must be attached to the tender responses.
6.7Council reserves the right to cancel/reject any tender and not to award the tender to the lowest bidder or award parts of the tender to different tenderers, or not to award the bid at all.
6.8Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenderers are cautioned that any material divergence from the conditions of this specification will preclude acceptance of this tender.
6.9 Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
Tenderers are to include with their tender submission a valid tax clearance certificate, or obtain one prior to the evaluation of submissions, which has sufficient validity to ensure the process is adequately covered.
Council reserves the right to disqualify any tender which does not meet any one or more of the following, conditions and such disqualification may take place without prior notice to the offending tenderer:
1Tenderer, who submitted incomplete documentation and/or information as per the requirements of this Expression of Interest.
2Tenderer, who did not submit an original valid Tax Clearance Certificate.
3Tenderer who submitted information that is fraudulent, factually untrue or inaccurate.
4Tenderer that fails to meet or comply with any of the mandatory requirements.
Respondents are cautioned that the adjudication process will be undertaken in accordance with eThekwini Municipality‘s Targeted Procurement policy and thus it is essential that respondents claiming affirmative procurement preference complete documents entitled “Application for Registration on the EM Proc database” and “Application for Targeted Enterprise Status” which can be downloaded from the municipality’s website:
For assistance in the completion thereof, prospective respondents should contact the Manager: Procurement Monitoring, tel. 031-322 7010.
Respondents are cautioned that in the event of incorrect and/or fraudulent claim(s) for Targeted Enterprise status being submitted under this enquiry, such claim(s) shall automatically disqualify the applicable proposal from further considerations.
Furthermore, should the claim be found to be fraudulent, either at the point of proposal adjudication or at anytime thereafter, the respondent shall be disqualified from all future (eThekwini Municipality) tender adjudication process/contracts for a minimum period determined by eThekwini Municipality.
Respondents should also be fully aware that it is primarily their responsibility to understand the relevant criteria, definitions and interpretations that are necessary to comply with the Targeted Procurement Policy before claiming Targeted Procurement status.
This tender is to be addressed to the Head: Geographic Information and Policy and must be clearly marked “Provision of ICT Services and Skills” and must be placed in the tender box located on the Ground Floor, City Engineers Building, 166 K.E Masinga Road (formerly Old Fort Road) Durban, 4001 (and not at any other municipal office) on or before 11h00 on 02 October 2009. No electronic submissions will be accepted.
1.Any legal person, including persons employed by the principal, or persons having a kinship with persons employed by the principal, including a blood relationship, may make an offer or offers in terms of this invitation to bid. In view of possible allegations of favouritism, should the resulting bid, or part thereof, be awarded to persons employed by the principal, or to persons connected with or related to them, it is required that the bidder or his/her authorised representative declare his/her positionin relation to the evaluating/adjudicating authority and/or take an oath declaring his/her interest, where-
-the bidder is employed by the principal; and/or
-the legal person on whose behalf the bidding document is signed, has a relationship with persons/a person who are/is involved in the evaluation and or adjudication of the bid(s), or where it is known that such a relationship exists between the person or persons for or on whose behalf the declarant acts and persons who are involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of the bid.
2.In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the bid.
2.1Are you or any person connected with the bidder, employed by the principal?YES / NO
If so, state particulars………………………………………………………...
2.2Do you, or any person connected with the bidder, have any relationship (family, friend, other) with a person employed by the principal and who may be involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of this bid? YES / NO
If so, state particulars…………………………………………………………
2.3Are you, or any person connected with the bidder, aware of any relationship (family, friend, other) between the bidder and any person employed by the principal who may be involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of this bid? YES / NO
If so, state particulars………………………………………………………..
I/We do hereby declare that the Municipal Fees of are, as at the date of the tender closing, fully paid up, or arrangements have been concluded with the Municipality to pay the said fees:-
Account Number ______
Electricity }
Water }to be completed by tenderer
Joint Service Board Levies }
I/We acknowledge that should it be found that the Municipal Fees are not up to date, the Council may take such remedial action as it required, including termination of contract, and any income due to the contractor shall be utilised to offset any monies due to the Council.
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