How will mobile manufacture of perishable (‘fresh’) 1080 bait work?
Licensed mobile 1080 bait manufacturers will come out to landholders’ properties and prepare fresh 1080 bait on site. All other existing bait supply requirements apply – purchasers still need to be authorised persons with relevant training and skills to handle 1080 bait products safely. Mobile 1080 bait manufacture is best suited to coordinated community baiting programs where groups of landholders come together to lay bait on their properties at the same time.
What are the benefits of mobile manufacturing?
The commercialisation of 1080 bait supply in Victoria has already resulted in the combined total of shelf-stable and fresh bait supply locations increasing from 60 to approximately 130 between 2008 and 2015. Most of these supply locations currently offer shelf-stable 1080 bait products. Communities in some parts of Victoria have requested mobile 1080 bait manufacture as a means of further increasing local access to fresh 1080 bait.
Mobile 1080 bait manufacture delivers fresh bait to landholders faster than other supply options because bait is prepared directly on site. Manufacturers may allow landholders to provide bait substrate (red meat, liver or carrot) as a way of reducing costs, however this needs to be discussed with and agreed to by appropriately licensed perishable 1080 bait manufacturers. Pricing and availability of mobile manufactured fresh 1080 bait products will ultimately be a commercial business decision made by licensed perishable 1080 bait manufacturers based on a range of factors, including community demand.
Can purchasers provide their own containers when receiving bait from mobile manufacturers?
Mobile perishable 1080 bait manufacturers can only provide fresh 1080 bait in labelled containers that meet legal requirements, including being strong enough to withstand rupture, prevent leakage and be securely closed. As long as the containers comply with relevant standards, they may be provided by either the mobile manufacturer or the bait purchaser.
Who will it benefit?
The main beneficiaries of mobile 1080 bait manufacture are:
· Local communities in remote areas of the state with limited access to fresh 1080 bait;
· Communities wanting to participate in coordinated community 1080 baiting programs;
· Community groups wishing to synchronise landscape scale 1080 baiting programs; and
· Licensed fresh 1080 bait manufacturers who want to expand their service offering.
Can 1080 bait users continue purchasing bait the way they are used to?
Yes – mobile manufacture of fresh 1080 bait is an additional option, but landholders are free to choose whichever bait supply option best suits their needs. 1080 bait manufacture and supply is fully commercialised in Victoria. Landholders may prefer to buy shelf-stable 1080 bait from accredited 1080 bait retailers, or purchase fresh 1080 bait and have it couriered out to their property (most licensed fresh 1080 bait manufacturers can transport fresh 1080 bait anywhere in Victoria within 24 hours).
If fresh 1080 bait can already be purchased from suppliers and couriered to anywhere in Victoria within one day, is mobile manufacturing necessary?
Perishable 1080 baits have a short shelf-life and must be laid within three days of the date of manufacture. Some landholders may prefer to purchase fresh baits prepared directly from a licensed manufacturer at a mobile facility location. Landholders have multiple options and can choose whichever baiting method best suits their circumstances.
How much will fresh bait cost under mobile 1080 bait manufacturing?
Manufacturers may allow landholders to provide their own bait substrate (red meat, liver or carrot) as a way of reducing the cost, however this needs to be discussed with and agreed to by the licensed perishable 1080 bait manufacturer. Pricing of mobile manufactured fresh 1080 bait products will be a commercial business decision made by manufacturers based on a range of factors, including community demand.
Where and when will mobile 1080 bait manufacturing be available?
It is a commercial business decision whether licensed fresh 1080 bait manufacturers choose to become mobile manufacturers. To provide a mobile fresh 1080 bait manufacture service, perishable 1080 bait manufacturers need to apply to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for a mobile facility licence. To register interest for mobile manufacture of fresh 1080 bait in your local area, contact licensed 1080 bait manufacturers directly so that they may consider applying to DHHS for a mobile facility licence (contact details for all of the current perishable 1080 bait manufacturers in Victoria are available on the Department of Health and Human Services website at
Why might I consider becoming a mobile 1080 bait manufacturer?
The Victorian Government has passed legislation enabling licensed perishable 1080 bait manufacturers to become mobile manufacturers if they wish to apply to DHHS for a mobile facility licence. It is up to individual manufacturers to make a commercial business decision whether to pursue the opportunity. Decision making will likely involve a range of factors including level of community demand for fresh 1080 bait and analysis of mobile manufacture commercial viability.
What is involved if I am thinking of entering the market as a mobile 1080 bait manufacturer?
Mobile 1080 bait manufacturers must:
· Have a DHHS 1080 poison manufacture and supply licence for a fixed premises;
· Have an Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority Permit for Supplying a Perishable Bait Treated with a Registered Chemical Product;
· Comply with 1080 Victorian Code of Practice for Preparation of Perishable 1080 Pest Animal Bait Products (Using 1080 Aqueous Solution);
· Comply with Directions for the Use of 1080 Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria; and
· Have a DHHS 1080 poison manufacture and supply licence for a mobile facility.
For more detail on DHHS licence requirements, visit:
For more detail on the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority permit, visit:
For more detail on compliance documents, visit:
Is mobile 1080 bait manufacturing done in other parts of Australia?
Yes – parts of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia have mobile 1080 bait manufacturing in place.
How will the risks be managed if toxic 1080 concentrate solution is used ‘out in the field’ in local communities?
1080 is a restricted chemical product under the Agricultural Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 that can only be supplied to authorised persons. Manufacturers of 1080 perishable bait products must be appropriately trained and licensed in order to prepare and supply fresh 1080 pest animal bait products.
The 1080 Victorian Code of Practice for Preparation of Perishable 1080 Pest Animal Bait Products (Using 1080 Aqueous Solution) has been updated to include specific safeguards for mobile manufacturing including distance restrictions. The code applies to all mobile manufacturers operating out in the community.
The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) can also audit 1080 bait users to ensure they are meeting their legislative responsibilities. Fines may be issued for non-compliance (up to $43,000 for companies and $21,500 for individuals). If you have any concerns about 1080 bait activity occurring in your local community, contact the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.
Does mobile 1080 bait manufacturing pose an increased risk of environmental damage (e.g. water sources, soil and plants) or harm to non-target animals?
The risks that 1080 baits may pose to the environment, human health and trade have been assessed by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority as part of the product registration and label approval process. 1080 is biodegradable in the environment and is broken down by soil micro-organisms, so it does not persist in the environment over time. It is also highly soluble in water.
For more information:
Visit the DEDJTR 1080 web page at or call the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.