FM-9130 v01Issue Date: 04-07-2014Page 1 of 2

IE Facility Name: / Request Submittal Date:
ATC Substation:
Test Start Date: / Start Time:
Test Completion Date: / Completion Time:
Requestor Name: / Phone#:
Requestor Fax#: / E-mail:
Person-In-Charge: / Phone#:
Work in a substation interconnected to ATC may carry risks to ATC-owned equipment (such as inadvertent contact, clearance requirements, proximity to underground cables, etc.). Contact theATC System Control Operator when entering the interconnected substation to inform ATC of testing activities regardless of the need for this form.
All questions should be answered prior to submitting form.
  1. Will an IE owned protective scheme that provides protection of ATC-owned equipment be disabled or removed from service while theATC-owned equipment remains energized?
/ Yes No
If the answer to Question 1 is YES, please complete and submit ATC Protective Relay or Communication Channel Testing request via TOA or if necessary Form FM-9120
  1. Does any equipment to be worked on trip ATC-owned equipment (including transfer trip systems)? If YES, complete questions (a) and (b) below.
/ Yes No
  1. Will any IE-owned relay trip output not be isolated by an open test switch?
/ Yes No
  1. Will any IE-owned relay trip output to ATC-owned equipment not be isolated by an open test switch?
/ Yes No
  1. Will any IE-owned equipmentto be worked on include connections other than trip circuits to ATC-owned equipment (e.g.differential current circuits, control circuits to breakers/circuit switchers, etc.)?
/ Yes No
  1. Will connections to ATC-owned equipment be disturbed or modified during testing (e.g.shorting/grounding CT wiring, lifting control circuit wiring, etc.)?
/ Yes No
If any answer to Question 2 through Question 4 is YES, this work needs to be planned and coordinated with ATC. Please emailthis form to the ATC Outage Coordinator at a minimum of 10 business days prior to the equipment testing. IE should not initiate testing without ATC approval.

Scopeof Work(if any answer to Questions 2 thru 4 is YES, provide details of work below and identify ATC transmission elements that could be impacted as a result of a testing error):

To be completed by ATC

Approver notes:

______, Outage Coordinator


  1. This form must be completed whenever an Interconnected Entity will be testing equipment in the following types of substations:
  2. All substations where generation is connected to the transmission system.
  3. All distribution substations with protection schemes that trip ATC-owned circuit breakers, circuit switchers or lockout relays, or distribution substations that have equipment connected to ATC-owned bus differential schemes.
  4. Submit this form for any positive answer (Yes) to Questions 2, 3 or 4.
  5. A positive answer (Yes) to Question 1 requires the submittal of an ATC Protective Relay or Communication Channel Testing request via ATC Transmission Outage Analysis (TOA) application or via Form FM-9120. Submit boththe Interconnected Entity Equipment Testing Form (FM-9130) and the ATC Protective Relay or Communication Channel Testing request as required.
  6. Notification of intent to perform equipment testing at an Interconnected Entity station should be submitted as follows:
  7. An ATC Interconnected Entity Equipment Testing Form should be submitted a minimum of 10Business days in advance of the planned testing and-or outage date.
  8. Emergency repair and Trouble-Shooting: submittal times will be waived to allow for expedited repair. The Outage Coordinator will evaluate system conditions and determine prioritization of unscheduled repair work and scheduled outages.
  9. This form can be used for small scopes of work, such as testing single elements (e.g. a single relay or circuit breaker), or larger scopes of work, such as whole substations. Enough information needs to be provided to determine any risks associated with equipment testing at the substation interconnected with ATC.
  10. Pleasecontact ATC if you have any questions, or if additional coordination (e.g. a walk-down) with ATC would be beneficial in advance of submitting this form.
  11. ATC will review the IE equipment testing schedule and confirm that the testing plans do not conflict with the planned transmission system configuration. ATC will also review the IE equipment testing schedule the day of testing and confirm that the testing plans do not conflict with the actual transmission system configurationprior to the testing. The Person In-Charge must call the ATC System Control Operator on the day of the planned work prior to testing.

CAUTION: Any paper or filed copy of this document should be verified against the record version on an ATC on-line system.