

Agricultural policy response and adjustment of agriculture and foodsystems to increasing food prices and impacts of climate change onagriculture and rural areas



Monday 23 June

09.00 Registration

09.30 1. Opening Session

Welcome Opening Austrian government, FAO, IPC and Host Committee


Election of the Consultation chairperson, the Session chairpersons (moderators) and the rapporteurs

The agricultural situation in Austria – Richard Norz/Agriculture Chamber Tyrol

10.45 2. Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable

11.00 Coffee break

11.20 3. Panel A: analysis and prospects for world and regional food security

a) General overview of world and regional food security and challenges of climate change and bioenergy – Daniel de la Torre/Agricultural Policy Analysis Center The University of Tennessee

b) Agricultural production models: cumulative costs of agricultural production and processing, including farming inputs and food processing industries and transport and distribution costs; the multifunctional roles of agriculture – Patrick Mulvany/Practical action

c) Regulation of agricultural markets at European level (CAP and other policies) and at global level (WTO and regional free trade agreements): impact of further liberalization of agricultural trade on food security at country level; growing food imports’ bills in selected transition economies – Alex Danau /Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires

d) Roles and responsibilities of economic actors in agro-industry and distribution; global and regional increases of food demand and evolution of consumption models; impacts of production of agrofuels/biofuels – Actionaid campaign on agrobusiness

13.00 Lunch break

14.30 4. Panel B: solutions to the soaring food prices: policy options, instruments and stakeholders’views and role/s of European agriculture

a) In the EU: Health Check of CAP: year 2013 perspectives and response to increasing food and farm prices – Irmi Salzer/OBV/European Farmers Coordination

b) EU CAP’s impact on agriculture in non EU countries in the European Region – Farmers organization from EEEC

c) Policy options and instruments in non-EU countries of the European Region . The case of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia – Abger Yegohan , President of "Protection of Consumers' Rights" NGO /Armenia

d) Markets’ organization for food security (control of agricultural raw materials and food products) in Europe – Alex Danau /Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires

16.00 Coffee break

5. Panel C: agriculture and global warming in the European region: analysis and prospects and stakeholders’views

a) Impact of global warming on agriculture in the European Region - Mr Lonc - Secretary, Regional Conference for Europe – Mr Volker Sasser, Forestry Office/FAO

b) Contribution of European agriculture to global warming – Reyes Tirado/Greenpeace Europe

c) Contribution of European agriculture to global warming – Adrian Bebb / Friends of the Earth Europe (to be confirmed)

18.00 End of the session

Tuesday 24 June

09.30 6. Panel D: agricultural production options for sustainability

a) Re-orientation of farming systems to agro-ecological and organic production – Patrick Mulvany/Practical action UK

b) Prospects and competitiveness of milk-bovine-ovine breeding systems
based on pastures and green areas grazing – Samuel Feret/National Platform on CAP reform/France

c) Other changes to be promoted by agricultural policies and programmes – Gertrude Klaffenbock/FIAN

11.00 Coffee break

7. Panel E: agriculture’s contribution to slowing down climate change

a) Adaptation of agricultural systems to use of local and sustainable
resources – Borbála Simonyi / Protect the Future Hungary

b) Reducing carbon emissions in farming and carbon sequestration
potential in agriculture/Reyes Tirado/Greenpeace UK

c) Potential of short food supply chains - Irmi Salzer/OBV/European Farmers Coordination and Agriculture Chambers of Tyrol

13.00 Lunch break

14.30 8. Panel F: traditional regional agricultural products and food: markets, demand and support policies

a) Traditional regional agricultural products and food as a way to generate
jobs and incomes – Tomasz Lonc - Secretary, Regional Conference for Europe) – Mr Volker Sasser – Forestry Officer/FAO

b) CAP reform and support to traditional regional agricultural products and food;
Pillar One and Pillar Two policies and instruments – Samuel Feret/National Platform on CAP reform /France (local food systems)

c) Policies to support and protect producers of and promote traditional regional
agricultural products and food in non EU countries – Irmi Salzer/OBV/ European Farmers Coordination

15.30 Coffee break

9. Discussion and adoption of statements

Statements on the issues of world and regional food security, agriculture and climate change and traditional regional agricultural and food products

18.00 End of the session


With the financial support of:

-  The Boell Foundation (Berlin)

-  Eco Fair Dialogue

-  The Agricultural chamber of Tyrol (Austria)

-  JMG Foundation

-  Vredeseilanden (Belgium)

-  ICCO en kerkactie (Netherlands)

-  European Commission – EuropeAid

-  Belgian Cooperation – DGCD

With other supports from:

-  European Regional Office of the FAO (Budapest)

-  Government of Austria

-  OBV Via Campesina Austria

-  Collectif Stratégies alimentaires (Belgium)