Family Studies and Human Development
2014-2015 & 2015-2016 Catalog Checklist
ENGL 101 & ENGL 102 __ & __
ENGL 107 108 or __ & __
ENGL 109 __
MATH 109C/112: College Algebra__
TIER ONE GENERAL EDUCATION (select two courses):
PSY 150A11__
TIER TWO(select one course from each)
Arts __
Humanities __
Natural Sciences __
Diversity (can be fulfilled with approved GE course)__
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: You must demonstrate 2nd
semester level proficiency in a foreign language. __
UA General Education Requirements
ENGL 101 __
ENGL 102 __
MATH 109C/112: College Algebra __
Biology & Human Behavior (Select ONE course)
ANTH 261, 265, 324, 364; FSHD 150B12, 200, 347, 415;
PSY 200, 302, 306,346, 347, 364 __
Social Sciences
PSY 150A1 or PSY 101: Intro to Psychology1 __
SOC 101: Intro to Sociology __
Statistics (Select ONE course)
FCSC 201, PSY 230, OR SOC 375 __
Research Methods (Select ONE course)
FCSC 202, PSY 290A, OR SOC 374 __
FSHD Lower Division Coursework
FSHD 197A: Introduction to FSHD __
FSHD 117: Lifespan Human Development __
FSHD 237: Close Relationships __
FSHD 257: Dynamics of Family Relations __
FSHD MAJOR COURSES: 27 unitsCompletion of all pre-major coursework with a minimum
GPA of 2.6 is required to take FSHD upper division courses
FSHD Core Coursework: 6 classes total
FSHD 323: Infancy/Child Development __
FSHD 377: Adolescence __
FSHD 384: Leadership/Ethics/Prof __
FSHD 413: Issues in Aging__
FSHD 447a: Sociocultural Context of Development
ORFSHD 447c: Biosocial Development__
FSHD 487: Advanced Family Relations __
FSHD Supplemental Coursework: 3 classes total
Complementary Advanced Topics
FSHD 401, 405, 408, 427A/C, 428, 450, 496 __
Applied Skills & Methods in FSHD
FSHD 491, 392/492, 493, 494, 399/499__
Upper Division FSHD Elective
Any additional Comp Topic or Applied Skills class__
Biological and Life Sciences (Select TWO courses)
MCB 181R, ECOL 182R, NSC 170C13, NSC 301,__ & __
NSC 310, TLS 360,PSIO 201, PSIO 202, PSO 380
WritingSkills (Select ONE course)
FCSC 301 OR ENGL 307 OR ENGL 308 __
FSHD THEMATIC OR OTHER MINOR: 18 units(9 upper division)
FSHD majors can choose any minor on campus or create a thematic minor in consultation with their advisor
1PSY 150A1 may be used in place of PSY 101 or vice versa. PSY 150 can be used in both general education and pre-major coursework
2 FSHD 150B1 may be used as a Tier I INDV OR a Bio & Human Behavior Pre-Major requirement, but cannot be used as both
3NSC 170C1 may be used in place of NSC 101 or vice versa. NSC 170 can be used as a Tier 1 NATS OR a Biology & Life Science FSHD Major requirement, but cannot be used as both
NOTE: A minimum of 120 units is required. 56 units must be university level; 42 of them must be upper division (300, 400 level).
Total Units ______/ 120
Upper Division Units ______/ 42
University Level ______/ 56
A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation.
NOTE: FSHV classes cannot be used in place of FSHD classes without advisor permission