Course Syllabus
Course: Speech
Text: The Basics of Speech (hardback)
Why are you calling me “LD”? (softback)
Instructor: Miss Johnson
Room 168
SHS: 525-3100 ext. 168
Availability: 8:00 a.m.- 8:25 most school days
After school by appointment
Daily Materials: pen/pencil, course book, Individual file folder, notebook
Course Overview: Speaking and listening are important skills that all students need to acquire. This class is designed to help students become more confident in their abilities to communicate. Students enrolled in Speech/Communications will learn the basics to communicate effectively about their disability with others. Students will be able to self-advocate to others in and out of a school setting.
Student Evaluation: Students will be evaluated daily based on attendance and participation. Five points will be given daily to students in their seats quietly completing the bell- ringer activity. Points will be deducted for inappropriate student behaviors (noisy, disruptive to peers or teacher, no participation, etc.)
Students will also be graded on classroom assignments as well as tests.
Grading: All assignments and tests are given a point value when they are assigned. Total points earned will be divided by the total amount of possible points at the end of each quarter, which will determine the letter grade. All points are weighted equally. Semester grades are figured by each quarter being valued at 40% of the final semester grade. The final exam is worth 20% of the semester grade. The grading scale is listed below.
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 0-59%
Homework Expectations: Homework will be completed in class daily. Students are expected to complete homework by it’s given due date. Students will be given a file folder containing daily notes, quizzes, and tests. These folders are required to stay in the classroom. The daily homework completed in class will be worth 20- 40 points. Students will be responsible for one speech per chapter and will be given a rubric with plenty of time to prepare before being require to give the speech.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given over the notes and vocabulary. Students will sometimes be allowed to use their notes on the quizzes, but will be notified prior to the quiz. Quiz points will range in value from 50-70 points.
Tests: will be given at the end of each section and will be worth 100 points
Absences: If a student is absent, they should check the assignment board located in the room. They will then check the corresponding make-up folders for any worksheet missed. These assignments and notes are worth points and will assist students on quizzes and tests. Students have one week to make up missed work including quizzes and tests.
Schedule: The following is a basic outline of the speech components that will be completed this semester. There is a schedule up in the classroom, which lists daily assignments for the week.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: The Basics of Communication
Ch. 1: The Communication Process
Ch. 2: Elements of Communication
Ch. 3: The Work of Speaking and Listening
Ch. 4: The Competent Communicator
Quarter 2
Unit 2: Communication with Self and Others
Ch. 5: Communication and Yourself
Ch. 6: Communication with Others
End Activity: Presentation of Pre/Post Communication Strengths and Weaknesses and how they have changed over the course of the semester
* Topics are subject to change based on student understanding and needs. Teacher will inform students of any changes early in the quarter.
I will do my best to help all of you become stronger students. I am going to respect you and expect you to do the same for me. I also expect that you will attend class regularly, complete daily activities, and be an active participant in the classroom. If you commit to doing these things, you will be successful in this class. I am available before school and after by appointment. Please do not hesitate to email me or talk to me during the indicated hours. Let’s work together as a class and give our best each day. By doing this, you will become stronger in your skills as a communicator and we will have a great year!