Zechariah 12:1-3: “The message of the Word of Yahuweh concerning Israel. Yahuweh, stretching out the heavens, laying the foundation of the earth, and forming the spirit of man within him, declares: `Behold, I will make Yerushalayim a cup of trembling to all the people all around, when they shall be in the siege both against Yehudah and against Yerushalayim. And in that day I will make Yerushalayim a burdensome stone for all people--all lifting it are severely injured. And all the nations of the earth shall be gathered against it.’ ”
Yahuweh goes on to tell what He will do to the enemies of Yehudah and Yerushalayim. It is wise to fear Yahuweh and stay in His favor!
Israel is facing a crisis-point. How they respond to it will determine the future of us all! How you respond to Israel at this time will determine your eternal destiny!
Today is December 5, 2013. What has happened in the last two months that has begun the fulfillment of this Scripture is beyond human imagination.While in Israel these last three months, I have seen some of it with my own eyes. The vice of the international power-elite is closing downfast on Israel. The nations of the earth are joining together against Israel, against His people, His Land, His Covenant, and His right as Creator to rule His own creation.The Vatican is openly railing on “the God of the Jews”as a God who promoted genocide in the Old Testament, saying that Israel is now practicing genocide to wipe out the Palestinians.
In this update, I give you a small window on what is actually happening on a massive scale worldwide. Get a large map of Israel! Put it on your wall; lay your hands over Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and pray in the Name of the Elohim of Israel – Yahuweh (YahUeh) for His set-apart remnant who are the arm of His strength in the earth!
Very soon, because of what must happen to purge His people of sin, and correct His nation, we will see massive death in Israel--but also massive miracles. At one point, Yahuweh rises in His wrath, and the world will know that Yahuweh is alive and well. Better yet, His people will know it! (Ezekiel 38:18-23; 39:6-7)
Anti-Israel Demonstrators Target JNF Event in Toronto
By Elad Benari -- First Publish: 12/2/2013 Artuz Sheva News
Hundreds of Palestinians, and pro-Arab, anti-Israel activists protested on Sunday night outside the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, where the Jewish National Fund (JNF) was holding its annual fundraising gala Negev dinner.
The protesters were carrying signs and banners protesting against what they called Israel and the JNF’s "apartheid policies." Some were also holding up signs in protest of the “blockade of Gaza.” … He goes on to say: “Similar protests have been seen in France, Belgium, South Africa, and other countries as well.”
The world’s hate against Israel is reaching an insane level! Here is the link to the YouTube video showing this demonstration:
Indeed protests against Israel are increasing all over the world, in the Arab world, yes, but also throughout the E.U. nations and in America. These are not all Arab groups protesting, but a growing number of Christians groups are also protesting and speaking out against Israel.
I learned previously that the Christian leaders of YWAM (Youth With A Mission) had become pro-Palestinian, turning quite bitter against Israel. But, in early November, a friend of mine in Israel talked to a few who were on a YWAM tour in Israel. Their itinerary was to go to the Bethlehem (a Palestinian/Catholic stronghold), to Palestinian villages in the “West Bank,” and to Nazareth, an Arab town. Even the tour guide was wondering why he had to take them to all Palestinian/Arab places. I find it amazing how many Europeans, Americans, UK people, etc. are on tours of Israel to show solidarity with the Palestinians. Their tour guides lie to them, even denying the right of Jews to live in East Jerusalem. I’ve heard them talk …
The united hate of the Roman Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Eastern Catholic, and other “high churches” against Israel is unbelievable – mindboggling and increasing.
British Churches Unite to Condemn Israel and Support Palestinians by Pastor Michael Fryer
“On Sunday the 25th of August the Greenbelt Christian Youth Summer Camp being held at Cheltenham Racecourse will host "Reverend" Lucy Winkett the Chair of the Amos Trust who will launch, on behalf of the trust, the Kairos Britain Network of Churches. This network, which is also being launched in other countries around the world, is targeting Israel as an oppressive unjust and racist nation who give no rights to the Palestinians. They condemn Israel and call out for Justice for Palestinians but they ignore the rights of Israel to defend herself and to live on land rightfully her own.
They call for what they describe as an end to oppression and injustice by Israel but refuse to address the oppression of Christians in Gaza or the removal of Human rights of women and young men or the summary executions in HAMAS governed areas.
They don’t condemn the firing of 29,000 rockets which have been fired at Israeli communities since 2000 or the suicide bombings which are now being prevented by the security fence. They don’t address the increasing teaching of hatred in Palestinian Arab schools. I could go on but I think I have made my point.
I know God wants us to help the Jewish people. In fact Yeshua encourages us to do so in Ezekiel 36 makes it very clear that God is gathering the Jews back to the land He promised them, not for their sake, the scripture points out, but for His Holy name.”
Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries, in her November/December 2013 Newsletter, wrote an article entitled: “Nearing Midnight: The End Game Has Begun.” She writes: “The insanity of our times cannot be grasped apart from a last days’ perspective. No matter how desperate the times get, the issues outlined in the Bible for the end-of-time will not be proclaimed from 90% of today’s pulpits.”
Sha’ul writes in II Timothy 3:1: “But know this, that in the last days raging insanity will come.” (The Greek word is “kalepos”) Then he lists a few “insanities.” Because of my years of “training” in seeing the ways of the dark kingdom, I find that the most raging insanity comes from within apparently good religious sectors of western society. Truly, also, most churches are not telling their people the truth about Israel, about Messiah’s return, or about the seriousness of the end-times that we are in. They keep coddling people with lukewarm messages to keep them content, and paying their tithe. Thus, most so-called “believers” have no idea of the close return of Messiah. Most are totally blind to reality! Yahuweh cannot reveal His heart to them, for they do not know Him!
Yesterday, as I was fixing my lunch, Abba impressed on me that He wanted to talk to me. So, I set everything down and went into my room and closed the door to hear what He had to say. He began revealing that His tolerance and mercy for continuing to allow Christian falsehood had come to an end. He has been drawing His set-apart ones out of that counterfeit system for many years, to learn the Torah (teachings/instructions) of His coming Kingdom. Now, His tolerance is about over! Regarding the House of Israel/Ephraim--Jeremiah 16:19: “…in the day of distress, the nations shall come to you from the ends of the earth and say, `Surely our fathers have inherited lies (falsehood), and futility, and there is no value in them.’ ” Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13: “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of Yahuweh shall be delivered.” His name was used with the original spreading of the Good News of Messiah! (John 17:6, 12) Jeremiah 16:21: “This time I will cause them to know My hand and My might. And they shall know that My Name is Yahuweh.”
It is in Yahuweh and Messiah Yahushua that there is deliverance, salvation, redemption, and eternal life. His great mercy has allowed, because of ignorance, the Greco/Roman religion-composite of paganism to proclaim a watered-down “gospel” for nearly 2,000 years. Most of us were saved because of this incredible mercy! But, even the best of Christianity is now fast-returning to its roots in Nimrod, so He is now working personally with a small remnant that have given themselves to Him unreservedly.
His Spirit is indeed lifting off the earth, as I wrote about recently, except in those who are aligned with Him with all their heart. He is focusing on interacting with a small remnant who will not be boxed in by the lies and deceptions of man, but who will come forward all the way to align to His nature, ways, and thinking--those who will fear Him and obey Him without compromising His Word, those who allow His Spirit to transform them into “a new creation,” in the likeness of Elohim.
All the while, there is a worldwide outcry rising--that Israel is illegally possessing Palestinian land and should get off of it. The outcry is that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people, that they are Nazi-like, cruel murderers of innocent men, women, and children of Muslims. They are being accused of creating an apartheid state. Everything Israel does to try to defend its own people is labeled as some atrocity against the Palestinian Muslim Arabs, by the international community, the Vatican, and the Palestinian leadership.
Living in Israel as much as I do, hearing the blatant lies out of international political leaders, the U.N., the Vatican, E.U. spokesmen, and Arab leaders in Israel and outside Israel, is very hard for me. The world is uniting with one ugly cry against Israel.
Few people know how serious this is, or how horrible the lies are, but then, few care.
Giulio Meotti, an Italian journalist who writes articles each week for (Arutz Sheva), the Orthodox conservative news in Israel who tells the truth, has written a new book called: The Vatican Against Israel: J’Accuse. His previous book is entitled A New Shoah, reporting on terrorist attacks and their victims in Israel. Everyone who prays for Israel and desires to understand what is really happening in Israel in real-time shouldat least readThe Vatican Against the Jews. It is not a long book. But, every page is filled with one quote after another of what is being said by the Roman Catholic Vatican, other Catholic leaders of varying national origins in Israel,Roman Catholic priests in Israel, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch, the U.N., European leaders, leaders of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Syria, and by U.S.-Obama and Kerry, against Israel, and how they are united in stirring up international hate against Israel.
In an interview with Mr. Meotti, to answer the question as to why the Vatican did not even recognize Israel until 1993, he said: “The diplomatic relations between Israel and the Vatican created the illusion of normalcy. Despite the formal agreement, the Vatican is still ‘at war’ with the State of Israel when it deals with military self-defense, global anti-Semitism, Jewish attachment to the land, Islamic rejectionism, support for Arab irredentism, a retrograde Catholic anti-Zionist theology, and a strategic terrorist campaign against Israelicivilians.”
You must remember that the history of the Vatican is stained with innocent blood! It is historical fact that the Vatican has been behind the slaughtering of more Jews and non-Catholic Christians all over the world than have died in all the world and regional wars of modern history. Satanic worship, even human sacrifice, is carried on in its underground rooms, as reported by Fr. Malachi Martin.It has proven to be a murderous institution, with the hate of Satan against the people of Yahuweh.
The ancestry of Esau is traced into Roman aristocracy and political rule, whose hated still burns against the children of Ya’cob. Also remember that their justification for such widespread sadistic torture and murder of His people is that the “Jews” killed “Christ,” – the crime of “deicide.” Yet, as the pope who dubbed Henry VIII the defender of the faith once said: “It has served us well, this myth of Christ.” (From Holy Blood, Holy GrailbyMichael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln)
The hierarchy of the Vatican has always known that their religion is a façade for their goal of world power and rule.Constantine created the Roman Catholic religion as a means of unifying his empire. All had to belong to it, or be killed. The pagans loved it. The only ones Rome tried to kill off were those that preached faith in Yahuweh and Messiah Yahushua and who guarded the Torah! The spirit of Constantine still rules it. Historians have said: The Roman Empire never really died, it just hid in the power of the popes. Thus, today, the great goal of the Vatican is world rule. They are the extension of the ancient Roman Empire, the 4th Beast of Daniel 7. Their sword is Islam--the religion they created to secure what Satan wants--rule of East Jerusalem.
Christianity was created by consolidating the gods Egypt, Greece, and Persia – and all the gods of the Roman Pantheon into one “God” in three persons…blessed Nimrod’s trinity. The savior-godwasnamed “Iesous”--identified with the Greek savior sun-god, Zeus. Islam was created by consolidating all the gods of Arabia into one – the moon god, Allah. (Isaiah 14:9-17) It has worked; it is working! Rome once ruled the Levant – they want it back. It was Roman Emperor Hadrian who dubbed Judea and Samaria “Palestine,” mocking the Jews by naming their land after their enemies, the Philistines. Then Hadrian ploughed Jerusalem with salt, so that its land would be ruined.
Temple Mount Closes After Jewish Visitors Sing Hanukkah Songs
By Tova Dvorin -- 12/1/2013
Jewish visitors on the Temple Mount - Flash 90
“Israeli police closed the Temple Mount Sunday after Jewish visitors to the Mount - which is Judaism's holiest site and the exact spot of the events of the Hanukkah holiday - broke out into Hanukkah songs, enraging Muslim worshippers.
Police have decided to close the Mount to all visitors until further notice.
The Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site, where the two holy Temples of Israel stood prior to their destruction, and where some Jewish traditions teachthat thecreationof the world began. The site is also the location of the Hanukkah miracle, where the Maccabeus rededicated the Second Temple after 3 years of defilement by Greeks and Greek sympathizers.”
“The Mount has also been frequently closed to Jewish visitors and is often the site of blatant anti-Jewish discrimination. Jews are prevented from praying or performing any other religious ritual, while Muslim and Christian visitors pray freely.”
My note: However, visitors must not take any religious materials with them, i.e. Bibles, prayer books, or Psalms. The Arabs watch to see if anyone is moving their lips in prayer. I’ve had children throw rocks at me on the Temple Mount without cause. Even tiny rocks sting and cut. It is not uncommon for Muslims to throw rocks down from the Temple Mount onto those standing below at the Kotel (Western Wall) who are praying.
Arab violence is increasing!
Jerusalem Mayor Acknowledges Upswing in Arab Violence
By Tova Dvorin - First Publish: 12/1/2013
Nir Barkat, October 2013 (file) Flash90
“Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat acknowledged Sunday reports of a major upswing in Arab-on-Israeli terror in the past several months - including an endless barrage of rock-throwing attacks.Emphasizing that "a rock is a weapon," the mayor also specifically referred to the rock attackSaturday on a family vehicle in southern Jerusalem, where 2 year-old Avigail Ben-Tzion was badly injured.
Avigail is reportedly on the mend, but the wound is still fresh for the wider community, who is reeling from what seems like an endless chain of terror which has erupted in the past several months.”
[Note: Praise Abba! Avigail was released from the hospital today, 12/3/13]
Areas of East Jerusalem are experiencing increased terrorist violence.
By Maayana Miskin -- 11/7/2013
Arab rioters in Jerusalem Flash 90
“New IDF regulations for soldiers serving near Har Hatzofim (Mount Scopus) in Jerusalem show that the military deems the area highly unsafe, according to a Channel 10 news report. The report revealed that the IDF base in the area now locks its gate at 6 p.m. From that point on, soldiers are allowed to leave the base only in secure convoys. During the day, soldiers are not allowed to leave on foot at all.”