Intake Date:

/ St. John’s Order of Christian Initiation for Teens
Registration 2016 – 2017 /

Family ID Number:

Student Information

City, ST ZIP Code
Cell Phone / E-Mail Address
Date of Birth / Gender / □Male / □Female
School Attending / Grade
Sacrament &
Date / □ / □Baptism / □First Communion / □Confirmation

Parent/Guardian Information

Address(if different)
City, ST ZIP Code / Cell Phone
E-Mail Address / Date of Birth
Relationship (to Student) / Gender / □Male / □Female
Marital Status / □Catholic Marriage / □Civil Marriage / □Residing Together
□Divorced / □Single / □Separated
Religion / □ / □Catholic / □Non-Catholic / □Other

Parent/Guardian Information

Address(if different)
City, ST ZIP Code / Cell Phone
E-Mail Address / Date of Birth
Relationship (to Student) / Gender / □Male / □Female
Marital Status / □Catholic Marriage / □Civil Marriage / □Residing Together
□Divorced / □Single / □Separated
Religion / □ / □Catholic / □Non-Catholic / □Other

Registration Fees (Office Use Only!)

$8500 per Student / +
$1000 Late Reg. (after 10/1/16) / +
$000 __ Admin. Fees / +
$000 __ Previous Year(s) Balance / +
*Note that the total does not reflect additional expenses such as retreats and non-related class items. / *Total Due
Class Requested (Office Use Only) / □ / Wednesday Session
5:00 pm in the Hall / □ / Other:
O.C.I.T. Additional Requirements
2016 – 2017

The Confirmation Program consists of three branches, piety, study and action as stated in the O.C.I.T. Additional Requirements for Confirmation. A copy will be given to participant so they may follow the guidelines.

Piety (Love)

Prayer Experiences are required.Families and sponsors are strongly encouraged to participate with the Candidate.They must complete 5 credits. All prayer experiences must be approved by the Youth Minister with the prayer form. Options in Student Copy.
Weekly Sunday Mass attendance and Holy Days of Obligation Masses are required during the program. Please be well informed of procedures for Mass credit. No exceptions or excuses. Our soul needs to be nourished with the Eucharist.
All Candidates must attend 2 Retreats with their peers. Options will be given throughout the year.

Study (Know)

Class Attendance and Class Participation are a must. Students must not exceed 5 absences as stated in the Contract for any reason. Sports and extracurricular activities are no excuse for missing class. This is only a 9 month commitment.
All Confirmation Candidates are required to complete 2 interviews with the coordinator and/or Core members of O.C.I.T.
Tardies will be marked if student comeslate, unprepared or leaves the class fifteen minutes early. 3 tardies equals an absence. Absences will occur 20 minutes into the class if student is not there.
A letter to the Bishop must be written to request the Sacrament of Confirmation. We are formally requesting the Sacrament of Confirmation and stating that we are mature enough and are willing to continue our quest for knowledge of our Catholic Faith.

Action (Serve)

All Candidates must attend 2 Spirit Action Projects.A parent or sponsor must be present with the Candidate while doing these projects. In addition students will be asked to complete 3 credits of additional service. Options will be given throughout the year.

Agreement and Signature

I have read and received the Contractual Agreement and will take full responsibility for making sure that my son/daughter attends Mass weekly and Catechism classes regularly. I have received a calendar and my child’s class assignment. I have read and understood the Requirements needed in preparing for the Sacrament(s).

I agree to sign my child out of class as directed, in order to receive any announcements. Should I fail to meet these and any of the Contractual Agreement terms, as well as the additional O.C.I.T. requirements, my child’s classes will be postponed and fees will still need to be paid in full if still owed.

I have also received copies of the Code of Conduct and Guidelines. I thereby give consent to St. John the Evangelist in providing the education and the promotion of a safe environment for my child.

I also give my consent to release my child’s work or picture on church publications in order to promote the program in the larger community until it is revoked by a written notification.

I agree to pay all fees as noted to ensure my child’s class placement and am aware that any unpaid fees will result in the retention of all official documents until paid in full. I am aware that late charges may apply. There are no refunds.

Parent Name (printed)
Parent Signature / Date

(Student will sign later in class)

StudentName (printed)
Student Signature / Date
