AND THE SURVEY SAYS . . . Bible Family Feud Questions

I need your HELP!! Please answer the following questions, some of which will be used during our 5TH Annual “Made for Missions” Fundraiser entertainment section called, “Bible Family Feud“. We will play this like the popular show with randomly drawn contestants. Please respond to the answers below (don’t look anything up!) and return your answers to Barb Justin’s mailbox or email. Thanks for helping out!!!

  1. What is a word that describes God? ______
  2. Name something that God created. ______
  3. Why were humans created by God? ______
  4. What is one way to worship God? ______
  5. Why would someone worship God? ______
  6. Name something that God hates. ______
  7. Name an adjective/descriptor for Satan. ______
  8. Name a sin. ______
  9. Name one of the Old Testament Prophets. ______
  10. What is a proverb? ______
  11. How many people contributed to the content of the bible? ______
  12. Name a continent where part of the bible was written? ______
  13. Name one of the gospels. ______
  14. Name an Old Testament figure/character. ______
  15. Name one of the letters in the New Testament. ______
  16. What is the main reason that the Bible exists? ______
  17. What is a Psalm? ______
  18. How many books are in the Bible? ______
  19. What is the main purpose of the gospels? ______
  20. Name something that Jesus told his followers to do. ______
  21. How would someone know that you are a follower of Christ?______
  22. What is a word that describes Jesus? ______
  23. What is a word that describes the Holy Spirit? ______
  24. Name one of Jesus’ disciples. ______
  25. What was one of the miracles that Jesus performed? ______
  26. What is salvation? ______
  27. What can a person do to grow closer to Christ? ______
  28. Describe something that will happen on the last day.______
  29. Whatis the purpose of the church? ______
  30. Name a spiritual gift. ______
  31. Name one of the fruits of the Spirit. ______
  32. Name one type of prayer. ______
  33. What is one way to serve Christ? ______
  34. What is one way that a person can serve at church? ______
  35. Why would someone want to serve in the church’s ministries? ______
  36. What is one way that we can serve others in the name of Christ? ______
  37. Describe something that happened to Christ on the three days following his arrest. ______
  38. Name someone whom Jesus healed. ______
  39. Name something that Jesus preached about. ______
  40. Describe one detail of Christ’s birth story in Bethlehem.______
  41. Name something that some Christians have a doubt about. ______
  42. What is a reason why followers of Christ do not share their faithwith others? ______
  43. What is the hardest thing about being a Christian? ______
  44. Why should we give our money to the church? ______
  45. What is the book of Revelation about? ______
  46. What is one of the things that Jesus said while hanging on the cross? ______
  47. What is a sacrament? ______
  48. Name a town mentioned in the Bible during Jesus’ time. ______
  49. What does an angel do? ______
  50. What is a word that describes “grace”? ______
  51. What is worship? ______
  52. Why should we confess our sins? ______
  53. What is a parable? ______
  54. Name one of the parables taught by Christ. ______
  55. What is an important reason to attend church and/or Bible Study on Sunday morning? ______

Thank you for your help in compiling answers for our Bible Family Feud game that will be played at the 5th Annual “Made for Missions” Feast & Feud Fundraiser on 9/24/17. Please plan on attending.

Return your answers to Barb Justin’s mailbox or email at . THANKS!!!