Family and Community Supports Workshop

This workshop is based on four 1- minute scenarios.

The Family and Community Supports Workshop presents a series of scenarios that a teacher and/or administrator might experience on any given day. Participants develop skills and tools to help support the stakeholders in childrens’ mathematical development.

Individually: (2 minute)

Introduce the activity: This parent has just spoken one of many myths that are very commonly held by stakeholders today. Individually, make a list of other myths about learning math that a parent might express to a teacher/administrator.

In Pairs: (5 minutes)

Participant #1 role plays the parent, stating a mathematical myth from the list. Participant #2 role plays the administrator, explaining the misconception in the stated myth, and describing how education has changed because research has informed educators of a better way.

Participants switch roles and continue in turns.

Whole Group: Debrief : (6 minutes)

Why has math instruction changed? Some of the myths that directed mathematics instruction in the past have been replaced with research on how children learn mathematics. This research has indicated that the teaching of mathematics must change from some of the “traditional” methods that we experienced as students when we went to school.

Examine some of the myths about math education. Show highlights of the electronic presentation: “Why Has Math Instruction Changed?”

At your Board, which stakeholder groups would benefit from seeing this electronic presentation?

In Table Groups: (5 minutes)

Brainstorm a list of suggestions for helping the parent to support the child do mathematics.

Whole Group: Debrief : (5 minutes)

Provide some further suggestions:

Show parts of the electronic presentation: “Yes I Can Help My Child – I Really Can!”

At your Board, which stakeholder groups would benefit from seeing this electronic presentation?

In Pairs: (5 minutes)

Develop a convincing argument and a plan of action to change the minds of the Parent Council members. Be prepared to present your partner’s best argument to the group.

Whole Group: Debrief : (10 minutes)

Ask a few participants to present “best arguments” to the whole room.

Show parts of the electronic presentation: “Manipulatives and Technology.”

How might you use this presentation alone or in combination with the other electronic presentations shown today? Who might benefit from seeing this?

In Table Groups: (10 minutes)

Make a list of helpful resources that you would develop or find to address some of the parent questions and concerns that are often raised at these events.

Participants use the materials in Notable Strategies, Tab , Family and Communityto complete this task.

Whole Group: Debrief : (5 minutes)

In what other ways can you use these print materials? (monthly articles in school newsletter, etc.)

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