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/ The Messenger
September 2, 2011 GK Rollin Boyd / St. Maximilian Kolbe Knights of Columbus #10720 Volume 19, Number 12
2011-2012 Officers
Grand Knight Rollin Boyd
Deputy GK Randy Kominczak
Financial Secretary Joel Docog
Treasurer Ken Bartula
Chaplain MSGRKleas
Chancellor Mark Hoffart
AdvocateRay Williams
RecorderNick Boyd
Lecturer Steve Tomas
WardenTerry Clifton
Inside Guard Mark Abruzzese
Outside GuardPaul Mattern
Trustee 3RD YrTom
Trustee 2nd Yr Jeff Kopecky
Trustee 1st YrRichard Leoni
Important Dates
9/1 Business Meeting
9/9-11 4th Degree Exemplification Movie Nite8/18 Social Meeting
9/13 Chapter Meeting
9/15 Social Meeting
9/25 Blood Drive
10/1 Fall Festival
10/8 20yr Anniversary Dinner
Happy Birthday
Sep, 08 Kenneth Wall
Sep, 09 Joel Docog
Sep, 13 Steve Rosilier
Sep, 16 David Gereau
Sep, 20 Gerald Busdosh
Sep, 20 Gene Dorsi
Good of the Order:
50/50 Deacon Bob
AttendanceMark Hoffart
Knights of Columbus Supreme Site
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Fall Festival

October 1st is the St Max Fall Festival and we will cook the meal again. We will need help throughout the day so please let Don know what time you can help so everyone doesn’t come to help at the same time. His email is

20th Anniversary Dinner

Our 20th anniversary dinner will be held at Rancho Real on Hwy 249 where we had our adult s Christmas Dinner.

Meeting Notes and Dates
October 8 is our 20yr Anniversary Dinner at Rancho Real. This is where we held the Christmas Party.
October 22 is our 9th Annual Golf Tournament at Longwood. It will be a shotgun start at 1pm. The cost is $80. For more information please contact Richard Leoni at
The fall Exemplification will be held at Holy
Rosary, Downtown the weekend of September 9 -11
We received thanks for helping with the parish picnic and other events we have helped in recently for the parish
The Golf Tournament Committee is still looking for teams and hole sponsors
We ordered our memorial brick
Dan Moss brought information on the upcoming retreat. Msgr and Deacon Bob are hoping that some brother knights will sign up
Chaplin’s Report
Msgr suggests that we should all do a retreat, it will make us better husbands and fathers
He also touched upon the Church and that is infallible and has to be infallible. Peter and Rock are the same.
The Holy Spirit guides the Church.
This is the September prayer of the month from the Catholic Prayer Book
SEPTEMBER - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Mary, most holy Virgin, and Queen of Martyrs, accept the sincere homage of my childlike love. Welcome my poor soul into your heart pierced by so many sorrows. Receive it as the companion of your sorrows at the foot of the cross, on which Jesus died for the redemption of the world.
Sorrowful Virgin, in union with you I will gladly suffer all the trials, misunderstandings, and pains which our Lord lets me endure. I offer them all to you in memory of your sorrows, so that every thought of my mind and every beat of my heart may be an act of compassion and love for you.
Loving Mother, have pity on me and reconcile me to your divine Son. Keep me in his grace and assist me in my last agony, so that I may be able to meet you in heaven and sing your glories.
Mary most sorrowful, Mother of Christians, pray for us. Mother of love, of sorrow, and of mercy, pray for us.