Fall 2017 Intermediate Learning Communities
Washington, DC Internship — GOV 395 & GOV 396
This learning community exposes students to the workings of the governmental and political processes in Washington, DC. Through internship assignments, classroom instruction, and directed readings and research, students will develop a greater appreciation of the policy-making process. The courses are offered in Washington, DC (each course is a 2-unit course), and registration is by permission of the instructor.
GOV 395-IL Washington Internship — Kraus
GOV 396-IL Dynamics of American Government — Kraus
Two-Unit ILC for Nursing Majors: Nutritional Strategies: Bacteria to Humans — MI 200 & NR 224
This learning community, intended for Nursing majors, looks at the cellular nutrition of eukaryotes (humans) vs. the nutrition of prokaryotes (bacteria). It also covers the similarities and differences in the structure, function and role of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and trace elements in humans and bacteria. Finally, it looks at the immunological aspects of nutrition across the human life span compared to the immunological aspects in disease prevention.
MI 200 Microbiology — Bobbitt — Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00–2:30 pm
MI 200L Microbiology Lab— Select any section of MI 200L
NR 224 Nutrition & Health — Aurelus — Fridays 8:00–11:00 am
Two-Unit ILC: Public Speaking for Business — FI 201 & SPC 103
In addition to addressing the apprehension of public speaking, this ILC is an ideal addition for the business student. Utilizing principles of finance concepts, participants will learn how to effectively present financial information about their company to various stakeholders groups. Students learn skills that allow them to speak informatively, persuasively, and in groups. Through these techniques, students cultivate personal style that results in more powerful presentations, which is a skill that is important to one’s academic and professional advancement.
FI 201 Principles of Finance — Tully — Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00–2:30 pm
This course has prerequisites. Please check the Bulletin for details.
SPC 103 Public Speaking — Fenley — Mondays & Wednesdays 1:00–2:30 pm
Two-Unit ILC: Exploring the Cosmos and Our Place Within It — AS 105 & PH 205
This ILC examines the major positions, discoveries, and issues in astronomy and their impact upon philosophy and culture. Such questions as—What can we know about the universe and ourselves? Is it possible to know the way the universe exists and the way our minds exist? Does the universe have a purpose? Is there a place for consciousness, and for God, within a scientific view of the universe?—are pursued with reference both to classical and modern thinkers in science and philosophy.
AS 105 Astronomy: The Solar System — Raths — Mondays & Wednesdays 1:00–2:30
PH 205 Philosophy of Mind —Danisi — Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:20–12:50
Students may elect to enroll in either of the sections of the optional lab for Astronomy, AS 105L.
Two-Unit ILC: Illustrating the Scientific and the Fantastic: Illustrations Inspired by the Science of Sleep and the Content of Dreams — AR 234 & PS 251
Students will explore the science of sleep and dreams and practice the art of illustration. Students will give an oral presentation of their work at the end of the semester, and discuss how they have integrated themes from Sleep and Dreams into their illustrations.
AR 234 Illustration: Exploring Your Artistic Voice — Geronimo — Wednesdays 6:00–9:00 pm
- Prerequisite: AR 105
PS 251 Sleep and Dreams — Jenkins — Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:40–11:10 am
- Prerequisite: PS 101
Two-Unit ILC: Exploring the Behavior between Equilibrium States — PY 311 & MA 232
Thermodynamics is the branch of science that deals with the behavior of matter and its relationship to energy. It deals with systems that move from one equilibrium state to the next in a path independent manner. Linear algebra is the area of mathematics that deals with the study of vectors, vector spaces, and linear equations. In this intermediate learning community students will discover how linear systems and their transformational properties can be used to conduct a comprehensive thermal analysis.
PY 311 Thermodynamics — Falabella — Mondays and Wednesdays 1:00–2:30 pm
MA 232 Linear Algebra — Shahvar — Mondays and Wednesdays 2:40–4:10 pm
Both courses have prerequisites. Please check the Bulletin for details.
One-Unit, Team-Taught ILC for Transfer Students (Only Transfer Students May Enroll in This ILC Until the Drop/Add Period): Children: Psychology, Film and Literature — MDS 111 or PS 111
This is one of the few college courses for which all students have a point of reference. You were all children once. This ILC will focus on the physical, emotional and cognitive development of children during the first decade of life. In addition, we will explore elements of childhood psychopathology, like depression and suicide and significant social issues, including childhood cancer and conceptions of death and bereavement in childhood. The logistical and theoretical information will be reinforced through depictions of this period of development in both film and literature. This will bring the material to life and make it more relevant to the lives of the children students will have contact with during the experiential component of the course.
PS 111-IL Child Psychology — Taverner — Wednesdays 2:40–5:40
MDS 111-IL — Children in Film & Literature — Kiss — Wednesdays 2:40–5:40
NOTE: Students who are not transfer students may enroll in the course if there is space during the Drop/Add period. They do not have to complete the experiential component in the Early Childhood Center. Students must elect to register for the course in Psychology or MDS. Choose carefully, as this course will only count toward the discipline for which you enroll. Completion of this single course satisfies the ILC requirement.
Students who have not taken the prerequisite PS 101 may request permission of the instructor (Dr. Kiss for MDS 111 or Dr. Taverner for PS 111) to enroll.
Students who have previously taken PS 111 may not register for this ILC. Students who take this ILC may not take PS 111 in a future semester.