Fall 2013, DLC Scholarship Application

Dear Applicant:

The members of the Dallas Links Club (“DLC”)feel fortunate to have had mentors who werewilling and able to make a meaningful difference in our lives through advice, encouragement, and, in some cases, financial support. Even with our determination and hard work, we are confident that our lives would be very different if those individuals had not been there for us.

In order to give back to the communities that have made such an impact on our lives, and as a way to honor our own mentors, DLC established a college scholarship fund in 2011 focused on helping deserving young women and men who embody the following traits:

  • 100% commitment to earning a college degree
  • Admirable academic record, often in the face of somewhat difficult circumstances
  • Proven record of community service
  • True financial need

The members of theDLC know that an education is often the most important step someone can take towards ensuring their future success. Our scholarship recognizes promising young adults who not only have the potential to succeed academically, but who will also encourage and support future generations of learners. In order to qualify, graduates of Uplift Education must:

  1. Be an extremely active participant in the HERO Mentor Program
  2. Example: Participate in at least 2 HERO program events, attend monthly meetings with Mentors, and maintain consistent communication with your Mentor
  3. Maintain a minimum 2.0cumulative GPA
  4. Complete this application
  5. Submit a letter of recommendation from his or her own Mentor

Thank you for your considerationin applying for this scholarship. Should you have an interest,please complete the attached application and return to your alumni counselorno later than January 31, 2014.

We look forward to hearing from you and reviewing your submissions.


The Members of Dallas Links Club

General information:

  • Name:______
  • Date of Birth:______
  • High School:______

Contact Information:

  • Phone Number:______
  • Email Address:______

Academic Performance:

Weighted GPA:______

Unweighted GPA: ______

SAT Scores (if taken):

Total: ____



Writing: ____

ACT Total Score (if taken):______

Community Involvement:

Community Service Involvement – Please describe your involvement in community service activities in which you played a leadership role or dedicated more than 10 + hours to the same organization


Extracurricular Activities (list activity name and years of involvement):

Activity Name / Role / Years of Involvement / Description

Honors and Awards- Please name and insert brief description of any awarded:


Colleges to which you have been accepted and colleges to which you have applied but from which you have yet to hear:


Employment during High School (if any):

Employer / Dates / Average Hrs Per Week

Essay Questions:

DLC, as an organization, is focused on leadership by example and community service. To help us learn more about the kind of person you are and want to become, finish these statements and elaborate on your answer. Please limit your response for each statement to 250 words. Feel free to type these responses and attach to your application.

  • “Someone I respect and admire for their leadership and positive influence in my life or the lives of others is…”
  • “After obtaining a college degree, I plan to give back to the community by…”