Fall 2012 CS2503 Course Syllabus

Scientific Programming

Instructor: James Childress


Office Hours:MW 2:00pm-3:00pm; TT 10:00am-11:30am.

Math and Computer Science Department

Office: Rayzor Hall 2090

Section DayTimeLectureLAB

1 TT8:00am-9:15am KEP-U5RH-2045

Course Home Page


Concurrent enrollment in Math 2024.


Title: Matlab An Introduction With Applications.

Author: Amos Gilat

Publisher: Wiley.

ISBN: 0470108770

Course Description

A disciplined introductory approach to problem-solving methods and algorithm development using the procedural programming technique. Course includes lecture and weekly laboratory assignments. Students learn to write, debug, test, and document code with the Matlab programming application. The course also covers current computer technology and numerical analysis concepts.

Course Objectives

  • Students will learn the structured computer programmingtechnique using programming control structures.
  • Students will enhance their logic, reasoning, and critical thinking skills.
  • Students will learn to comprehend technical information.
  • Students will be prepared for the computer science section of the FE exam.

Teaching Methods

Lectures are used to explain various computer science and programming topics. In-class assignments and homework are used to emphasize specific concepts. Students will apply learned concepts in the weekly laboratory assignments. Exams and quizzes are used to measure student progress.

ADA Policy

Academic accommodations will be provided when appropriate documentation is presented. Contact the Center for Student Academic Support in Lorton Hall for details. The Center for Student Academic Support will inform the instructor as to what special accommodations must be provided.

Student Evaluation

Students will be evaluated by their performance on exams, labs, homework in-class exercises, and quizzes. Points for the course will be awarded as follows:

One quiz on the topic of base number conversions12

Two quizzes20

Homework and in-class assignments14

14 Labs (each lab is worth 6 points)84

Three 90 point mid-term exams270



The letter grade assigned to the point total n, is determined by this scale:

360n  400: A

320n < 360 : B

280n < 320: C

240n < 280 : D

n < 240: F

The instructor reserves the right to adjust grades to a curve for any exam, quiz, project, lab, or in-classassignment.You must show all work for credit on an exam, quiz, lab assignment, or any other assignment.Using an incorrect technique which by chance arrives at a correct solution will receive no credit.Under University policy, faculty may not arrange “extra work” or re-grade papers to help a student earn “extra points” to justify a grade change.In addition to being against University policy, such practices are against the standards of accreditation and certification bodies to which the University of Tulsa is accountable. Such requests made by a student will be reported to the Dean's office and recorded in the student's permanent record

Exams & Quizzes

Electronic devices are not allowed during an exam. Accessing any electronic device during an exam will result in no credit for the exam.

Students may use a standard calculator for the first quiz. A standard calculator cannot have network access. No other electronic device may be used for the first quiz. No electronic device is allowed for the remaining quizzes. Quizzes may be given unannounced.

Homework and In-Class Assignments

Homework will be assigned in class and posted on the web.Late assignments will receive a 50% penalty. There is no credit for an assignment if the assignment has already been graded and returned to the other students.

Programming Style

Students are expected to use good programming style in their program assignments. Student program assignments will be partially graded on programming style, documentation, and overall design. Exam and quiz assignments will not require the same level of programming style detail. Exams and quizzes will be graded on correct logic and correct syntax. Examples used by the instructor during lecture will exclude many details in order to use the limited time and board space effectively.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices are not allowed for exams or quizzes with the exception of the first quiz. Students may not borrow or lend an electronic device during the first quiz. Borrowing or lending an electronic device during the first quiz will result in no credit for the first quiz. Students may record lectures, but cannot share the recordings without the instructor’s approval.


90% of success is showing up. Absence is a detriment to your overall performance. In-class assignments and quizzes are given periodically and unannounced to encourage attendance.

Exam, Quiz, and Assignment Make-Up Policy

You may take an exam or quiz before the regularly scheduled time if a valid and excused absence is documented and approved by the Center for Student Academic Support. Valid and excused absences must be:

  • A University sponsored event or trip.
  • Extraordinary family or medical hardships. Hardships must have supporting documentation to receive special consideration.

All other requests for rescheduling an exam or quiz will be denied. Any make-up exams or quizzes will be scheduled at the convenience of the instructor. If you miss an in-class assignment, you must complete and return the assignment before the assignment is graded and returned to the other students.

Lab Attendance Policy

Lab attendance is required. You must attend the lab session to receive credit for the lab. You must receive prior approval from the lab instructor for doing a lab outside your regularly scheduled lab session. Lab sessions will have assigned seating. Labs are due at the end of the lab period. If you do not complete the lab, give your incomplete lab to the lab instructor; this is required to receive any credit for the assignment. The lab assistant may grant an extension. Extensions are available to students who attend the entire lab session or by prior arrangement. Individual lab instructors may elect to include their own additional policies with the approval of the course instructor. Students are expected to be prepared prior to the scheduled lab session. You must spend some time prior to the lab session planning your strategy for completing the assignment.

Student Competency Challenge

Students must be prepared to meet a competency challenge for any assignment, lab, quiz, or exam completed by the student. It is possible to receive no credit for an assignment, lab, quiz, or exam if the student cannot successfully pass the competency challenge. A challenge can be initiated by the course instructor or any representative chosen by the course instructor.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is claiming, indicating, or implying that the ideas, sentences, or words of another person are your own. Plagiarism includes having another writer do work claimed to be your own, copying the work of another and presenting it as your own, or following the work of another as a guide to ideas and expression that are then presented as your own. Any work plagiarized by a student will receive no credit (zero points). Plagiarism is considered academic misconduct.

Academic Dishonesty or Misconduct

Academic dishonesty or misconduct is neither condoned nor tolerated. Academic dishonesty is behavior in which a deliberately fraudulent misrepresentation is employed in an attempt to gain undeserved intellectual credit, either for oneself or for another. Academic violations could result in no credit for an assignment, quiz, or exam; a failing grade for the course, or dismissal from the University. Deliberate misuse of the computing facilities falls under the heading of Academic Dishonesty or Misconduct. Examples of computing resource misuse includes but is not limited to the following: downloading or accessing information that is not used for academic purposes, copyright infringements, downloading or accessing illegal materials, personal business transactions for profit, malicious computer attacks designed to disrupt general computer activities, etc.

Student Etiquette

Students are expected to be attentive during class and not disrupt the learning process. Everyone is encouraged to participate in class discussions as directed by the instructor. Students are also encouraged to ask the instructor questions about the course material.Here is a list of activities that can disrupt the learning process:

  • Forgetting to turn-off your electronic device during lecture, quiz, or exam time.
  • Habitual tardiness.
  • Leaving and re-entering the classroom during lecture, quiz or exam time.
  • Engaging in conversation not relevant to the classroom activities.

Exams will have assigned seating as directed by the course instructor.

Tentative Schedule of Activities

The instructor may change the assignment schedule at any time by verbal or written notification in class and posted on the course web site.

Important dates:

Quiz 1ThursdaySeptember 6

Exam 1ThursdaySeptember 20

Exam 2 ThursdayOctober 25

*Exam 3TBA

*The third exam will be kept on file for a period of one year and will not be available to students.

Confidential Information

Grades will be posted using Web Advisor at the end of the semester after all exams, labs, projects, and assignments are graded. Point totals may be periodically posted using WebCT. No confidential information will be sent through the e-mail or given over the phone. All requests for grades by e-mail or phone will be denied.


Matlab software is available with a student discount from Math Works:

Gnu Octave is a free application that is mostly compatible with Matlab:


  • Computer Technology
  • Measuring Computing Performance
  • Base-n number conversions
  • Matrix Arithmetic
  • Programming Concepts using Matlab
  • Modularization with Scripts and Functions
  • Branching
  • Iteration with Loops
  • Recursion
  • Basic Concepts of Numerical Analysis
  • Algorithm Complexity
  • Error Analysis
  • The Finite Difference Method