Questions on this survey? Feel free to call ICPJ at (734) 663-1870 or email .
Faith-Based Garden Survey & Inventory
Faith Food is a new initiative among Food Gatherers, Growing Hope, and Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice to increase the volume and efficiency of faith communities in growing food to donate to neighbors in need. We know that many faith communities already have food-producing gardens, and many more are interested. This quick survey will help us inventory what’s already growing and who wants to grow more!
Please turn in this survey to Growing Hope at PO Box 980129, Ypsilanti, MI 48198, by emailing it to , or faxing it to 734-484-4630. You can call Growing Hope at 734-786-8401.
PART I: Contact Information:
Name of person filling out this survey:
Name of your community of faith//congregation:
PART II: Existing Gardening Efforts:
If your faith community does not have a food-producing garden, please turn to the backside and complete the part III of the survey.
- Does your faith community have a food-producing garden?
- If yes, about how long has it been around?
- If not, did it ever?
- Please estimate the dimensions of the garden:
- How is the garden used? (Examples include as teaching space, for kids, growing for donation, for meditation)
- What happens with the harvests? Please check all that apply.
Donated to Food Gatherers
Donated to food pantry/meal program that our congregation runs
Taken home by congregants or other participants
Sold. Where? ______
- Who participates in the working in the garden? Approximately how often?
- Is your faith community interested in expanding or improving the food that is produced?
Future Gardening Efforts:
- If your faith community does not have a food-producing garden, are you interested in starting one? Why?
- How much space (ideally with 6+ hours of sunshine) does your faith community have that might be able to be converted into garden? Please estimate dimensions.
- What would you be interested in doing with the harvests? Please check all that apply.
Donated to Food Gatherers
Donated to food pantry/meal program that our congregation runs
Taken home by congregants or other participants
Sold. Where? ______
Growing Hope, Food Gatherers, or Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice
may be in touch to learn more about your garden or your garden interests!