Minutes of the meeting held on 27th October 2016

Present:Peter Bradbury (Chairman), Elaine Gamble, Tony Griggs,

Pat Wright, Andy Anderson,Debbie Shaw, Mike Guntrip,

Teresa Lee (Secretary)

Apologies:Eric Ellis, Estelle Rogers (Treasurer)

The minutes of the meeting held on the 29 September2016 were agreed and signed as a true record.

  1. Matters Arising

(i)Tony will establish the ownership of the two kettles in the kitchen and will remove them if the owners don’t have them PAT tested.

(ii)Teresa will write to the resident of 8 Neville Smith close regarding the broken fence between that property and the playing fields.

(iii)£50 has been deducted from the payment to Brian Mee contractors to reflect the refund paid to Bulls Head FC.

(iv)Russell Brewster has been informed that the minutes will now be placed on the Parish Council website. He has thanked the committee for their hard work.

(v)The cricket club has promised to pay their invoice.

(vi)Peter will arrange the maintenance of the croquet and football pitches.

(vii)Tony will place the fire appliance service certificate on the wall.

(viii)Happy Capture Photography has emailed to thank the committee for the hire of thePavilion at competitive rates.

(ix)The damaged external notice board is to be removed and a replacement obtained.

  1. Chairman’s Report

(i)The ground design is progressing. Peter has obtained four tenders and will prepare a detailed report of each. A decision is imminent and before the appointment, Peter and Mike will meet with the contractor to agree the formal contract and terms & conditions. It is hoped to make the appointment before Christmas with work starting in the New Year. The sub-committee will meet to discuss the detail.

Elaine proposed thanks to Peter which was unanimously agreed.

(ii)Mike has produced a new grounds maintenance contract.

(iii)Peter has spoken at length with the manager of Smiles Nursery who thought they could use the playing field facilities free of charge. He has informed them that fees are charged for organised groups to cover wear and tear on equipment and ground maintenance. Teresa will visit the nursery and establish how often the nursery intends to use the playing fields.

(iv)Skittles evenings are booked for Saturday, 7 January 2017 and 6 January 2018.

3. Treasurer’s Report

(i)The accounts were presented in Estelle’s absence and accepted.

(ii)Conkers are no longer using the Pavilion on a Fridayand Tony will discuss their invoice with Estelle to sort out the £9.50 underpayment. He will also establish if they will be hiring the Pavilion after Christmas.

(iii)The Parish Council grant is paid less the costs that they pay on behalf of SRGMC (e.g. grounds maintenance and dog bin emptying). This needs to be reflected in the accounts to clearly show income versus expenditure in the 12 month accounts that Peter submits for bids.

  1. Secretary’s Report

Teresa has updated the contact list and will circulate it to all committee members.

Any Other Business

(i)Tony will book the Autumn Race Night for SRGMC.

(ii)Pat raised the problem of dog fouling. After discussion, it was agreed that Teresa will preparenotices to display around the playing fields.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm

The date of the next meeting

Thursday, 24th November 2016