Fairfield Prep Sophomore Retreat- Discovery
Student Candidate Application 2018-19
Sophomore retreat is a voluntary opportunity for students to get away from the normal flow of their everyday life. It will be an opportunity to pray, and reflect together in a smaller group setting. It will be an opportunity for the students attending to continue their discovery of who they are becoming as individuals. It will also pick up on some of the same themes (brotherhood, unity, prayer) that were presented at the freshman retreat.
Space is limited to 25 participants for each retreat. Sign up early!
Name: ______
Address: ______
Telephone (cell):______
Email (other than Prep): ______
Place of Worship:______
Other retreat experience beyond the FP freshman retreat: ______
Which retreat are you interested in? January 23-25, 2019 or April 24-26, 2019 (circle one) Available for both: Yes or No (circle one)
Have you ever been on disciplinary or academic probation while at Prep? Yes No
Are you currently in good academic standing? Yes or No
Reflection: Why do you want to attend this retreat? What are you hoping to gain from this experience? (write neatly in space provided or type your reflection and attach)
Please sign this application as a sign of your commitment to fully participate in this retreat (including any pre and post meetings).
STUDENT: I agree to cooperate with ALL directives given by the retreat team and staff. I understand that failure to do so may result in my being dismissed from the retreat before completion. At that time my parents will be notified and will provide transportation home. I will make arrangements with my teachers, and carefully make up my missed schoolwork.
Candidate’s Signature ______Date ______
PARENT PERMISSION: I hereby give my son ______permission to participate in the sophomore retreat directed by the Fairfield Prep faculty and student team. I also give him permission to make use of transportation provided by Fairfield Prep to and from the retreat center. I understand my son’s obligations in being part of this spiritual process.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
The cost of the retreat is $250 which includes 2 nights, 3 days room and board (6 meals), retreat materials, and transportation to and from the retreat. Money is due when application is submitted but no later than two weeks prior to your scheduled retreat (ex. January 23 is the start of retreat then money is due no later than January 9; money is non-refundable after this date). Please make checks payable to “Fairfield Prep” or pay online. Please also fill out Medical Consent Form.
*No student will be excluded from retreat because of finances. Please speak to Mr. Gualtiere if cost is an issue.